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  1. Rob

    A question on the subject of metal composition and structure.

    Hi all, a bit of an off the wall question really on the subject of metal composition and structure etc, and just in case there are any techy type guys on here that may be able to assist further. In the new year i am due to rebuild my race bike and a few areas are now due for a closer inspection...
  2. Rob

    26 HP B7100, mad idea maybe, i think it will be something special......

    Well guys, summers over again and the nights are getting darker way to early for my likeing now, so then, its mad machine time again;););):cool: Or should that be " lets totally wreck a good machine time" :eek: This is a bit of a follow-on really to a previous project that i just never...
  3. Rob

    rear scraper blade or Box scraper, which is the better option?

    I'm looking for a rear scraper or box blade etc but a little unsure which is the better tool to get. Having not had the need until now to use one on a compact tractor, i am looking for some advise on which is the best tool to use on my B7100 and B8200 for grading around my pond. I would liketo...
  4. Rob

    What Kubota tractors are the best.

    I'm off on another thread, i'm not biased to any specific kubota tractor , but, the early "B" series have to be at the top of my list. I have tried a fair few various kubotas but i still come back to my good friends the B6000, 7100 and 8200 , to me they are like your trusty old indoor slippers...
  5. Rob

    My B8200 and a big wet hole.....

    Hi all, just a follow on really to my previous thread regarding my recent refub and fitting etc of a backhoe and subframe etc to my B8200. Its been pretty dry here in my location for awhile now and it is allway a good opportunity to get those nasty jobs done that would normally impossible do at...
  6. Rob

    just aquired my first mid-size kubota tractor.

    Hi all, just purchased my first mid-sized kubota a few hours ago. It is a nice and original L275 (2WD) with approx 1600hrs which looks to be right in comparison to the overall condition of the machine. Anyway, it will interesting to see how it compares to my other kit, its got a cab so i'll be...
  7. Rob

    My attempt at fabricating a multi-section backhoe/loader subframe.

    Warning , very long post i'm afraid, maybe a bit boring for some folks;);) Hi all, just thought i would add some details of my recently completed backhoe/loader subframe project. As from my other post a while back i purchased an old lewis 200 backhoe, which, turned out needing a lot of work on...
  8. Rob

    B8200 backhoe finally finished,fitted and working great...

    As in the title really guys, my somewhat longer than expected backhoe restoration and refit project is now finally completed, and i must say that i'm very pleased with the results so far. Its taken a lot longer than i had hoped to honest , mainly due to work commitments and family probs but got...
  9. Rob

    A Question about "Box section steel -V- L section steel for fabricating.

    A question for anyone in the know really when it comes to engineering in steel etc. I am about to start fabricating the final part for my backhoe, its a new subframe. The original subframe was not supplied but i did have the end of it still bolted to the backhoe main chassis. Basically 2...
  10. Rob

    Extra-dig modification on my backhoe, maybe a mad project to far!!!

    Hi all, I'm planning on doing some long overdue land drainage work shortly in an attempt to help our water logged property during the winter period. I'm going to be using my recently rebuild lewis 200 backhoe fitted to my B8200 for the work. Working Space andvery limited access is a factor so...
  11. Rob

    L series, what is comparable to the B8200 series.

    A question for those in the know as i need some guidance on the subject. Being a very happy " B" series owner so far i am thinking about taking onboard an earlier model "L" series tractor, what would be suitable model to compare with my B8200. I appreciate the L series are a heavier duty machine...
  12. Rob

    Been in the woods again with my latest Top Tool.

    Hi all, Just returned back from a day in the our woods (small forest may be a better description;) ). Anyway, picked up a nice little PTO chipper/shredder recently for use on the B7100 & B8200 with the purpose of making our own mulch and chippings, also to try and keep the wild wood managed a...
  13. Rob

    Its time to get the old girl out into the sunshine.

    Good evening all, Its been a while since i last posted on OTT, too much work on to be honest and not enough hours in the day, also just had some vacation time long overdue. Anyway, now the better wether( hopefully that is) is upon us its time to get the old girl out into the fresh air and blow...
  14. Rob

    can enyone identify these strange items???

    hi all, I have a question for you all out there, can you identify the items pictured below. I found them last year in tucked away in the wall cavity in one of our barns that i was restoring. When i first saw themtucked in the cavity they were very dirty, and i couldnt see the writing on them, i...
  15. Rob

    New Project, Hydraulic front stabilizer and weight frame.

    I've had another one of my mad ideas this afternoon with a solution (hopefully that is) to my ongoing issue of front counter weight when using my recently aquired lewis backhoe . As i currently don't have a FEL for either, and nothing seems to be forthcoming, i have decided the best option is...
  16. Rob

    A question about counter weights when using just a backhoe.

    hi all, I have a question regarding the fitting of a counter weight on my B7100 and B8200 when using a backhoe. neither machine has a FEL fitted so i need to sort out some counter weights for the front, backhoe weights in at approx 315Kg without any bucket , so add on a decent 24" digging bucket...
  17. Rob

    BF300, BF300-A , BF350 FEL Parts List Info Here.

    As in the title guys. I have a full illustrated parts list manual here for the BF300,300-A & BF350 front loaders, with all option numbers etc etc, very good comprehensive manual and source for parts and diagrams for installation repairs etc. Anyone requiring info diagrams etc, please PM me and...
  18. Rob

    Just aquired a backhoe for the B7100 & B8200.

    Hi all, I have been on the lookout for another backhoe to fit my B7100 & B8200 but until now nothing has come to light, well not at a lowish price that isn't rubbish that is. Some of you may recall a had a KB180 that was in a somewhat poor state of repair and even more problems came up with it...
  19. Rob

    Breaking B7100HST, mid production model.

    As in the title really guys, tried selling my HST for a while now without success, so breaking it up for parts. Most parts for sale except the bonnet, allready earmarked to someone. it was a hst i restored last year but dont need it as i have three other machines also to mess about with email...
  20. Rob

    lewis landlord back ID.

    lewis landlord backhoe ID. hi all, just a shot in the dark really, does anyone know which model of lewis landlord backhoe this is. I'm looking for a backhoe to fit on my B8200, but not too big, thought this may be a good size unit. I'm not sure from the pics which it is as i cant see the...