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  1. R

    2007 Buick Lacrosse - ABS and TC Lights

    Hope the codes stay away, WB are easy on those cars if you need to do them.
  2. R

    BX25D Wheel spacers

    FYI each model is different and on a BX the 1 3/8" won't work with the 60 MMM, if you want spacers it is either 2" or you modify the rear wheels on the mower deck. Never a bad choice going OEM, I couldn't find any Kubota options for my BX though.
  3. R

    BX25D Wheel spacers

    Same here, 2" from Bro-tek and fluid. Huge difference with the spacers alone then a little better with the fluid. Don't do the fronts.
  4. R

    Can I rototill this?

    Another option would be to get a Ratchet Rake and it would clean that area up nicely. I just used one to clean up an area by my fire pit so I could seed. Does a nice job of pulling the roots and all leaving a nice layer of topsoil for seed.
  5. R

    Pulling small trailer with backhoe attached?

    I have the BXPanded o-toon and it works great, makes it very easy to place the trailer exactly where you want it.
  6. R

    New Owner B2650

    Congrats and welcome, look forward to more reviews and pix of your work!
  7. R

    G6 Gator blades

    Good tip on the fall leave mulching, I would hate to have to rake at the lake and lots of leaves. Amazon and I thank you for the tip :-)
  8. R

    What size ratchet straps

    Would second the use of chains, keep the strap's for the 2 buckets. On my 25D I use 5/16 grade 70 with 4 binders, one for each corner. There was just a thread on chaining down the 4 corners with 2 longer chains, but I couldn't find it on myiPad. Get 4 - 15-20' chains and you will be very safe...
  9. R

    G6 Gator blades

    Thanks, I will order a set as I also am a Prime member. Will make the swap this fall when it is time to change over to snow. No hurry on snow for me.
  10. R

    Little attachments for my little kubota

    Welcome to the forum and nice purchase. It is amazing what can be done, makes you wonder why I waited so long to pick one up!
  11. R

    G6 Gator blades

    Thanks for the update and review, have been thinking about a change to Gators myself. Where did you order from and a part number?
  12. R

    BX2370 Pricing in Canada

    Will have to wait for others in Canada to comment on the price, but one thing to look into is the Landpride Combo Bucket (CB0550). With a 3rd function would be very nice to have in place of the standard bucket.
  13. R

    25-30hp Bx models

    If you aren't in a big hurry the new BX line will be out this fall is what I hear from my dealer. What is the land like you will be working? I have a BX25 and with the hills it is perfect, the B series was too big for most of my needs.
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    FEL, ice and beer

    Nicely done, and I thought using the bucket to mix cement was thinking...
  15. R

    Looking for a fenceline trimmer.

    Take a look at the DR 3pt Trimmer, there is a review on YouTube by GY Solutions on a BX25. I only have 75' so my Echo works perfect for me.
  16. R

    Chain saw carriers

    Re: Paul short...Mr like to ask a favor.... I mounted that on my ROPS with U-bolts works great just watch out for catching the bar on a tree or post. Not sure how I know that issue.
  17. R

    Tooth Bar Review (BXPanded - Piranha)

    Like others have said no difference, if anything it helps with a little extra length up front. I have mine off atleast once a week to mow, sometimes twice. Need a concrete pad then the dolly would be real handy, doesn't roll well on class 5.
  18. R

    Trailer ball hitch for a Quick Hitch

    I would second the Omni, picked up the transformer version and love it. Added the weights to it and have it on most of the time when doing loader work. Nice not needing to put the BH on to move dirt.
  19. R

    Rear blade for Kubota BX2200

    Definitely go a 5' blade or you won't be happy. If only for the snowman 0560 would be good but for dirt get a 1560 as the extra weight will help to cut when you need it.
  20. R

    Fab ad ons

    I have had great luck with both BXPanded and Bro-Tek with my BX25. You can do a lot with the little tractor.