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  1. B

    Damaged hydraulic connector (B2650 3rd function)

    Thanks, I see it now! I probably would never have found it somehow. SUMMIT FF38F-06N 2719 Heh...I guess summit is definitely the place to get a replacement then.
  2. B

    Removing/Capping a hydraulic fitting (B2650)

    I haven't yet followed it all the way back to where it connects, to see how easy that is to access. I'll have to see how hard it is to completely remove the hose. I kind of want to keep it intact as a feature, for the EVENTUAL day when I sell this to upgrade to something bigger. There's also...
  3. B

    Damaged hydraulic connector (B2650 3rd function)

    I didn't see a part number, but it may just be difficult to find. I measured the outside of the male connector and it was 0.78" across, which summit hydraulics guide shows is a 3/8". So yes, 3/8" NPT. thanks!
  4. B

    Damaged hydraulic connector (B2650 3rd function)

    Thanks, I had no idea. I DEFINITELY see threads, and the thread for the male connector has tape on it (can't see any sealant on the exposed threads for the female). The measurement of the exposed threads shows about 0.67" across. Which makes it this one...
  5. B

    Removing/Capping a hydraulic fitting (B2650)

    Turns out I have to replace the female hydraulic connector that is behind all the other connectors. While I'm doing this, I think I would like to move or remove the extra large fitting on the top. It came with the tractor (used) and goes to a Laneshark implement that I don't have, nor plan...
  6. B

    Damaged hydraulic connector (B2650 3rd function)

    I've identified it as a 3/8" connector. However, the website has NPT threaded or SAE threaded. I'd rather not take the connector off until I'm ready to do the replacement, just to prevent garbage from getting into the hydraulics. Is there some way to identify it? Thanks.
  7. B

    Damaged hydraulic connector (B2650 3rd function)

    Any recommendations for vendor? Google found me summit hydraulics.
  8. B

    Damaged hydraulic connector (B2650 3rd function)

    Ok, quick story time first....with the winter storm looming, I knew it was time to bring in the firewood. We store our firewood under a pole barn about 100 ft from the house, so to make getting wood for the stove easier, I devised a system that involves using the tractor (that was kinda my only...
  9. B

    B2650 rear work lights

    What....share something about my tractor?? Oh, you'll never get someone to take you up on that offer in THIS forum! :) Here are the links to the lights in Amazon:
  10. B

    B2650 rear work lights

    With the simple LED lights available on Amazon, you can get pretty far. I bought ones that looked appealing and then measured their wattage on my bench and found it to be FAR BELOW what they had stated. I've got a large lightbar facing forward and 2 spotlights facing backwards and I'm pretty...
  11. B

    B2650 rear work lights

    Your guess is correct. I checked mine before I installed my lights.
  12. B

    B2650 rear work lights

    What he said. I used that connection to add work lights to the ROPS. I ran that wire into a plastic box and added the switches right there on the ROPS so I didn't have to run anything to the front console.
  13. B

    B2650 won't start immediately after running it??

    Recently had a thread where my B2650 wouldn't start at all, ended up being the treadle pedal safety switch. Another easy way to check is, with the key to On, if you move the treadle peddle even slightly, you should hear the relay click (which is removing the ability to start when the pedal is...
  14. B

    Pricing for 2019 Kubota B2650 w/LA534 Loader

    I'll help you with a datapoint for comparison, although (unless things have changed) the real challenge was FINDING a tractor that could be bought, not finding one that was affordable. I bought my tractor last year from a private seller via Facebook marketplace for $23k. 2017 B2650, 300 hours...
  15. B

    Trailer ramp problems

    Went and got my B2650 w/backhoe and grapple with my 2016 Silverado 1/2 ton and a 3k - 4k trailer....and, it never felt unsafe, but ya it was definitely right at the limit of what it could drag across PA ridges. Obviously a trailer brake controller is needed or you'll die. Hills were VERY slow...
  16. B

    Fixing tweaked B2650 SSQA in the cheapest way possible

    You are a genius. A little driving into a tree and they were inconsequentially out of alignment. Hooking up the pallet forks was SO MUCH EASIER. Thanks! And for the record, there's nothing I don't overthink. I think....
  17. B

    Fixing tweaked B2650 SSQA in the cheapest way possible

    Wouldn't the hydraulics fight against being pushed in?
  18. B

    Fixing tweaked B2650 SSQA in the cheapest way possible

    Well, if you saw my previous thread about the grease fitting, I told you my next issue wouldn't be QUITE so easy to fix... My used B2650 is wonderful, but does come with a few issues I'd like to correct. The current issue is the SSQA, which as you can see in the picture, has the "feet" out of...
  19. B

    How to fix this grease fitting?

    I could see a lot of threads on the fitting so I figured it had some room for tightening. It went a half turn tighter pretty easy, and happily took grease this morning.
  20. B

    How to fix this grease fitting?

    :rolleyes: Well, I am completely shamed. An 11 mm wrench works perfect to tighten it around. Didn't even need to raise the loader (though I think that might give better access, if I'd needed it). Sorry to have wasted time...but I promise the NEXT issue I post about won't be so obvious.