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  1. R

    Which Box Blade

    I have the 1560 on my BX25, that would be a good choice. The 2560 is about 50 lbs heavier which is better yet of you have a little extra cash.
  2. R

    BX25 and Easy Over Mower Deck?

    Ouch, that's some expensive paint...
  3. R

    SE MN Kubota BX2200 with CMP Dethatcher

    How does the dethatcher work? Can you set to not dig too deep? Might be interested for my BX25.
  4. R

    BX25D Hood pops open

    Thanks for the tip, will have to give that a try next weekend when I get back to the lake and tractor.
  5. R

    BX25 and Easy Over Mower Deck?

    I was told that a conversion kit was out to convert the non drive over to a drive over. I didn't check as I don't find it that hard to remove & it isn't something I do too many times in the summer.
  6. R

    BX25D Hood pops open

    I couldn't either, will have to stop by the dealer and ask the service manager. Just about 200 hours so need to do fluid change and need to pick up the fluid & filters. Does yours now have a gap between the hood & cowl? Need to take picture today and post.
  7. R

    Bx2370 3 point bleeds off while running

    I don't know for sure but doesn't sound right to me. How is your drop rate adjustment set? Maybe adjust that and see if it makes a difference.
  8. R

    BX25D Hood pops open

    My BX25 hood latch is popping loose. I looked and the pin that the latch catches on is just barely in the catch. Judging by the wear marks, the pin is at least 1/2" out of whack. I looked at the front hinge location and I do not see nor feel any looseness nor can I push the hood back to take up...
  9. R

    Another trigger pulled L3901 HST!!!!

    Welcome to OTT, and congrats on the new tractor! Hope you can pick up some side jobs, it sure is easy to find.
  10. R

    Pulled the trigger

    Welcome to both of you, don't work yourself too hard with the new tool. Nice that it will do the heavy lifting.
  11. R

    Kubota bx pallet forks

    Look like a nice product, went with the Kubota version as these weren't out. Look to save a few bucks this route. Used mine all weekend moving patio blocks around, cut the pallets in half as the BX couldn't do much with a full pallet anyway. Found that I had no issues with about 730 lbs, any...
  12. R

    latest fad...

    The value of the cloud is a 3rd copy of the data you want to save. It is the what if a fire burns down the house, most likely both your current copies are gone. There have been a few cloud providers go away, but generally you get a little notice prior to shutting the doors. Do the research and...
  13. R

    Folding ROPS shaking

    Try a composite shim, should wedge in nicely then snap off. Maybe on 2 side if there is room.
  14. R

    Does anyone have a BXpanded backho trenching bucket?

    I have the BXpanded thumb but wouldn't think it would make a difference with the quick change. On the video it looks like the new thumb mounts like the factory version. With the quick change it is super easy and no extra hands needed. I go between the 12" bucket & ripper in a minute either way...
  15. R

    Does anyone have a BXpanded backho trenching bucket?

    Here is a video of the trench bucket in action, also looks like a new back hoe thumb is out or will be using the mount on the BX25.
  16. R

    Does anyone have a BXpanded backho trenching bucket?

    I have the quick change and it is very convenient to go between the bucket and ripper. I have the trenching bucket on my wish list and look forward to hearing others experiences. Will buy one day when I need it as all I have purchased from BXpanded have been great.
  17. R

    BX2370 rear blade

    Have the 1560 from Landpride and it works great behind the BX25D, it is medium duty version.
  18. R

    scrape blade for B2920

    Good call on the BB, I used mine to fix up a gravel drive this weekend and it worked so much better than the blade. I have a BX25D and the LandPride 1254 is perfect you could look at the 15 series with the extra hp & weight.
  19. R

    Tractor mounted cooler

    Get a big Yeti cup, I have a 30 oz version and keeps my water cold for several hours in the heat. I would say a couple ice cubes and good for at least 6 hours.
  20. R

    L3800 improvements

    I can see them via browser, great job too!