BX 2660 vs B25d



Nov 14, 2017
Havana, Fl. US
Bought a used 2009 BX 2660 several Months ago with 60" MMM. Just under 300 hrs. Has valves and controls for FEL. While at the dealer today pricing a FEL install the dealer said he had a brand new Bx25d w FEL and BH that he would trade for a net of $9k. While most of use is mowing, tilling, and grading the idea of also having a BH intrigued me. From reading other forum posts it seems that a popular opinion is that unless you regularly use the BH it is typically cheaper to rent one than have the installed. While i agree somewhat it seems my BH needs are usually short term, needed pretty quickly and don't justify the rental.

So, at the risk of re-starting the debate I wanted to get others opinions on the prospect of going from the BX2660 with MMM to the brand new BX25d with FEL and BH, no mower, for the $9k difference in price.


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Lifetime Member

BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
Bought a used 2009 BX 2660 several Months ago with 60" MMM. Just under 300 hrs. Has valves and controls for FEL. While at the dealer today pricing a FEL install the dealer said he had a brand new Bx25d w FEL and BH that he would trade for a net of $9k. While most of use is mowing, tilling, and grading the idea of also having a BH intrigued me. From reading other forum posts it seems that a popular opinion is that unless you regularly use the BH it is typically cheaper to rent one than have the installed. While i agree somewhat it seems my BH needs are usually short term, needed pretty quickly and don't justify the rental.

So, at the risk of re-starting the debate I wanted to get others opinions on the prospect of going from the BX2660 with MMM to the brand new BX25d with FEL and BH, no mower, for the $9k difference in price.

1st things first.....you will be going a little bit backwards if/when you trade. The 2660 is a good 10% more powerful than the 2370. 2nd - not that it really matters, This is a 2016 BX25D -correct?

I am of the opinion - that if YOU have a need for the BH ....get it , while true it might be "cheaper" to rent one the couple times you need one - it is a great feeling to have it on hand ...and use it and put it away BEFORE picking up the phone to rent one!

Thinking about what a typical low hour BX with mower goes for....and what a BX25D goes for - I would say, 9k is fair. BUT I would not allow that to happen......... I would say 7.5K ....fill the tires, and get a WSM and whatever else you can squeeze out of him. AND or have him eat the tax if you pay taxes on it. The hoe on the BX25 is about a 7k add on, and the FEL is another 2K....so the 9k is reasonable........

Even if he says no to the 7.5k.....start going up a bit....until you are satisfied.

Even at 9K .....new machine, warranty for two years, a machine that you already know well....and it will do stuff you never dreamed of - it will be worth it.!!!


Lifetime Member

B2650, LP Grapple, Bro-Tek spacers, QH, Box Blade, Landscape Rake, RB, and 1560G
Aug 1, 2015
Minneapolis, MN
I would say go for it, I had the 25D and just went to the 23S. Found out that having a BH pays for itself quickly and you always have it available when needed. If you have a cement floor in your storage I would suggest a BH dolly from BXpanded, it will make the off/on process easier and storage more compact. Good luck and enjoy!

Tractor Dell

New member

Kubota BX23S
Jun 13, 2017
Central PA
I have made a few posts about my BX23S and digging out stumps. I find it easier to just dig them out when I want them out, and not have to worry about doing a rental to remove as many as I can in the time I have it. I have done the stumps, ditches, leveled ground... lots of things I didn't even think of before I got the backhoe. As mentioned above, you can remove it when you don't need it, but I find it to be the perfect counterweight to the FEL when using it hard. The backhoe weighs like 600 pounds, so that is more than you need using the BX FEL.

Lately I have been moving some large rocks (boulders) from one area of my property to another. A lot of them are to large for me to push, or pull with my FEL. However, using the BH on my BX23S, I can "crab walk" them to where I want them. Since it is more powerful than the FEL, I can move the rock 4 or 5 feet, move the tractor, move the rock another 4 or 5 feet... rinse and repeat. While it does take a while, I do get it to where it needs to go. :)



BX23S W/ Factory Deluxe Cab, 60" MMM, 60" BX-2612 Snow Blade & BX-2816 Blower
Nov 5, 2015
Edinboro, PA, USA
I moved from the BX2670-1 to the BX23S. So handy having that backhoe available when needed. Digging, moving slabs of concrete, railroad ties, logs, holding fallen trees while sawing, counter weight while doing loader work, removing stumps. The list goes on but you get the point.

Also, i havent really missed the reduction in horsepower. Not yet anyway.

New machine with warranty and further capabilities. Awesome!!

Do you no longer need the mower or will you be able to keep your MMM for the BX25D?

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Nov 14, 2017
Havana, Fl. US
Unfortunately the 60" MMM was going with the BX2660. Haven't really discussed a price with me keeping the mower but that is certainly a thought.

Tractor Dell you make some valid points that sort of describe my wants/needs for BH. I don't usually have enough to do to justify a rental, but at the same time I'm getting too old to do some of it by hand.


Well-known member

Jul 17, 2017
Consider also what you don't get with the 25D. 3 point hitch (if you need it), mower (if you need it). They can be added, but I'd have a go at having those included in the $9K to change. There could be another $2-3K hiding in there if you're not careful.