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  1. J

    7100 and Caroni FL1400 tiller

    Quick question, has anyone used a Caroni tiller on a B7100 or even used a Caroni tiller. I have found few reviews on them, but the ones I did find were all positive. It has a working width of 56 inches and the website says 15 to 40 hp. I have been borrowing a Landpride RTA 1550 for the last...
  2. J

    Think I want a box blade

    I bought, what I thought and was told, a 48 inch box blade on craigslist for $200. I drove the 1.5 hours to pick it up and when I got there it was a 54 inch box blade. Regardless, for the price I put it in the truck and got out of town. I knew if it was too big, I could resell it (for more)...
  3. J

    Can anyone ID this Tiller?

    Why can't I find deals like this? Every used tiller I see is either a complete piece of junk and they want $600 for it or looks nice and they want $1200-$1500? For $400, go for it. I know I would, if you can get parts for it online. It looks very stout!
  4. J

    What trailer to buy?

    I will suggest this, a full tilt trailer. My BIL has one and I borrow it from time to time to move my B7100 around. It is so nice to use it as you don't have to worry about ramps. Also when you want to unload, I just unlatch the bed, back up and the bed tilts and I lock the hydraulic and it...
  5. J

    Plow for Trenching water lines?

    Skeets: I watched the video too, just looking for more homemade option. Botadriver: I am assuming you used PVC? I wonder about bending an 1.5 inch EMT conduit and attaching it somehow to the single shank ripper. I am wanting to lay 3/4 inch black pipe. Think it would work? Jay
  6. J

    Plow for Trenching water lines?

    I was wanting to do the same thing for some water lines for our market garden. I am tired of dragging hoses and pipes around and having to move them to mow. I am planning on only to use this during the frost free season and blow out the lines during the winter. I have this one row ripper...
  7. J

    King Kutter 48" Tiller TG-48-Y use with B-7100 HST

    I have run several 48 inch Landpride tillers with my B7100 gear driven. I never had any problems with power. It did make the front end a little light, but I need to add weights to the front end to solve that problem. Jay
  8. J

    Buying a Kubota

    I love it. It does everything I want it to do. I mow our 1.5 acre yard, tend to our 1.5 acre market gardens, blade snow, blade rock, move hay bales, run a tiller, disc hillers, lay plastic mulch, cultivate, dig post holes, and much more. I wish it had a loader, I knew that going into buying it...
  9. J

    Buying a Kubota

    Buy it! I bought a 1977 with a few hours on a rebuilt motor, new front tires and a 48 inch finish mower for $4250. Since then, I have spent another $600-700 on other attachments. You have a loader and hydrostat and a canopy for $1750 more. I priced a new loader and I choked! Buy it and...
  10. J

    Tipping trailer use

    Rob, Do you think I am missing this diverter too? When I have an attachment on the 3 point , on the ground, and I plug in the hose, it won't lift up. When I have the attachment on the 3 point and it is up and I plug in the hose, it falls to the ground. Where does this diverter go? Any...
  11. J

    Tipping trailer use

    I have a hydraulic hose coming out of the same place, but it goes back to and plugs into the weird creeper gear that slows the transmission down to use the tractor with a trencher attachment. Yours doesn't look like that. Honestly, I don't know how it all works. If I connect the hose to...
  12. J

    B7100 shift boot

    I would like to know this too, noticed mine is starting to crack some too. Same year tractor also! Thanks!
  13. J

    Getting bolt out of B7100 hub

    I hope like heck I don't throw a rod, the engine was completely rebuilt 2 years ago. :) I have owned this tractor for a year now and the previous owner had it for about a year after having it rebuilt. I even talked to the guy who rebuilt it for him and he showed me the receipts for it. It purrs...
  14. J

    Getting bolt out of B7100 hub

    Thanks Piker for the info. I will look it up. There is some wobble in the hubs already, the previous owner some how added a thin piece of tin between the axle and rim as a shim. It came out when I put new bolts in earlier this year and I couldn't get them back in. According to my serial...
  15. J

    Getting bolt out of B7100 hub

    Thanks for all the info and ideas, I was able to get the bolt out and take off the hub and get to town for a new tube. I was lucky as it was the last tube, of the correct size, they had in stock. Usually, with my luck, they just sold/used the last one they had! To answer your questions, Yes...
  16. J

    Getting bolt out of B7100 hub

    My valve stem cracked and my rear tire went flat. I tried to remove the bolt that goes through the axle, but it isn't coming out. I know it is not threaded, as I put this bolt in about 6 months ago. I have loosened the big bolt, the hub wiggles. I have driven it out the length of the bolt with...
  17. J

    TractorSupply tiller.

    Just a heads up about renting a tiller, there may be issues with the PTO shaft and it being too long. Since you are renting it, you can't cut it to fit. You may want to take your tractor to the rental place and see if it will hook up. If it doesn't, then you can purchase a quick attach. It...
  18. J

    Post Hole Digger question

    I was able to get it hooked up before the wind started to blow and the wind chills go subzero again. I didn't have any problems with the PTO shaft being too long either. I was going to drop the auger off to lower it all the way to ground, but I decided to just back up to the walk out...
  19. J

    Post Hole Digger question

    Wolfman: Thanks for the information, that is what I was wondering. I was reading the manual on the PHD and it didn't mention anything about cutting the pto shaft, but it did mention to make sure there was enough overlap in the two pieces. I read another manual for a different digger and it...
  20. J

    Post Hole Digger question

    I have a question I haven't been able to find the answer too and I haven't had time to hook up everything and figure it out, yet and waiting until the weekend is going to kill me. When is the PTO shaft the shortest when you are using a post hole digger? I am borrowing my parents PHD and...