Search results

  1. R

    Harbor Freight tools and stuff you like.

    Re: Harbor Freight tools and stuff you like or dislike... Don't know but, he must feel strongly about it.... he used an exclamation point!!!!
  2. R

    ISO B7400 farm tires

    Think of the tread pattern found on passenger vehicle snow tires. Lots and lots of edges for traction.
  3. R

    What is the proper way to adjust a rotary cutter

    I'm with D2Cat on this. One inch lower in the front than in the back. Your mid-mount mower is the same, just a smaller difference from front to back.
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    Game Processing

    We process our own venison but keep it simple. Backstrap, tenderloins and a few steaks. Everything else goes through the grinder twice and that is our jerky meat. No soaking or any other bother. Kind of like cheating by using ground meat for jerky but it allows us to use legs and everything else...
  5. R

    My civic duty?

    Are the ballots multi-lingual as well?
  6. R

    BX2360 - Mow with MMM Deck Fully Raised?

    My manual states that the 4" position is the highest allowed. That being said, there is little difference on my machine between the 4" position (highest selectable height) and fully raised. Besides, there is nothing in the manual that warns against fully raising the deck while engaged. As you...
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    My civic duty?

    Way to go! I didn't get a sticker but, my ballot has been cast, as well.
  8. R

    Led Light Bar Setup! Over $3,000 Retail Worth Of LED Lighting On My Kubota L2501

    Although it's waaaaaay more than I would ever spend on lighting, thanks for sharing. If you are happy from a cost/benefit standpoint, that's all that really matters. I have to admit that I do not understand the difference between 'economy' LED fixtures and 'premium' LED units. I have seen...
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    BX5450 - Drive line Wont Telescope

    Ding, ding, ding, ding, we have a winner!!!! :D
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    BX Bagger mounting...

    For sure, it is not a cheap bagger. I would have been tickled pink to find a good used one, at a used price. I think you are right on thinking $1,400 or less.
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    BX Bagger mounting...

    My BX1870 bagger does NOT use the three point arms. In fact, the three point lift arms are removed when the bagger is in place. It mounts to a set of brackets that remain on the BX at all times. The mounting style has changed back and forth through the years. I would not want to mount/remove on...
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    Dirt Road Maintenance

    Just a little food for thought if it truly is a County Road: Around here, if you contract with the county road department to maintain a given stretch of road, you qualify for government pricing on tractors and implements through Kubota, Case IH and John Deere. Only applies to NEW equipment...
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    Rake Attachment

    Great idea, and nice execution. I only wish my driveway were 'improved' enough to borrow the idea.
  14. R

    BX 1870 Want to add inline fuel shut off

    Re: BX 1870 Want 2 add inline fuel shut off Adding a valve will, in effect, create some slack.
  15. R

    Damn Dodge

    If you think discussing politics can get volatile in a hurry, try having a civil conversation about Powerstrokes vs. Cummins. I have my own opinion but will sit on it (for now). I will say that I have been loyal to one of the two since 1991. Partly because of the product, partly because of my...
  16. R

    Diving/Snorkel RX Mask?

    No experience buying one. However, keep in mind that the water itself results in objects appearing 25% closer and 25% bigger. That's a fair bit of 'correction' right there. Of course, that is gone as soon as you lift your face out of the water.
  17. R

    Personalized plates?

    I remember one on a Porsche from 38 years ago. It read: URNVS. Didn't know the owner but figured he was quite possibly a d!ck!!! :D
  18. R

    What do you do during the national anthem?

    Exactly that for me too, D2Cat.
  19. R

    Box Grader Pitch

    As mentioned, play with it. Forward angle for more aggressive (deeper) cutting to fill and work the ruts. Flat to slightly leaned back for a nice smooth finish. Going forward, of course. I level mine and then count complete turns of the top link (in or out) so I can get back to level easily...
  20. R

    Why don't tractors have suspensions?

    Boys, to borrow an old saying.... You can lead a horse to water, but you sure can't make him drink. The OP has his mind made up. How about we let this thread die a natural death?