Search results

  1. R

    B2650 with 60" mmm

    I read that some need to be lifted a little to get them to align, mine currently go in really easy with 1/4***8221; self latching pins I picked up at Tractor Supply. Just a little wiggle and they are in. I also find it easier to install and remove when the loader is off, might just be my fat...
  2. R

    Grapple hoses

    I have the same issue on my 2650, going to try the 90***8217;s on the ends as I didn***8217;t see s good way to keep them from being pinched.
  3. R

    B2601 vs B2650

    I put the 2***8221; Bro-Tel spacers on mine, really made a difference just like on my BX. I can tell you from my experience going from a BX23s to a B2650 the B was much more stable on the hills, that was in comparison to a BX with 2***8221; spacers then when I added the 2***8221; to the B I was...
  4. R

    My B2650 Arrived Yesterday!!!

    The EA grapple is best, they are a 12 week lead time now. I had the LP version and it works fine, not nearly as robust a build though. I think it was fine for my BX, but feel the 2650 is going to break it. Time will tell I guess. Good luck with the tractor!
  5. R

    My RTV-XG850

    Looks nice, enjoy! Curiosity to see how it would handle plowing snow.
  6. R

    Wanted: Mark Hodge Stabilizers bars for Kubota BX23S

    I just so happen to be trading in my BX23S for a B2650 and will have a set of Hodge Stabilizers that will no longer be needed. Where are you located? Message me with info and we can make it happen.
  7. R

    New B2650 Cab and backhoe

    Nice, I am looking at swapping my 23s for the 2650 cab. Love he BX, but need more FEL capacity. I don’t need a Hoe anymore so shouldn’t be too painful.
  8. R

    Hammer Drop Time!

    Thank you, appreciate all you do. This is a great forum and glad you are keeping it that way.
  9. R

    BX23S idle speed

    You are good, they run high on these little monsters.
  10. R

    BX 23S & my BH dolly

    I would second the BXpanded dolly, moving it is effortless and removal & reattaching is super easy. Well worth the money.
  11. R

    BXPanded toolbox size?

    I would think it is standard size, never thought to look for a metal one. Just picked up a plastic at Cabelas. If you find out it would be nice to know.
  12. R

    small chainsaw recommendations

    I love my little Husky 550xp and Echo top handle for most tasks, only break out the Dolmar for really big cuts now. If you look at Echo they have some sale days on the web site where you can usually get 15% off for a day at a local dealer.
  13. R

    Lock On Grease Coupler

    I vote the Univer-co, it has worked flawlessly for 5 years for me. Never tried the LnL, but it seems too big for my liking.
  14. R

    BX23 (current) - how much lifting force Backhoe?

    This is great advice, I built a boulder wall with my 23S and had to keep the bucket full or I would have tipped it over. The wall partially complete and a 250lb rock being set in by the fire pit.
  15. R

    Busy 3 days for my BX25D - Retaining wall rebuild

    Very nice work, turned out great. Gotta love the BX for support in projects. I know mine has more than paid for itself.
  16. R

    best option for BX24 turf tires

    Definitely check a couple dealers, the sales team has access to wholegood pricing not the parts counter. I have a spare set of turf filled delivered on a pallet for $450, that was 2 years ago. Might put them on this summer for the first time.
  17. R

    Need advice on BX1880/2380 purchase.

    I don***8217;t live far from you in MN as well, I would go with the 2380 and a 60***8221; deck, having it extend out a little further will help to be close to trees, fences, and other obstacles in the yard. I have the 25D TLB version and the front blower, it worked amazing on anything Mother...
  18. R

    BX2380 wheel spacers

    They will work, have 23S (2380) and used the spacers off the 25D (2370) with the same 60” non drive over deck. Good luck, they make a world of difference.
  19. R

    BX2380 Pallet forks

    Check our the Everything Attachments, they are light and strong.
  20. R

    Attachment for trail in the woods

    Agree with Ray and recommend the land leveler, most have scarifiers too.