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  1. J

    PTO Speeds on a 1980 B7100

    I just finished mowing the yards around here with my 1977 B7100, with a 48 inch finish mower. It sounds like you figured it out, but the slowest PTO gear is all the way back. I have been using the middle setting as that is what the prior owner told me he used. He called the middle one the...
  2. J

    Quick-Hitch for CAT 1

    Those were the words out of my mouth exactly! I knew it would be close on the PTO shaft, I actually measured it before I picked it up. I thought I had a little more room than I did. I was just happy I got it to work. I want to buy a tiller, but I need to pay off the tractor and some other...
  3. J

    Quick-Hitch for CAT 1

    I rented a tiller last week to use with my new to me Kubota B7100. The problem I ran into was the PTO shaft was too long and for obvious reasons the rental place wouldn't allow me to cut it. The options were these, drive the 1 hour back and return the tiller, buy a new PTO shaft for the...
  4. J

    Plastic Mulch Layer

    Most of our ground was outdoor pig lots for many years. The people sold out of hogs, tore everything out and cleaned it up. Then several years later another person bought the ground and moved a house here. We bought several people later. Point is, we have more weed seeds than I know what to...
  5. J

    Plastic Mulch Layer

    I am not alone, I love it! By making them the way I did, I have lowered my cost of production (compared to a premade kit) and I can pay off a high tunnel in about 2 weeks of good markets. Any pictures? Jay
  6. J

    Plastic Mulch Layer

    I have one premade , 30 by 48. I bought it used and tore it down and rebuilt it. It was much easier than I expected. I took tons of measurements, numbered everything, drew lines, marked heights and took lots of pictures. When I was rebuilding it I was putting nails and screws back in their...
  7. J

    Plastic Mulch Layer

    I have already planted over 6,000 onions (on Feb 4-6) and two 4 by 45 ft beds of carrots (planted on Jan 28th). However these are inside my high tunnels and not outside. I will also be planting tomatoes around the 15th of March, also in high tunnel. Onions Carrots
  8. J

    Plastic Mulch Layer

    That looks nice, couple quick questions. What did you make the roller out of? How is it attached to the side pieces. It looks like it is just bolted on, any bearings? Thanks!
  9. J

    Plastic Mulch Layer

    Do you have any pictures of it, I would love to see one. Jay
  10. J

    Plastic Mulch Layer

    The rear disc hillers will throw the dirt up to cover the edges. There is only one on it right now because I had to order more Ubolts. I am going to try to use this on flat beds and raised beds. I will make the raised beds with a disc hiller. This is the disc hiller I made last year. It...
  11. J

    Plastic Mulch Layer

    The drip tape operates on 8 to 10 psi. I have to run pressure reducers from our well. I have heard of people operating drip system on strictly gravity, I am sure if you had some pressure reducers and maybe a bypass return valve, it could be done. You would need to Filter the river water. Jay
  12. J

    Plastic Mulch Layer

    I use plastic mulch to conserve moisture and warm the soil for heat loving crops. We plant or transplant through the plastic to grow many of our crops that we grow and sell at Farmers Markets. It also helps keep weeds down. Here are some Watermelons growing on Black Plastic Mulch Early in...
  13. J

    Adjusting side to side movement on 3 point

    I finally had some time to work on the 3 point this weekend. After taking it apart, I remove the locking nut on the turnbuckles . With this removed, I was able to snug them down tight and the side to side movement is all gone! When I have more time and nothing else to do, I am going to find...
  14. J

    Plastic Mulch Layer

    While it isn't finished, waiting on parts to be shipped, I was able to put together enough of it that you can tell what it is. It is a mechanical plastic mulch layer with a drip irrigation attachment. I am pulling this with my B7100. I am missing ubolts that is the reason why I only have...
  15. J

    Single shank soil ripper

    Bill, I do live on a hill! That is a gopher mound you see! :) My next step is to rip it again and then I will till the ground to loosen up the soil. Then I will make raised bed and lay plastic mulch. Jay
  16. J

    Single shank soil ripper

    Love the videos! I had to watch the gopher one three or four times! Evil is an art form, the laugh was similar to mine! GSSIXGUN: I have a tiller hard pan. It is because I have tilled the same ground over and over and It only goes down so deep. Also it will help break up compaction...
  17. J

    Single shank soil ripper

    I got my single shank soil ripper set up today, so I took it out for spin. It worked great, put the B7100 in low range, first gear and took off. I spun the tires a few times, but it did rip 12 to 15 inches deep. It was lots of fun!
  18. J

    Adjusting side to side movement on 3 point

    KUBOTASAM: Thank you for the information. You have confirmed three important pieces of information. 1) Where the Check chains should be. 2) The 3 point is probably Factory. 3) The year of manufacture is 1977. I wonder why they changed the shape of the 3 point arms? That question may never...
  19. J

    Adjusting side to side movement on 3 point

    I will have to get the serial number again and send it to him. There are no japanese writings on this tractor at all. If it is grey market, it came from another country. Everything is in English. The gear reduction was a factory installed option for tractors with a trencher. Still love the...
  20. J

    Adjusting side to side movement on 3 point

    Eric: That is kind of a blow to me. I thought I had avoided the whole Grey Market Tractor Issues, but I guess I was wrong. RDR: The equipment moving isn't the problem, the 3 point arms moving is the problem. I have washers on other equipment, so I will check and see if it helps. The...