Search results

  1. Rob

    For sale, Kubota S850 rototiller.

    For sale, S850 rototiller for B6000 fitment, good working order and in good original condition. I now require a normal 3 pt hitch tiller hence reluctant sale of this great item. £300 ono rob
  2. Rob

    I was bored a few days ago and decided to throw this together.

    Hi again, I was sitting around the house a few evenings ago and getting really bored, later i was having good look around the shed and found an old shelf end stop made from pretty good strong steel,so, i decided to fabricate a simple instrument panel to house my new tacho/hour meter and a 12v...
  3. Rob

    I've solved the anti-clock pto issue on my B6000, well for me anyway...

    hi guys, I started another small project a few days ago whilst messing about with my B7100 gauge install, and i solved a long standing issue with my B6000, that pesky anti-clockwise pto rotation. I was thinking about how best to be able to utilize all my implements and be able to use them on...
  4. Rob

    Do you think i like the color red a bit too much, nope....

    Just thought i share a few pics of my other interests, mostly bikes, ducati's , but a few cars also.:cool: I do like the color red though, its a shame my old kubotas are not a darker shade of red;):D the best phrase here to describe my love of auto's is, these few are the tip of a very big...
  5. Rob

    Well. its all back together now, and, its works.....

    hi everyone, Just thought i post an update on my ever changing b7100 project. Well it is all back together except the wheels to be fitted back on and my new light setup has to be wired, and the intial verdict is , great. The 850 engine i've been messing about with fired up second time after...
  6. Rob

    I think OTT needs some extra capacity.....

    Whoopeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, back online again, nice to see all is back up and running , its a good job i am still rebuild the 7100 or i'd be really bored without OTT.:):) I do think you need to get some extra capacity guys , or , a bigger paymeter;):D:D rob.
  7. Rob

    A word of caution regarding parts compatabilty & interchanging between B series trac

    A word of caution regarding parts compatabilty & interchanging between B series trac hello all, I thought it may be wise to mention to you all what i have found on the subject of parts interchanging and compatability etc between older "B " series tractors. As i am currently totally rebuilding...
  8. Rob

    D850 engine on ebay, says from 7100, I dont think so!

    hi guys, saw this item on ebay tonight, link: anyway, he says its a D850 taken from a 7100, an D850 yes, from a 7100, i cant see it to be honest. for one thing has no...
  9. Rob

    OTT Back online again, i do miss the site when its down...

    Yep, OTT is back online again, its very quite here without OTT, i have to do DIY if i cant get on OTT ....please , i dont like to much DIY during the week. Now , normal service has resumed, thanks guys... rob
  10. Rob

    b7100 engine upgrade, a new project to undertake.

    hi guys, I am about to embarke on another orange project , i may be completely bonkers but here goes. I have made the mad descision of replacing my old B7100 engine(D750) with something that has a lot less hours and wear, I am not saying my old D750 is worn out , it starts well and doesnt smoke...
  11. Rob

    I have a bit of an Orange dilema, what should i do????

    hi guys I seem to have given myself a bit of an orange dilema. What started out as a well though out plan ( Well, i thought so at the time) for spare parts to cover my future repairs etc, seems to be in tatters now. As you'll allready be aware i currently have 3 orange tractors, a B6000 DT, a...
  12. Rob

    glow plug timers

    hi, just been thinking about glow plug timers. what excatly is there purpose, and, would there be any benafit to be gained from fitting to my B6000's and 7100's. i've seen some recently on the web for kubota's but unsure if they were of any real use to my applications. thanks rob
  13. Rob

    Anyone here live in oregon.

    Hi all. I am looking to take well overdue vacation prettysoon for approx 6-8 weeks and have allway wanted to visit Oregon , i have not narrowed down a specific area as yet but thought it would be nice to cover a wide area if possible. I wanted to go to Astoria etc and checkout the costal route...
  14. Rob

    front hitch for B7100,this is on my birthday wish list....

    Saw this some time ago but did not havethe 7100at the time, and a bit big for the b6000, now i have a suitable machine i could really use it, i have been dropping some small hints to the wife, it's my birthday in the next few days dear, this would make a good pressy.......;):D I'm sure she wasnt...
  15. Rob

    9.5 -16 ags on a B7100D, are they too big?

    as in the title guys. Are 9.5-16 ags on the rear of my 7100D going to be too big, we have some really wet areas here and need something a bit more serious to be honest. I was thinking they should be fine on the basis that if i was using double rears (2x 7-16 ) per side that would be even wider...
  16. Rob

    B7100D - v - B7100HST, they are not the same size.

    hi guys, Bit of a strange question here, i have two B7100's , a 4wd-D version and the 4WD-HST vesrion. I was in the workshop this evening when i noticed a strange thing, they are differerent sizes. when they are parked side by side with the rear axle shafts alined, the hst if longer and the...
  17. Rob

    For sale, Hub city pto reverser for B6000

    I have decided after a long think that i dont really need the Hub city reverser that i aquired recently, i have all my attachment configed to my 7100's now so it will probably never get used. therefore it is for sale. if you are genuinely interested drop me a line. price, £370.00 or may haggle...
  18. Rob

    When is a pile scrap metal worth more than its scrap value, here's why.

    hi guys As i am allway doing something orange and tractor related i am allways on the lookout for spares and bargains, preferablytogether. They dont often come along, but, sometimes when they do its well worth it. Anyway, i have been on the lookout for an old b6000 for some spares but to date...
  19. Rob

    Just for all you B6000 owners,maybe a solution for anti-clock pto problem.

    hi everyone Like many i also have a great little B6000, but , the anti-clock pto has had me wondering on a solution for quite some time now. I think that maybe i have a solution if you can find some spares, and a bit of cash. having spent way to long in front of the computer comparing...
  20. Rob

    B6100/7100 radiators and other parts compatability.

    hi all just for those out there looking for parts for the above, be very carefull when trying to match parts together. I have spent many hours comparing the bulk of the parts off the B6100 series with the same parts on the B7100 series, these inc the later HST variants with the view to use...