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  1. R

    Tire Inflation

    I believe the sidewall says 22 max, have run mine at 25 for 2 years in the front, 20 in the rears.
  2. R

    Box blade for BX2380?

    It will depend on your use, but I have had great luck with a 1554 from Landpride behind my 25D. No issues pulling a full box of class 5 even slightly up hill. I like the bigger to level a bit better is all.
  3. R

    BX 25 BH Thumb Install

    Is it a Kubota version or is it maybe a BXpanded or Bro-tek thumb? If it is one of the 2 aftermarket you can find the install on the web or in BXpanded case YouTube video on the install. Might be worth looking at the BXpanded video to get ideas on the mount as it sounds to be similar.
  4. R

    Land Pride RB1560 vs. RB0560

    Definitely go with the bigger 1560, have one on my Bx25 and they work great together. Have a little snow in MN from time to time too and have used it to clear the driveway at the lake. Run it backwards on the class 5 and no digging in. Good luck with the new tool!
  5. R

    How many of you use steering wheel spinners on your tractor(s)?

    Will have to tell the dealer it needs to be on the 23s or no deal. Can see where it would be nice.
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    New Saw

    You might not want to give Echo another shot, but if you do go to the CS 500, it is much closer to the Husky of Stihl pro line. I had a 490 that someone needed more than me...I replaced with a Husky 550xp. This is a great saw and really does a nice job for a fairly light but powerful saw...
  7. R

    Question For The Pallet Fork/Grapple Manufactures....

    Here is the link, 238 lbs and good to lift 2200 lbs so should work good on a 2650...looking to get a set for my BX23s if I trade it in. Really want the Skid attach, but not sure if it is worth a couple grand to go from my BX25D or not. Good luck and interested to see how they work for you...
  8. R

    Question For The Pallet Fork/Grapple Manufactures....

    Check out Everything Attachments, they have a nice SS set that is around 200 lbs.
  9. R

    New member...first post.

    Welcome to OTT, best forum on the net. I learn something new everyday.
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    Pick up a subsoiler and drag it in, you should have no issue with that depth and if you get the adapter can pull the line in at the same time.
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    Mixing Concrete/Quikcret

    The bucket will work fine, use a flat transfer shovel to mix and spray before it dries. The loader will also let you move the bags to the job.
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    A power tools discussion please

    Hope you heal up my Echo but if you had a pro Husky look at the Echo pro line. Had a CS-490 and wish I would have went to the 500 as it is a much nicer saw. Sold my 490 and picked up the Husky 550xp, huge difference but a lot more cash.
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    Best FEL attachment for digging

    Take a look at a stump bucket, you could trench a few feet with it.
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    Kubota BX series 3pt Power Grass Catcher

    I believe he is asking $1000, not sure if that is before the price drop or not. Would be a good buy if one were local.
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    Implement for stumps

    I second the Pirahna Tooth Bar, I have taken out stumps up to 4" with the PTB. Much quicker than a backhoe.
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    MMM and backhoe

    Works just fine, if you are sidehilling you can swing it up hill for stability. If you have a cement pad would recommend dropping the loader and backhoe for agility purposes.
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    B2650 front end loader issues

    Not sure if it relates but the loader sitting in the sun will heat up and add pressure on the loader side. As above the stick won't help release the pressure, try the dowel wrapped in a towel to relieve. Good luck getting it back together.
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    Sorry for the loss, glad it was not your puppy. I would also recommend the Echo line, picked up a CS-490 and love it. It is a work horse and pulls the 18" bar very well, pretty much my go to saw now. Have a big Dolmar for the really big trees and a little Echo top handle for climbing. With...
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    OMNI vs Heavy Hitch

    I went with the Omni transformer hitch, works great and built very heavy. Call and talk with them and you will get taken care of.
  20. R

    Bxpanded W-Pins For Q/A Forks

    I think there is a YouTube on it, spotty Internet at the lake & couldn't find it. Worst case you can call BXpanded and I am sure they will send you a copy as they have great service.