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  1. R

    back hoe storage

    I do the same as my dealer recommended fluid film for storage.
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    BX23S mower and backhoe

    Also take off the loader and BH on a level hard surface, will make hooking back up easier. If you have a few extra bucks pick up a BXpanded BH dolly, or make one if you can. That makes life so easy to take off & on, moving it too.
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    Buying First Kubota Tractor CAB B2650

    I don***8217;t know exactly but no it is taller than a standard 7***8217; garage door by a few inches. I would have one if it would have fit.
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    Anyone use the BXpanded BH Receiver Hitch?

    It works well, takes some getting used to is all. I wouldn***8217;t go too heavy, but is nice to have the ability to use the hoe to put the trailer exactly where you want it.
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    Any Polaris General owners in K land?

    I have a Ranger after having a RzR, when I upgrade it will be a General. My old neighbor has the General and it would be perfect for a combo work/play utility vehicle. Pick it up and let us know.
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    BXpanded Quick-On Back Hoe Bucket Connector

    I have the BXpanded quick change, it makes the swap very easy and with the thumb from BXpanded does not interfere with the swapout. I only have one bucket, but have the ripper for tree stumps and it is very convenient to change back and forth which I seem to do a lot. I feel it was worth the...
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    Bx Series - Inner tie rod replacement boots

    Will these work on the new 80 series, specially the BX23s?
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    Box Blade for BX25D - 23hp

    I went with the LandPride BB1254, at 54” it is a little wider but have had no issues with my 25D or 23s pulling it fully loaded with class 5. I think the 60” would be pushing it.
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    Bxpander loader dolly

    I am not sure on the loader dolly, it isn't listed as compatible though. Will need to give it a try, only used on my 25D a couple times as it doesn't stay off that long. The BH dolly works on the 23S though.
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    BX 2660 vs B25d

    I would say go for it, I had the 25D and just went to the 23S. Found out that having a BH pays for itself quickly and you always have it available when needed. If you have a cement floor in your storage I would suggest a BH dolly from BXpanded, it will make the off/on process easier and storage...
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    toothbar= implement of DESTRUCTION!!

    Definitely a great combo for your BX, have the same setup for mine. With time and practice you can clear any overgrown area up. I also have a ratchet rake which is nice for the final grade.
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    Strange, I emailed a couple questions about 2 weeks ago and they responded within 8 hours. I also asked on the 23s and they said order the 25D part. Good luck and share if you find out more information.
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    BX Hazard Light Case

    Yes it just pops apart front & back.
  14. R

    Can some one with a 2017 BX23S confirm the front bucket inner dimension

    Finally picked up the tractor, 46 3/8***8221; is also what I have. Used the same PTB from my Bx25D. Hope it works for you.
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    Weed Wacker recommendation????

    I believe the Echo PAS power head will work with your attachments, bring one to the dealer and try it out before you buy. Look at the Echo site as they are having a fall one day sale in many cities, 20% off any Echo product. My local dealer in MN is tomorrow & I am going to get one of the paddle...
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    60" deck on a BX1860/1870 - it works!

    Great thread and update, glad to hear it has worked out for you & would for 99% of the population. Now you can try on leaves as they fall.
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    Chainsaw Holder?

    Kolpin makes one like the byte tite that you can clamp to the ROPS that works well.
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    Ratchetrake front bucket attachment

    They work great, I have that along with the Piranha TB from BXpanded. The PTB is always on and the RR goes on top, depending on what you are doing you may only need the PTB. Check out both on YouTube, a lot of videos of both. I have used the RR on about 1/2 acre of field and within a month...
  19. R

    Can some one with a 2017 BX23S confirm the front bucket inner dimension

    Hope to have one within the week, I was told it is the same width as the 70mseries BX.