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  1. J


    BAP, I have spent a month helping my neighbor subsoil wheat stubble several years ago. I used a 300+ HP tractor and a 7 shank ripper. I got to know that tractor very well, it also was very new and had more power than I was use to. You could always tell when you hit where they drove the...
  2. J

    Tiller help

    I run a 48 inch Landpride tiller behind my B7100. The 7100 claims 16 hp engine, 13 hp at PTO and 1036 3 point lift capacity. I have never had lifting issues or power issue. I have had this tiller running so deep that the kickstand was plowing up tilled dirt. I borrow this tiller and I am...
  3. J

    What Kubota tractors are the best.

    I have owned my B7100 for almost one year. It has done everything I have needed it to do and hasn't backed down from any challenges. I have a small >2 acre vegetable farm. Many of our growing plots are small and close together. Some people laughed when I bought the B7100, but now they are...
  4. J

    Rear Blade Snow Removal - What are your tricks?

    I just reverse the blade, offset it at a 45 degree angle and drive down the center of our gravel driveway. Here is my blade in normal set up. Not sure if this blade was a homemade or a rebuild, but it does the job. Just cleared our 10 inch snow that was suppose to be a 2 to 4 inches...
  5. J

    B7100 and a 54 inch box blade

    Got to use the box blade tonight to tear out a high spot in the drive way and fill in the waterhole/pot hole on the other side of the driveway. It worked great. I did spin the tires a few times when the box blade was fully loaded with rock, other than that not a problem. I guess I will keep it...
  6. J

    B7100 and a 54 inch box blade

    Skeets: Agreed on reselling it, that is why I just went ahead and bought it. I thought I would try it out and see how it would work, if it is too big I will go your route! Thanks!
  7. J

    B7100 and a 54 inch box blade

    I bought this box blade for $200, sight unseen, based on 3 pictures (overall, ripper teeth and cutting edge) all looked really nice so I said I would take it. He said it was a 48 inch box blade, but when I went to pick it up it was actually a 54 inch. Since I drove the 1.5 hours, I didn't...
  8. J

    Sliding Rear tire back on B7100

    I was able to finally mow the yard today and test out the new bolts and see if I could feel any differences. It felt much nicer. It didn't feel as "tippy" when I turned on the hills. I didn't pin them as wide as I could have, but much wider than they were. After looking at the fender on...
  9. J

    Sliding Rear tire back on B7100

    Well I figured out my problem with the hub. After I loosened the bolt, the hub and tire did come off. There was a homemade metal shim that made it really tight. I did a lot of shaking, wiggling and cursing, but it did come off. About the pin, I never saw one on either tire. That is why they...
  10. J

    Sliding Rear tire back on B7100

    THanks for the picture. While I am not near the tractor (finishing my day up at school) I don't recall any hole in the hub for a pin to go through. I will have to give it another look at when I get home. In my mind, that is how I expected the hub set up to be, I hope it is and I am just not...
  11. J

    Sliding Rear tire back on B7100

    I lost the pin in that the pin broke? I am assuming that is what you mean. The bolt/pin is still in there, but I haven't take it off to see yet. Jay
  12. J

    Sliding Rear tire back on B7100

    As the title said, my rear tire as slid closer to the wheel well. It is actually rubbing on the wheel well with the edge of the rim. Probably slid in 1 to 1.25 inches. I jacked it up and the wheel is tight on the shaft and I couldn't loosen the bolt (didn't spend much time with it as it was...
  13. J

    Miniature Hay Wagon/cart

    Something like this?;ft_carts_wagons;pg103446.html They come with decks or just running gear. Jay
  14. J

    B7100HST - Need Pruchase Advice

    Great deal, that is $500 more than the 7100 that I bought without a loader and mine had a finish mower. Nice find, Nice tractor.
  15. J

    Scronged like a dog..........

    I have been borrowing or renting a 48 inch Landpride tiller. My B7100 has handled it without much trouble. I need more weight on the front end, that is sure. Jay
  16. J

    Scronged like a dog..........

    Is that a 48 inch tiller?
  17. J

    Need longer driveshaft with quick hitch?

    I have been renting and borrowing a tiller to use with my B 7100, until I can afford to buy my own. I had to buy a quick hitch to space back the driveshaft to make it work. Prior to the quick hitch the driveshaft was 1.5 inches too long at its shortest point. That set back of 4 inches saved...
  18. J

    Video of my Plastic Mulch Layer

    I do intend to paint it orange with black brackets, I just didn't want to paint it then find out that I need to weld more, drill holes, cut and move pieces and ruin my nice new paint job!
  19. J

    Video of my Plastic Mulch Layer

    I finally finished up my mulch layer enough to use tonight. I still have some bugs to work out, but I am happy to lay over 800 feet of plastic in no time at all. I need to work on the drip attachment, I was running it too deep. Also, I need to till everything before I try to use it again. I...
  20. J

    Plastic Mulch Layer

    Finally had sometime to work on the plastic mulch layer this weekend. I added the roller and two guide wheels to keep it from digging in too deep. While i need to do some fine tuning, it looks like it is going to work! Best of all I have plenty of power to pull it with the B 7100. I was at...