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  1. C

    New Owner

    Jim: Nice going. Let us know how the snow blower works. Comment on traction. I would suspect you need rear weight when blowing snow.
  2. C

    Quick Hitch Expensive Boat Anchor?

    As to best QH, well no one so far has shown a problem with cheaper ones. For instance with a harbor freight model, I modified Category II rear 8 ft. off-set type blade to fit the Cat I and used it for extensive grading of gravel roads and side ditches to the point of having one pin of the...
  3. C

    bx25 bucket capacity & lifting ability?

    Watch out!!!!! With all that lifting cap'y, now that rear end goes up in a hurry if the load is heavier, as when pulling stumps.
  4. C


    Great question: Now try figuring out what a Newton is or a Pascal? Or a bar? I do know that a fig-newton tastes pretty good as a snack.
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    Quick Hitch Expensive Boat Anchor?

    RBA: Maybe so. However, the "King Kutter" rear blade guys didn't seem to know there is the QH with a top hook and so the spacer pipe OD is somewhat larger than the opening of the hook. Also, they slant the vertical bars such that they tend to interfere with the top "plates" of the QH, making...
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    Quick Hitch Expensive Boat Anchor?

    One more reason for not using the top hook. Look at the rear plow thing in photo above. The hook would have to be juggled into the opening under the pin and then re-attached to the holes in the QH and then might not fit well.
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    Quick Hitch Expensive Boat Anchor?

    One item that was not correct in prior post' The highth from the lower pin to the top link has to be the same for ALL the implements. There is no usual need for the hook that comes with it for most equipment. See attached photos for a simple method with strap steel. You can see there is...
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    3 point hitch

    Isn't there a stop you can add to the housing in which the control lever operates? It sure would simplify the fix as I see it. Then, for some other use, removal of the stop puts things back to normal. I assume your control is a position control, not a simple up-down control (as on the BX).
  9. C

    Torn between Grand 4060 and the John Deere 3720

    A friend of mine has a good friend who is a dealer for both JD and Orange. In confidence to my friend, the dealer said the maintenance work and repair required on Kubota is much less than the JD coming to his shop.
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    Looking For QA Boom Pole for L3800 FEL ??

    I had a boom for a bucket on a tractor of 28 HP. It lifted 500 pounds easily way out there. This sketch shows how it is a "T"shaped thing with top of Tee in the bucket. Chains go from the boom to top corners of bucket. Add a clip angle under it at the bucket edge to keep it from lifting in...
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    Kobito Snow Plowing - First Time

    Nice videos and photos. Question: have you considered a rear blade? I think you would find the job takes half as long and less chance of tearing up pavement or gravel.
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    front loader bushings

    Hey Rob: I found it. I bet they have been insulted from across the channel.
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    front loader bushings

    Rob: What's this stuff spelled greese? Any relation to Geese? Over here the word nipples has a different meaning also. They come in pairs.
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    front loader bushings

    Mr. 9200 For a first time poster, it would appear the Englishman might show some courtesy. I see another sassy reply to a guy also. On the subject of bushings on a loader, the inside of the "pipe" carrying the pin will wear in a non circular manner. A bushed joint then is pretty difficult to...
  15. C

    PTO not turning, what would you suspect?

    Don't know that tractor, but assume it has a clutch for pto (also). In this cold weather could water have frozen on the pedal linkage or a shaft and you don't have the clutch itself fully engaged? Did it come out from a warmer storage place, like a garage? Warm up things and see if it goes...
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    My First Job with my Kubota, Built a Bridge_KINDA

    Nice posts showing your first job. In time you will come to the conclusion many here have: "Don't know how I ever got along without it".
  17. C

    tool box

    The attachment shown with the 2 inch square receiver is great. However, any of these three point tools usually is much better used along with the Quick Hitch as sold by harbor Freight and others. Get that and you will be pleased. For instance that triangular attachment can have a couple of 1"...
  18. C

    Bucket Fork for Kobito

    As mentioned above. the small gripping lever on the front lip of the bucket easily can bend a light weight bucket. However, you can minimize this problem. Add an extension to the bottom leg of each. That could go all the way back to the heel of the bucket, if you want. Thus your forces on...
  19. C

    tool box

    Beginner welder, practice first on scraps. Don't use their welding wire, but get some known brand wire, smaller size. This cheap welder does amazing and needs a 20 amp 110v outlet. Even comes with a cheap, but OK shield.
  20. C

    tool box

    I built a rectangular frame out of angle iron, 1-1/4 x 1-1/4" and laid a piece of 1/2" plywood inside that, At the front corners I had sufficient plywood cut-out that the hooks of the Harbor Freight quick-hitch fit in there. Then at the rear corners I had a loop at each corner made of 3/8"...