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  1. Rob

    not orange, not a tractor, but sure pulls like one.

    hi, aswell as being into all things orange and tractor, i aslo have a real passion for motorcycles, Ducati's in particular. I have had quite a few in the past , still have a nice one tucked away safetly, but , saw this and i thought it was just awsome,i never managed to own this version of the...
  2. Rob

    having issues with older type wheel hubs, these are the answer.

    hi guys like a lot of other kubota owners/user have found, the rear wheel hubs on a lot of the earlier B series machine are, how should i say, "poor" and of a less than ideal design. If you are sick of fixing/cutting/welding them and 10 mins later they still wobble around, you really should...
  3. Rob

    d950 engine into a b7100

    hi guys do any of you guys out there know wether a kubota D950 engine will fit into a b7100 tractor, i'm thinking about rebuilding an old b7100 without an engine fitted at present, and seem to remember that someone had done this, any help info on he subject would be great. also what about...
  4. Rob

    Top Link Modification that really work well....

    hi guys just a quick one, i finally managed to get my top link sorted out. Purchased this nice new hydraulic ram with swivel joints and grease points at both ends for my top link, paid £40.00 plus postage (£10.00) for it of ebay which was a bargain i thought. fitted it on, hooked up to my...
  5. Rob

    I've been out in the cold chopping a few logs....

    Following on from my earlier thread about my B7100 etc with my new logsplitter, i have added some newer pics of the splitter now in its "enhanced Mode" , which does work really well. The splitter size and construction is ideally suited to the B7100 etc due to it,s overall size weight, well built...
  6. Rob

    Well the project halfway, and things are looking good.

    Hi again everyone, Thought I would update things and put up some pics of my B7100 project now that’s its halfway through its renovation. Just to back track a bit, I purchased this B7100 back in late November last year for a pretty reasonable price ( £1400) if my memory serves me correctly) as...
  7. Rob

    Transmission stuck in 4wd mode, help required if poss.

    hi guys, just purchased another B7100 hst 4wd tractor but i have a small problem that need looking at before any other job is tackled. Whilst checking it over yesterday i found that its stuck in down posistion in 4wd mode, i've tried giving the 4wd selector lever a good pull but it wont move, i...
  8. Rob

    Here you guys, something for all you B7100 owners out there.

    Hi all, as in the title really, something for all you B7100 owners etc out there. Having spent many hours looking for a wirirng diagram that actually covers my B7100D, i had given up. I had the diagram that is at the rear of the owners/user manual, but , it is not correct and does not cover all...
  9. Rob

    B7100 with hydraulic spool problems, help need if possibel guys.

    Hi everyone and good evening to you all, I am looking for more help I’m afraid so here goes. I am adding extra hydraulic capacity to my B7100 , I already have the factory fitted hydraulic out from the rear 3pt spool for a single acting item , but, I want to keep it for my soon to be constructed...
  10. Rob

    ROPS , question about fittments etc.

    hi all, just a quick one hear guys, a friend has sold his B1750 recently but never sold the ROPS that was with it, it is not a kubota item but is a good qaulity aftermarket unit. Will it fit a B7100D by any chance or maybe with small small mods(if so what ) thanks in advance, rob
  11. Rob

    Replacement headlamps, compatability between models.

    hi all, i need to replace the headlamps in my B7100 and the kubota items are quite expensive items in the uk, I have seen that sparex do replacements for the L series (L175 etc 12v 25/25w) which look to be the same as my old and rusted B7100 unit. pic also. any repies and help would be nice. rob
  12. Rob

    Wirirng discrepancy on B7100, can anyone assist.

    hi all I'm having a problem with the wiring curcuits on my B7100, i have a wirirng diagram from the back of the owners manual but it is appears to be incorrect on the wirirng colours also it does not show the top mounted gen/alternator setup, only the what appears to be the water pump mounted...
  13. Rob

    oil seals on output shaft on B7100 transmission.

    A question for those who may know about transmissions on B7100's. I have a persistant leak from the front of my transmission casing,not massive but its large drip which does accumalate to be honest. I have to separate my front/rear sections soon to overhaul the Uj on the gearbox end of the FWD...
  14. Rob

    sump plug thread problems on my B7100.

    hi all As i progress onwith my 7100 restoration a problem as occured with the engine sump plug. looks like at some point its been over tightened or the wrong plug fitted and the thread has been completly stripped. I managed to just get it out but i suspect the sump drain hole thread is going to...
  15. Rob

    Rear half shaft oil seal replacement.

    Hi all i need to replace the rear axle half shaft oil seals on my B7100, i have the seals ready but just want to check if my install method is ok. On other tractors i have had that needed the same job doing i all needed to do was to pry the old seal out of the casing and off the shaft and then...
  16. Rob

    Ebay oddity, B6000 hybrid, will it work?

    hi all saw this item on ebay today and i'm curious asto wether it will work when rebuilt. Link: looks to me like a B7100 or similar 2wd rearend, i dont think its going to fit straight off onto the B6000...
  17. Rob

    just purchased another kubota and need to help please.

    Hi guys just aquired another kubota tractor, its a B7100 approx 1978. needs some work to bring it back to a decent state but nothing really major from first looks, and i'll put up some pics shortly, in the mean time heres my first of many problems. Anyway, of all the jobs i have to do to it...
  18. Rob

    How do i utilise my backhoe hydraulics to power my FEL.

    Hi guys and good evening to you all. I had a mad idea last night for a modification to my B6000 but the more complicated issues have gone completely out of my head now, so can any of you guys help me out on this idea please. What I want to achieve is this, as with most owners of the smaller and...
  19. Rob

    converting to a hydraulic tipping trailer, help required if possible.

    Hi all I have just embarked on another self build/restoration project for use with my b6000, its a hydraulic tip trailer, nothing fancy but it will do the job intended( i hope). Anway, back to the reason for this post, i'm converting an old flatbed with dropsides trailer to a hyd tipping item...
  20. Rob

    L series, early models. what to lookout for.

    hi all I have made a spot descision to add a second kubota to my machine collection. I think it will probably have to be an earlyish "L" series , something like an L1500 or 175 or similar, nothing to big but bigger than our b6000. it needs to be 4wd version also. what would the best version be...