Kubota BX 23s



BX23S W/ Factory Deluxe Cab, 60" MMM, 60" BX-2612 Snow Blade & BX-2816 Blower
Nov 5, 2015
Edinboro, PA, USA
Spend a lot of time here at OTT
Learn lots here
Take time to learn it's capabilities and potential areas of concern
Don't be afraid to work it
Enjoy it
Post pictures here


Lifetime Member

B2650, LP Grapple, Bro-Tek spacers, QH, Box Blade, Landscape Rake, RB, and 1560G
Aug 1, 2015
Minneapolis, MN
Welcome to the Kubota Nation, you will love it I she the prior model & have been able to do things I never thought possible. Just take your time and think things through and try not to smile!


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
Welcome to the Kubota Nation, you will love it I she the prior model & have been able to do things I never thought possible. Just take your time and think things through and try not to smile!
Yes,you wouldnt want the significant other to think you were enjoying yourself.



Jan 5, 2017
Castle Rock, Colorado
Congratulations! Have fun! Use it and learn! Be careful!!!! Be very aware of your center of gravity. These can and WILL roll over much quicker than you think. I grew up riding 4-wheelers from a very young age, and rolled over more than once, so I already had a good sense of CG (center gravity). But if you don't, just try to always avoid taking on any sort of incline perpendicular (left side higher than right side, or vice versa). Take hills straight on, forwards or reverse. Also... you can tip forward and backwards too. When carrying loads in the bucket, get your bucket as low to the ground as possible, don't drive around with your bucket way up in the air.

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New member

Kubota BX1880
Apr 10, 2017
Las Cruces
I bought one and am waiting for it.. should be here next month... My dealer says he only gets one a month... If he's got one sold he an get Kubota to send one his way... anyway ... looking forward to it. Got lots of chores around the property...


New member

Kubota BX1880
Apr 10, 2017
Las Cruces
Got my BX23 yesterday... been driving it around and doing some bucket work.. One thing I noticed is I didn't get the quick release bucket.. all of the videos and even the sales brochure show, or at least implies, it comes with the tractor.. Even the owners manual shows it... When I go to the back of the brochure is shows different FELs listed. One with and one without the quick release bucket. When I called the dealer he said most don't order it with the quick release.. What's the experience out there?

John T

Well-known member

2017 BX23S
May 5, 2017
under a rock
Got my BX23 yesterday... been driving it around and doing some bucket work.. One thing I noticed is I didn't get the quick release bucket.. all of the videos and even the sales brochure show, or at least implies, it comes with the tractor.. Even the owners manual shows it... When I go to the back of the brochure is shows different FELs listed. One with and one without the quick release bucket. When I called the dealer he said most don't order it with the quick release.. What's the experience out there?
My dealer is ONLY ordering them with the quick release FEL and hoe

I opted for the traditional 60" MMM as personal choice...

One tip for new BX23s owners.... pay close attention when hooking up the FEL... make sure you pull up square and keep eyes on the lower pins to make sure you are lined up...

I had an "Oh Sh*t " moment first hooking up.... but ended up OK.

real EZ though, once you get the hang of it.

backhoe is EZ
just make sure you block it... if it's gonna be sitting for a while.... it will bleed down.


New member

Kubota BX1880
Apr 10, 2017
Las Cruces
I called my dealer and he said most here don't order it with the quick release since it can't actually lift that much from the front end.. I probably won't take the bucket off but I still feel like I'm missing something, you know, it feels like I got short changed.. .. It wasn't offered to me and I didn't see the tractor until it was delivered. He had to order it... I think I'll just get bucket forks for moving small stuff around the ranch..


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Lifetime Member

May 6, 2017
Holmes, NY, US
I called my dealer and he said most here don't order it with the quick release since it can't actually lift that much from the front end.. I probably won't take the bucket off but I still feel like I'm missing something, you know, it feels like I got short changed.. .. It wasn't offered to me and I didn't see the tractor until it was delivered. He had to order it... I think I'll just get bucket forks for moving small stuff around the ranch..
I'm a BX23s newbie too, mine is with the ssqd bucket. I was a little bummed that its capacity is less than your pin-on one, and bxpanded hasn't made their clip on hooks for the new bucket yet either. So I suggest you can enjoy the machine you have and don't sweat that particular "what-if".


Active member
May 29, 2017
No where Special
Mine came with the quick change FEL bucket. My dealer wont order them any other way. He said this was the latest greatest feature on the sub-compacts, why not have it already set up for it. I have to agree with him. As for less weight lift capacity, i`m not worried about that at all. If your runnng your tractor at the max limitations everyday, then you surely bought the wrong tractor to start with. Just my own honest opinion.


Lifetime Member

BX23S MMM PHD Grapple
Apr 13, 2017
Vancouver WA
When I ordered my BX23S I sat down with the dealer and went over the pro's and cons of each option. Got the quick change FEL bucket as well. Haven't bought anything else to hang on the front but it's there when I do.

I also ordered the 16" backhoe bucket. Dealer has had a heck of a time getting it in stock, delivered tractor with a 12" loaner bucket. May keep it, it seems to be fine.

To get the rebate I added a 54" MMM but recently realized it wasn't the drive over model. At first I was miffed but then saw a video of turning the gauge wheels sideways to slide out the mower if needed. I guess that will work, too late now to change it anyway.

Love this BX, been doing a lot of property chores I had been putting off for years.


Active member
May 29, 2017
No where Special
When I ordered my BX23S I sat down with the dealer and went over the pro's and cons of each option. Got the quick change FEL bucket as well. Haven't bought anything else to hang on the front but it's there when I do.

I also ordered the 16" backhoe bucket. Dealer has had a heck of a time getting it in stock, delivered tractor with a 12" loaner bucket. May keep it, it seems to be fine.

To get the rebate I added a 54" MMM but recently realized it wasn't the drive over model. At first I was miffed but then saw a video of turning the gauge wheels sideways to slide out the mower if needed. I guess that will work, too late now to change it anyway.

Love this BX, been doing a lot of property chores I had been putting off for years.
I did the same thing... i took the rebate... i already have a JD420 lawn tractor to mow my yard, but the ole JD is getting old, and you can`t get parts for it anymore. So thats when i thought it would be very wise to just get the 60" deck with my BX23s and just store it in my garage until i need it. I cant buy another lawn mower for what i paid for the additional 60" for the kabota, even if i dont use it for awhile. As for the drive over deck, i couldn`t see the extra money for that option when i have a frontend loader on the BX23s tractor... because you still have to move the deck when you remove it from the tractor, whether you drive over it or not.

As for the 16" backhoe scoop... the 16" is what i got... love it...!


New member

May 26, 2016
Hobart, Indiana
Just two small levers and safety pins to lock it in. Nothing to line up and slide pins through. Awesome. Plus it has a 2" hitch receiver built it. Can use it to move equipment about or such.

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Lifetime Member

BX23S MMM PHD Grapple
Apr 13, 2017
Vancouver WA

Dealer came by and swapped out the backhoe bucket for the 16 inch that I had originally ordered. As my property has good light soil the bigger bucket works faster and does not bog down the machine. I can see if one had heavy soil it would not be a good thing to have. Had no trouble clearing tree roots either.

Thanks for your positive review of the big bucket, I almost told dealer to keep it!