Search results

  1. B

    Bobcat box blade? Or Titan or Southern?

    Heh, all very good points. I've been lurking around marketplace for a while looking for one, but it's been suddenly pushed to the forefront. I'm helping work on my aunt's driveway next weekend, and I can't think of a better tool for it. So ya, better to get the one I can get.
  2. B

    Bobcat box blade? Or Titan or Southern?

    That's VERY good to know, thanks. Yes, planning on 5' for the 2650.
  3. B

    Bobcat box blade? Or Titan or Southern?

    Ya, I've got them on my short list of GOOD box blades, but being able to actually acquire one (price or not) is the other problem nowadays. The local Bobcat place has several of these box blades, but before I go and get one I was just looking to see if anyone had experience with it. I know...
  4. B

    Bobcat box blade? Or Titan or Southern?

    I didn't know Bobcat made implements for 3pt hitch, but I see one in my local area. $900 for a new one, which is lower than other brands I've seen, I just don't know if Bobcat is a quality brand. Can anyone vouch for it? I've also seen Titan and Southern as brands and haven't found much as...
  5. B

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today? There were several to choose from I think, but this one appealed for some reason. No complaints with it.
  6. B

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    I installed a port into the side of the panel so I could much more easily plug in the battery tender. I was really tired of reaching down near the exhaust in the front to plug it in at the end of the day. SOO much handier now. The charger plug is tied to the rafters with a simple retractable...
  7. B

    Dirt Dog (CBX60) or Tarter BB205BL Box Blade for BX23S

    Anyone have words to say about Southern or Titan box blades? I've seen some of those in my area.
  8. B

    Box blade or tooth bar for grading grassy area? Or neither?

    That's a pretty good idea. I'll broaden my search to include tractors.
  9. B

    Box blade or tooth bar for grading grassy area? Or neither?

    Well, there's been no luck so far on finding a decent used box blade in the area, and I'm not ready to spend on a new one. So I pulled the trigger on the Piranha toothbar. Dunno when it'll get here, hopefully just weeks. Thanks for the input to all. I think between the backhoe and the...
  10. B

    B2650 suddenly won't start

    I can report a complete success! I went to Harbor Freight as was suggested. I took the nut with me so I could learn its actual size. I was able to determine it is 26mm...but the only way to get a 26mm wrench at HF was to buy a 10 pack of huge wrenches for $40. I wasn't interested in that...
  11. B

    Box blade or tooth bar for grading grassy area? Or neither?

    No, that's not possible, even if I wanted to go through all that pain. :) (We put the pool together ourselves, including ground prep, because no one else could get to it until the summer was already gone. We DID it...but I don't ever want to do that again). The pool has to be built on...
  12. B

    Box blade or tooth bar for grading grassy area? Or neither?

    Another question...I've read that you should size the box blade wider than your tractor. The B2650 is right at 54", so I figured a 60" was the right size. I'll occasionally come across a 72" box blade for sale though. Is it better to wait until I can get a 60"? I'd be concerned with a larger...
  13. B

    Box blade or tooth bar for grading grassy area? Or neither?

    Thanks for the info on good/bad quality brands. I stay away from TSC in general because their prices are ridiculous...and their box blades are no different in that regard. I'm going to assume Lands Pride is a good brand as well?
  14. B

    Box blade or tooth bar for grading grassy area? Or neither?

    Ya, I'm thinking this may be the way to go. I can attest, based on the prices and availability I'm seeing, that these things definitely keep their value. Now just to FIND one....
  15. B

    Box blade or tooth bar for grading grassy area? Or neither?

    That's a good idea. I only have SOME idea of the lay of the ground, I need to get the whole picture.
  16. B

    Box blade or tooth bar for grading grassy area? Or neither?

    Ya, this is definitely the way to go for a project this size. I've made plenty use of my standard laser level and just a stick in the past...but only when it's dark! Works well other than that exception. But when we made the pad for the pool to sit on, I needed a no-kidding way to make sure...
  17. B

    B2650 suddenly won't start

    Heh, harbor freight. i'd forgotten about them, we only got a store in our town a year ago. That's a great idea! This is definitely going to be a special use tool, and grinding it to fit makes perfect sense. I'll try that this week.
  18. B

    Box blade or tooth bar for grading grassy area? Or neither?

    One of the projects that I want to get done this summer is re-grading of the backyard area. There is a low spot that collects the rain water and turns to mud. Also, we put in a pool last year in the backyard, and I want to grade away from the pool so water doesn't collect around it as well...
  19. B

    B2650 suddenly won't start

    I zoomed in... I'm pretty sure that's just a drop of water on the bottom of the boot. It looked in good shape to me. I think you're right, an open end box wrench might be the only thing that can tighten in there. It is a TIGHT space. I tried using some adjustable pliers to tighten it. As you...
  20. B

    B2650 suddenly won't start

    Houston, we have the problem! Thanks to all your help, I knew exactly where to look for the treadle pedal safety switch, and once I crawled under the right side, the switch was immediately obvious, as was the problem! I has clearly slid out over time so now the metal part doesn't depress the...