Search results

  1. Rob

    Kubota specs:are they, right or wrong , or are they just misleading?

    i everyone I feel the need to post this question as it really is bugging me now. Right then, i have a B6000 with a few goodies to go on it but the rear 3pt lift capabilities are questionable now to say the least so can someone clear things up once and for all. From my veiwpoint after reading my...
  2. Rob

    Solution to mowing on a B6000, its works great too!

    hi all nice to be back after a few weeks of mad non stop work. Having trawled through a lot of threads here on the subject of mowing grass, here is my solution to large scale mowing in our garden and paddocks. As you may all know, we have a nice little B6000 with a small range of extras such as...
  3. Rob

    B6000 hybrid , are there any options available

    Good evening all, here is a question that i need help with and hopefully there may be someone here that can shed some light on to the subject. I have a B6000 at present which is a great work horse, we have some really handy implements for it also inc a f/loader and a KB180 backhoe, the tractor...
  4. Rob

    My next project, it's going to be biggy!!!!!!

    As in the title guys, here's my next project when i have finished the big orange,its going to be a biggy to say the least. to anyone who is not sure what it is, it's a 1978 Triumph stag V8 with a manual gearbox:cool::D, with 15000 miles on the clock and it needs total(and i do mean total)...
  5. Rob

    A tale of woe from an ebay purchase, so buyers beware!!

    Good evening guys, its nice to have the time to get back on here now, I have not posted for a while due to work and stuff recently, anyway, here is a classic ebay tale that i have learnt my lesson from the hard way (again). I posted a while back that i had purchased from ebay a KB180 backhoe...
  6. Rob

    Anyone needing part number or details, i have soom here.

    Hi guys, time to try and repay you all for the help i've received from you all to date. On the basis of how hard and time consuming it can be to source original spec and parts number of older kubota kit, i thought i'd offer my help with a few bits. I have an original spec sheet for the S-850...
  7. Rob

    A question about hydraulic pumps and fittings.

    hi I have now begun the proccess of restoring/repairing my KB180 backhoe. Whilst i am making a list of items that need sorting out a question on the pump fitted to the backhoe has sprung to mind. Its a WEBSTER HYDRAULIC PUMP, P/N 116YGA011-3L-G83DP or G83OP , its very hard to see the last two...
  8. Rob

    Kubota backhoe identification help required please.

    Hi everyone and hope you all had a very merry christmas, i sure did. Not posted for a while so here goes on my latest project. I purchased this backhoe from ebay a few days ago with the view to fitting it to my B6000. It is in need of some tlc etc but from my chat with the guy it works very well...
  9. Rob

    Urgent help needed with B6000 front Blade.

    Greetings all. I have a slight problem with my current B6000 project, I need some info on it. As some of you may be aware I aquired a genuine Kubota dozer/grader blade for my B6000, it required some (I thought ) superficial work to bring it back to serviceable life, man was I wrong about...
  10. Rob

    I have found some more tools for the B6000.

    Hi guys I 'm allways on the lookout for some little extras for my B6000 and i have found two cracking bits this week.:D:D Now it may come as a bit of a surprise to you guys in USA, Canada & Australia etc but there does appear to be a much bigger following of all things tractor & orange where...
  11. Rob

    hydraulic pump upgrades.

    hi all I finally managed to get my b6000 loader sorted out, took me a bit more cash than expceted but it was worth it (i think). I fitted a new spool with 2 new lift rams (now double acting) and modified the the bucket ram setup to use just 1 single centre mounted ram, and it works fantastic...
  12. Rob

    Bucket Rams, single or double , thats the question.

    hi all Whilst i deal with my other loader issue i have found that my bucket rams rods are bent, not to the point where they wont slide(they slide in but only 3/4 ways then they stiffen up and i need to get aggressive with them) ,so enough to need replaceing sooner than later. I have been looking...
  13. Rob

    strange hydraulic problem, can anyone assist.

    hi everyone just a short question about hydraulics. I got my FEL loader all fitted now to my B6000 and all seems fine but for one thing, the lift rams are very slow on lowering when using the spool valve with the hyd pump running. The rams are the original 1 way operation for lift and gravity...
  14. Rob

    Loaders for B6000.

    just thought i would share this info with you all just in case someone else happens to need the info. Its taken me a while to source it but it does answer many question i had regarding B6000 FEL etc, and has helped me in my refubishment/rebuild project of the loader. This K450B is really well...
  15. Rob

    testing hydraulics and rams seals for leaks.

    hi all A question for those in the know on the title subject of hydraulics. I'm still rebuilding my K450B FEL for my B6000, I've fabricated a complete new subframe to the same spec etc as the original Kubota item, rebuilt the two spool valves etc but now i'm on the rams. The two B7100 bucket...
  16. Rob

    Advise needed on external hydraulics etc.

    Good evening all, well it is over here....;) I have a rather vexing question for you all on which i could really use some serious input to be honest. I have seen a lot of previous threads on the subject of hydraulics etc and could use some help myself on the subject. I Have a B6000 which has...
  17. Rob

    hour meter/rev counter fitment to a B6000.

    hi all I am looking to fit a combined hour meter/rev counter on my B6000, it an item from a kubota/ransomes machine. Here is a similar item( ) Can...
  18. Rob

    B7100 rops.

    hi guys just a short one , will a ROPS from a B7100 fit a B6000. I understand that it should fit a 5100/6100, I was thinking that since both the 5100/6100 are very close to a b6000, there may a chance it would fit. any thoughts. rob
  19. Rob

    4 in 1 loader buckets for "small " compact's.

    Whilst i was thinking about the setup of my FEL the thought crossed my mind about 4 in 1 loader buckets. I've seen plenty on mid range compact and larger but nothing on small kubotas. Now i know the B6000 is what you can call "small", but i cant see any reason why a 4 in 1 can't be used...
  20. Rob

    Urgent help required on a front loader.

    I'm still searching for some spec/info on a front loader guys. Its a genuine kubota item from around mid to late 70's, there is only hydraulic lift with gravity lower, and the front bucket is maually operated swing via lever/release mech. Noiw i've eliminated it being being a B206 / 219 / 1630...