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  1. E

    ROP noise

    I had the same issue with rattling noise. Bugged me from the first minute I had the machine. Simple solution: Made two wedges out of hardwood (think doorstop like), tapped them nice and firm into the gaps at the pivot point of the ROPS. VIOLA!! Integrity of ROPS is not compromised in any way.
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    BX25D BH removal and storage Outside

    I have the same issue with having to store outside and uneven ground. Solution #1 = Level the ground! We have machines for that, don't we? At least level enough for your machine and your attachment when lining them up. Solution #2 = Pallets. I set all my implements on free, used pallets...
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    Trenching questions

    Good question, and good tips! Here's one related: If I'm doing a fairly long trench, it's a pain in the arse to jump from seat to seat on my B7800 every time I need to move the tractor. So what I do is leave the brakes off, FEL slightly raised. After digging whatever the BH will reach, I lift...
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    Oil types

    Thanks 85Hokie, but I am on an island off of Vancouver Island, BC Canada. The shipping would cost far more than the product itself. I guess ièll have to bite it and make the drive to the dealer. :rolleyes:
  5. E

    Oil types

    So, my B7800 manual says to use the manufacturers recommended oil, which is labeled UTD. Can't find it anywhere other than the dealer, who is not close to me at all. The nearest thing I can find is labeled 'TDH', (whatever the heck that means) Q: can I use the TDH, can I just add it, or should...
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    B7800 Tranny fluid choices

    I've got a B7800, Tranny fluid seemed to get a bit low, so want to top it up. Previous owner used "Kubota"brand UDT fluid, but I`m not near a dealer and can`t seem to find anything labled ÙDT`. What else can I use. Do I need to do a complete change out, or just top off. Machine has 180 hours on...
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    Hooking Up/Removing attachments from 3pt hitch

    Level ground is key for lining implements up after dropping them. I've found that putting everything on wooden pallets helps. Brings them up nice and high, and they are definitely level. Post hold augers are simply the work of the devil.
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    Mechanical Thumbs and Ripper Tooth

    I've got the Bro-tek thumb, no big issues, but I wish the bottom hinge would have been more robust. It uses a lynch pin, which should have been made a little heavier. Otherwise, it definitely does the job. Would have preferred a hydraulic version, but too $$. For a ripper tooth, I took one of...
  9. E

    B7800 how do you like yours?

    I've had my new to me B7800 for a little over a year now, and still love it. I can't imagine not having a tractor again, and have yet to find too much that the little orange beast can't handle. Of course everyone is going to have varying requirements out of their machine, but these things are...
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    B7800 headlights

    My B7800 has the twist and lock style of bulbs. Not much point in replacing them however because they are next to useless. Shine straight into the back of the FEL. Do yourself a favour and add some good floods to the ROPS and you'll never regret it.
  11. E

    Bucket position

    Depends. My 'little orange whore' usually sleeps under cover so its bucket flat and all pressure relieved off of the system. If it's left on any kind of an incline the FEL is tipped down so it bites into the ground so she won't roll away in the night.
  12. E

    I named our B6000.....

    I originally called mine 'The Tangerine Dream', but my wife refers to it as 'that little orange whore'. (Seems I spend a bit more time with it than her):o
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    B7800 Brake Adjustment

    There really should be an 'idiot light' on them to protect us from ourselves. Thanks again for the schematic. The other rod is WAAAAAAY over on the left of the machine. Didn't even think to look over there. All good now and stopping on a dime!:)
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    B7800 Brake Adjustment

    That's a great help N.I. Wolfman, Thank you! I obviously didn't look hard enough. - I think there's enough meat left on them cause the right one locks up REAL good now!
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    B7800 Brake Adjustment

    I've got a B7800 that "somebody" :rolleyes:drove around a bit too much with the park brake engaged and wore them down a bit. I've adjusted them so they now grab nice and firm, however, I can't quite see how the brakes are adjusted individually.:confused: There seems to be one turnbuckle for both...
  16. E

    Easy fuel filter change method

    I find it much easier to simply clamp lines with vise-grips, but if/when it's too thick, brittle, or flimsy, a golf tee usually works great. Always have a couple in my tool box.
  17. E

    best deal you've ever come across

    Buddy was selling a 14' aluminum boat, new trailer and 30hp outboard, asking only $1200. - a great deal already! When I went to look at it, the motor wouldn't start, so now we're talking about just a boat and trailer. I low-balled him an offer of $600 and he jumped on it. Got it home and had the...
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    Shotgun scabbard for bota

    Consider this: Bomb-proof!
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    Speed knob on steering wheel

    One of the first mods I did to my Kubota was to add the speed-knob. Can`t imagine not having one when working controls with the other hand. Have one on my boat as well.
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    AM/FM headphones for music and protection.

    I agree with you about wanting to hear feedback from the machine. When that's not necessary, I wear these: Usually with hearing protectors over top. Fantastic sound and no wires! Don't listen to radio, but tunes through my phone.