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  1. R

    Buying first tractor - need advice on implements

    Welcome and enjoy the new tool! As Mike said the LandPride are good & a good value if financed @ 0%. If not going to finance try Craigslist and save on used.
  2. R

    Skid Plate for a BX25D

    It is fairly equal, but the BXpanded is easier on/off I thought. The Bro-Tek is a close second in my research but get one or make your own so you can be safe using it off the grass & roads.
  3. R

    Mower for BX25

    54" it is then, hear that the fine cut isn't worth the price. I don't have the nicest lawn at the lake so didn't need perfection. Also plan to pick up a set of Gator blades for the fall for mulching the leaves.
  4. R

    Where's a good place to buy a simple radio for a kubota tractor?

    I don't think headphones will work as on the radio has Bluetooth for input connections. There is most likely an adapter that would convert a speaker signal to a Bluetooth signal for headphones that work off of 12v power. Search on google for Bluetooth adapter and you will find many options...
  5. R

    Mower for BX25

    Have the 60",on my 25D. Would go that way if you need to get close to trees & have room in the landscaping.
  6. R

    BX Ballast Box for sale - FL pickup only

    I would take you up on it if shipping were an option. Let me know if you change that and would pay the $50 + shipping. Thinking Fastenal option as not in a rush.
  7. R

    Piranha Tooth bar videos?

    As everyone has stated, best money spent. Just watch the teeth as they take a bite out of your leg if you get too close.
  8. R

    Glad I bought a BX

    I am with you on the Kubota and BX, almost went with the Cabellas version from TYM. So worth the extra $$ up front. Wouldn't sell my BX, but if I did wouldn't lose much, now the TYM is worth maybe 50% after a year of use.
  9. R

    Finally got it...

    Nice setup and enjoy, would recommend the Piranha from BXPanded found it is close to the ratchet rake but always on. I seldom use the RR unless I have a big area to clean up.
  10. R

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Hated to have to do it, nut the Pirahna TB really helped with the clearing process. Someday will get a brush hog
  11. R

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Cleared along the property line to put up a fence to keep the ATV's from driving through the private land. Always has to be the one bad apple to tear up others property so others have to suffer.
  12. R

    Finally used my post hole digger to expand my shed

    Re: Finally used my post hold digger to expand my shed Nicely done, and looks like the addition will help to provide cover for all your accessories. I keep looking for a used PHD just in case I need it as there is always a post needed here or there.
  13. R


    Check out the wicked series from everything attachments and or land pride. I have a land pride on my BX that works great.
  14. R

    Landpride Combination Bucket for BX

    Would love to see one in action on a BX, the Doser function I could use right now as I am building my driveway at the lake. Then again my box blade will work too.
  15. R

    Landpride Combination Bucket for BX

    I believe that was just the bucket as I have the 3rd function already installed.
  16. R

    Landpride Combination Bucket for BX

    I spoke to my dealer and it was $1600 IIRC. He had a hard time finding in the price book as it was under the grapple section and not buckets. I am considering, but would rather spend on a brush hog at the current time and I have a grapple already. Now if this was available a year ago I would...
  17. R

    Sometimes you just need different equipmnet

    Would come in very handy every now and then. Wonder what the rental would be on a little beast like that?
  18. R

    BX2660 Tail Lights

    Not sure if it is the same as my 25D but I didn't see anything. Any broken wires or not connected under the wheel well?
  19. R

    BX2370 or BX25

    Looks like a reasonable deal, there is usually a promo for the State Fair...starts tomorrow I think it was for an extra $500 off if I recall. I looked at both last year and went with the BX25, real handy to have a hoe every now & then. Make sure you get the quick attach for the loader, makes...
  20. R

    New B2320

    Re: New B2302 Congrats on the purchase, have a blast working it & send up some pics!