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  1. B

    How to fix this grease fitting?

    Well, I admit I didn't even try to get a wrench down in there...I just didn't think there'd be enough room to get on it. :whistle:
  2. B

    How to fix this grease fitting?

    Got my B2650 used, so there's a few peculiarities to it I'm trying to fix. One is this grease fitting. It's inside the right arm of the loader. The one on the left side points up, which makes it a lot easier to get a grease gun on. This point points down. I'm assuming I can tighten it...
  3. B

    B2601/BH70 Swing Arc

    Another consideration, as far as swing-arc goes...with 90 deg, I can swing the bucket over 90 degrees, back straight up to the house, put down the outriggers without fear of them hitting the house, and then dig in a straight line parallel with the wall. I don't know how possible that is with a...
  4. B

    B2601/BH70 Swing Arc

    You are literally the first person I have ever heard say that.
  5. B

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    I have a moment of smack-the-forehead "duh" BEFORE it was too late! I was using the B77 backhoe on my B2650 and as I was setting down the outriggers, I noticed something. The footpegs you use to get up and down from the backhoe platform were bent towards the front, so that everytime the...
  6. B

    B2601/BH70 Swing Arc

    I sit-comfortably-in-my-chair corrected.
  7. B

    Selecting a box blade for a subcompact

    Enjoy yourself! I had the exact same scenario a couple weeks ago: First time taking off the hoe, put on 3pt hitch arms, attach box blade. I'll be honest, when I raised it off the ground, I felt like I REALLY had a tractor then. I was kinda giggly for a little bit, driving around. Thankfully...
  8. B

    B2601/BH70 Swing Arc

    No, they don't. It's essentially the LX2610, as far as spec goes. Good thing too, because the model naming was terribly confusing. The B26 is more than a "standard" B, but less than an L. Hence the LX.
  9. B

    B2601/BH70 Swing Arc

    My experience has been: if you want more for your money, then buy used. Sure, I plan to have a tractor forever, so buying new made sense...but I just couldn't afford what I wanted when new. But I was able to find a B2650 with BH77, grapple, and pallet forks for $22k on Facebook marketplace...
  10. B

    Selecting a box blade for a subcompact

    He said it was so you could drop just the middle scarifier and use it like a bulldozer ripper blade. So you've got one tooth you can rip with that's lined up with the center of your tractor.
  11. B

    Selecting a box blade for a subcompact

    I'd be interested in that other thread.....
  12. B

    Bobcat box blade? Or Titan or Southern?

    Ok, I had a chance to finally use it. This was my first time using a 3pt hitch implement, so it meant removing the backhoe, which was also a first. I'm pleased that it all went well, though the hydraulic line was in a place I didn't like. I may have to revisit that. Attached the 3pt hitch...
  13. B

    Selecting a box blade for a subcompact

    I found it by Facebook marketplace. I was looking for a used BB, but that one kept popping up.
  14. B

    Selecting a box blade for a subcompact

    I didn't see Bobcat brand on your list, and I'll throw it out there for consideration. I have a thread I made recently about the quest to purchase a boxblade for my B2650, and the winning element of the Bobcat was that they were available...
  15. B

    Stump Bucket/Grapple good for B2650 cab

    For 4 acres of clearing stumps, I personally think this falls into the "Know when you still need to rent a mini-excavator" category. I was talking to a friend who owns a small farm because I was excited about the new box blade I bought, and he told me how they had cleared a small wooded area...
  16. B

    Bobcat box blade? Or Titan or Southern?

    Geez, that is definitely heavy duty. Heh, I'll probably be a big fan of Bobcat implements now just because I bought one, but I won't have any real words to share until I've actually tried to use it. I think I agree that, given how much steel there is in it and how I intend to baby it along...
  17. B

    Bobcat box blade? Or Titan or Southern? do you even do that?? Is that dropping it down while at full speed or something?
  18. B

    Bobcat box blade? Or Titan or Southern?

    I felt like the Land Pride BB was considered as one of the quality ones, so I just tried to compare to that. The Bobcat box has an extra shank and about 50 lbs more weight, so I consider that a good comparison, given that it's also several hundred cheaper and actually available. Humorously, I...
  19. B

    Bobcat box blade? Or Titan or Southern?

    No gusseting (wanted that but decided it was not critical...could find few box blades that offered that). But wow, I have NO concerns about this box holding together. Granted, it's my first one ever...maybe they're all like this. But it's just so SOLID. I'm *very* pleased with it, though...
  20. B

    Bobcat box blade? Or Titan or Southern?

    Ok, everything is lining up to get this Bobcat boxblade. It DOES have 5 scarifiers, which is something I wanted. The tips of the shanks are *not* replaceable, something else I was interested in. But I did some research on what it took to replace those tips, and it all seemed to involve tools...