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  1. R


    48" works great behind the 25D, no issues with 1" saplings.
  2. R

    Leaking BX Industrial Tires

    Good luck, hope it goes well. I looked and I also seem to have the cracking on my tires too. On my truck they called them ozone cracks and Michelin covered under warranty. I will need to check with the dealer too.
  3. R

    Storing implements

    Very nice, I need to get & learn to weld.
  4. R

    Landscape Rake + BX25

    I think the gauge wheels are worth it on a BX and 1/4" valving. Would guess less of a need with position control. It worked well to level the driveway in prep for the class 5.
  5. R

    thinking of buying a it the right move?

    Sounds like a good choice to me, I went with BX25D and it would also handle it. The new BX23S has a factory cab, don't think you can get the heat/air like the 2650. I have a steep hill so the BX and lower CG were a better choice, drove a 2650 and it was very nice. Good luck, you can't go...
  6. R

    Landscape Rake + BX25

    I just added the gauge wheels, that might make a difference. Now I have to plan, nice to have a QH if I need to drop it to turn around.
  7. R

    Landscape Rake + BX25

    I know the LP 6' can, I have done it with mine.
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    Kubota BX 23s

    Welcome to the Kubota Nation, you will love it I she the prior model & have been able to do things I never thought possible. Just take your time and think things through and try not to smile!
  9. R

    Landscape Rake + BX25

    i run a LR1672 from Landpride and it works well on the driveway, just added gauge wheels for my driveway project. I like being able to angle and windrow out the rocks to the side then pull the clean back to the center for the crown.
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    What tire choice for new BX2370?

    since it isn't my money I would suggest both, ask the dealer for the turf from wholesale parts by the salesman. I have the R4's and they are very durable, actually picked up the turf from the salesman for about $300 for the full set. I have yet to put the turf's on yet, but once the heavy work...
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    Why nobody talking about rachet rake

    I have both, the Pirahna is always on and can do most of what the RR will do but the RR won't match the usefulness of the PTB. If I were to pick one it would be the PTB, if you have the cash get both so when you have a large area to clear strap on the RR. The RR will work with the PTB on so I...
  12. R

    Grapple for B2650 w/LA534 QA - wicked 50" from EA or something else?

    I would vote for the EA grapple, have a Land Pride and would go EA if they would have been available when I bought. Next one will be.
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    Ai2 products

    Website says $795 plus shipping.
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    Ai2 products

    Here is a link to their website: Wished Tony was in making these when I bought my BX25, much nicer the OEM. I did pick up the front and rear tie downs, make life safer on the trailer.
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    Wood/Slash Chippers, PTO Drive, Recommendations or Experience

    I would go with a stand alone as well, found a DR on Craig's list for $1200 that does 4.75". I have only went to 4" and it worked pretty well. I was torn on the PTO, and glad I went stand alone as mentioned above. I use the tractor & grapple to bring the wood to the chipper. Good luck and...
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    BXPanded Backhoe Questions

    I am fairly sure you won't have any issues, I have the BXPanded thumb and there is enough adjustment to clamp down on pretty much anything.
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    Ai2 Products - Kubota BX Premium aftermarket products

    I have the front and backhoe tie downs and the rear receiver hitch, all very nice products. Some of the best manufacturing I have seen. Wish I would have went with his quick change front but wasn't available when I bought my BX25. Might change in the future.
  18. R

    Which diesel fuel treatment?

    I have used both over the years, found the Stanadyne works the best and actually improved fuel economy in my 03 Duramax. Power Service gray in summer and white bottle in winter if you go that route, can find almost any gas station.
  19. R

    Adding Ballast to BX25D

    Nicely done, Rimguard is the way to go. I used the snow blower last winter a few times with only the loaded tires and it worked well with R4's. I did pick up a weight rack from Omni Manufacturing called a transformer to add about 400 more lbs that also has a chain for skidding logs. All set for...
  20. R

    Bx Series - Inner tie rod replacement boots

    PM sent, you will do well with a great product and service to match.