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  1. R

    Has anyone made a 3 point ballast that doubles as a lawn roller?

    Not a stupid idea, at all. A couple considerations: A roller aught to be about the width of your 1880. Is that wider than you want for ballast? If liquid filled, do you need to use it in the Winter? My roller used to be a small boiler and works well. Not sure how long an oil drum will hold up...
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    It may have to be repaired by them but it certainly does not have to be serviced by them. I have their insurance and do all of my own scheduled maintenance using Kubota parts and saving my receipts. I know that I am in compliance with their terms and conditions. Run Forrest, run! Or, at the...
  3. R

    DIY Rural Fire Protection Discussion

    I live in dryland wheat country, google substation fire and you will see us. Your plan sounds solid other than a quick-response mobile unit. Most of us here have a gas powered unit in the back of a four wheel drive pick up during the dry months. You won't want to mess with a trailer on a fast...
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    Life Is Fleeting...

    That was an awesome collection of photos. Thanks for sharing the link.
  5. R

    Ratchet Rake vs Piranha bar on BX-1870

    I have a PTB on my BX1870. One thing I liked about it was the fact that it only had two bolts to mess with to put it on or take it off. Turns out that really does not matter. I had about 50 hours on the 1870 before I got my tooth bar. After installing it and using it for a variety of tasks, I...
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    Number of Tires.....

    Unless I missed something, I am sitting at 71 air filled tires. Have to admit, that's at least a dozen more than I would have guessed. Hats off to Wolfman, not a contest I would ever want to win, LOL. Tires have to be one of the LEAST fun things to purchase.
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    Help - Hydraulic Fluid Leaking from Rear Axle Hub

    If this were me, I would pull the opposite rear tire and make sure that seal is fully seated. If you feel better gooping your seals, that's fine. It should not be necessary if everything is to spec.
  8. R

    The only damage was to my pride....

    I won't comment on the 'incident'. It's obvious you have learned from the experience and giving thought to the previous comments. On the twisted/tweaked frame, I really don't believe you have any worries. The right jackstand is adjusted longer but the front is leaning towards the left. As...
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    Daily Chuckle

    Pushing it? Possibly. Funny? Absolutely! FWIW, the generation before my wife is full-blood Japanese. Not only would they laugh at that joke, they'd be looking for someone to tell it to.
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    New vs used: First tractor...Kubota BX 18XX

    Oh, to be 40 again! :p
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    New vs used: First tractor...Kubota BX 18XX

    I'm with the rest goldenrod24. Just what are these tremendous improvements on the 80 vs 70? Single point hydraulics that are more likely to leak and can't be used for anything else? Don't get me wrong, I think the BX 80's are awesome. That being said, as a BX1870-1 owner, I see nothing that...
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    Belly PTO problem

    Not too sure what to make of that, either. Guess there is no need to add him to the Christmas card list. :p
  13. R

    About to do 50HR service on BX....any tips?

    Mine was hard to spot and use the first time. It had a nice coat of dark grey paint sealing it and making it blend in. If you don't see it, grab a light. It will need a shot of grease from time to time.
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    Belly PTO problem

    No doubt. He is on a small keypad and 'c' is right next to 'x'. Anyone with normal size thumbs can relate.
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    Parking With FEL Up?

    Sounds like we are all on the same page, so far. If you have to do it, cylinder stops are a must. There are just way too many reasons not to do it.
  16. R

    Reputation System?

    My issue with this is that everyone would soon know how ignorant I am! Seriously, when someone posts a truly bad, or unsafe idea, those in the know quickly post a courteous reply correcting them. I am relatively new here but feel the site is mostly self-regulating with occasional help from one...
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    Kubota parts availability... Or I should say lack of

    We used to braze lines like that and it worked fine. Now, we just MIG weld them. Faster, easier, and.......... works just fine. I use copious amounts of starting fluid to clean the inside and outside of the line prior to welding to remove as much oil residue as possible.
  18. R

    FEL on a BX1870

    I, myself, would have a hard time spending money on a ballast box. My pick would be putting the money towards a box blade or such as it will act as ballast and add to your versatility. If you truly want a ballast box, there are many DIY options that can be done on the cheap.
  19. R

    FEL on a BX1870

    Really going to depend on the terrain, what you are doing and how much your wheel weights weigh. Some jobs it will be just fine and others will require more rear ballast. Take it easy, use low range and don't hesitate to put it into 4-wheel drive. You will soon get a feel for what is needed...
  20. R

    BX2680 Hydralic Leak on FEL connect

    One perk with the single hose couplers is that you can take the loader off and use those same circuits for other items.