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  1. J

    Adjusting side to side movement on 3 point

    Eric and Bulldog, Thanks for you picture. I could disassemble the 3 point and put the turnbuckles on the inside. I know the previous owner had the 3 point all apart and maybe he didn't put it together correctly? While the previous owner said it wasn't a grey market tractor. I don't know...
  2. J

    Adjusting side to side movement on 3 point

    Thank you for the information. I will look into it. Looking at his pictures and at the way mine are mounted, are they even put on correctly? Thanks, Jay
  3. J

    Cutting Down a 3 point blade

    I was able to find a guy who was willing to make a trade. He was happy with the blade and I was happy too! The blade I traded for is much lighter, but it fits my tractor very well. It is a 6 foot blade, but I moved snow, rock, firewood and limb piles all with it today. It was fun. I did get a...
  4. J

    Adjusting side to side movement on 3 point

    I have a question about taking out the side to side movement in the 3 point on a B7100. I know on my families farm, we can take all movement side to side out of the 3 point. However, I have adjusted the turnbuckles on the 3 point arms, but I still have a few inches of movement side to side...
  5. J

    Cutting Down a 3 point blade

    Thanks I put it up on Craigslist for sale or trade. I am working on two deals. One person wants to trade a smaller nicer blade and another one wants to buy it. I think the trade would work out better, I hope. He was the first one to respond. Always keeping my options open. If not, fire up...
  6. J

    Cutting Down a 3 point blade

    I bought a rear blade sight unseen (pretty cheap) and had a friend pick it up for me as he was heading that direction (2 hours away). The problem is the guy told me it was a 5 foot blade and when it got to my place it had grown to a 7 foot blade. I was only wanting a 4 or 5 foot blade to start...
  7. J

    B7100 Auxillary Hydraulic Pump

    A couple of questions. 1) The quick connect hose is disconnected, should I always leave it connected or can I leave it unconnected unless I am using the creeper gear. 2) What shift pattern does using this require. Do I put the shifter in first, then pull the lever up on the creeper gear...
  8. J

    B7100 Auxillary Hydraulic Pump

    Thank you everyone, this is awesome! I am planning on using this tractor to run a 48 inch tiller, I am sure these gears will come in very handy! The tractor has a rebuilt engine in it and I am excited for many years of service. It has been taken very good care of. The prior owner has had...
  9. J

    B7100 Auxillary Hydraulic Pump

    I am disappointed that no one has replied. Either the answer is too easy or nobody knows. I guess I will push on try to find out more information about the 7100. Thanks!
  10. J

    B7100 Auxillary Hydraulic Pump

    I am new to this forum and I have a brand new to me 1977 Kubota B7100. I have a question about a part of the gear shifter. It doesn't look like the other B7100's I have seen. The guy I bought it from said it was an auxillary hydraulic pump. I thought it was that too, but now I have doubts...