Search results

  1. 2

    udt versus udt2

    Using Messick's for price reference: 5 gallon pails. UDT: $84.22 SUDT2: $103.12 2.5 gallon container: UDT: $45.76 SUDT2: $54.65
  2. 2

    L5240 needs an engine

    Paul7220, Yes, Wholegoods is the document/price sheet used by the sales department where one would buy the tractor/implement/etc. Typically wholegoods are kits or the options selected during equipment purchase. They include instructions and all parts to install at a substantially reduced cost...
  3. 2

    Transmission Dip Stick

    Any chance the fuel shutoff valve is closed? (Assuming this model has one on the filter housing)
  4. 2

    L5240 needs an engine

    It might have been worth contacting the Sales group and not sales, so the "Wholegoods" price was quoted and not the "Parts" price. There is typically a big difference. Glad you're back and running and thank you for posting the outcome and other questions.
  5. 2

    L5240 needs an engine

    I'm also curious about what type of hoops you needed to jump through to obtain it. Ditto on the wholegoods price mentioned in post above.
  6. 2

    Hoods,fenders many different models in perfect shape

    The Zombie thread continues... Someone always seems to bring this back to life.:rolleyes:
  7. 2

    (Hydraulic) fluid leak, steady pour upon starting up tractor

    Since your filter is dented along with the metal brace nearby, it may have taken a hit. Perhaps pull up the illustrated parts at Kubota to see what parts are involved. Kubota: Illustrated Parts Do you have Kubota insurance?
  8. 2

    L4760HST won't start

    I was thinking it was 5 years aso, but it might have been different in that year. The ECU is covered in the warranty info I found on Kubota's website. I wish the OP the best of luck in getting this resolved with minimal expense.
  9. 2

    Starting Problem

    I'd refrain from using either or other starting aids. The potential for damage outweighs the reward.
  10. 2

    1995 Kubota b7100 smoking and spewing out injector? from heavy pto load

    Hopefully after nearly 2 years they have resolved the issue and the advice is no longer needed. It would be nice it users reported their solution before abandoning their post.
  11. 2

    L4760HST won't start

    Shouldn't the ECU be covered under the emissions warranty?... Thinking the emissions warranty is longer than three years.
  12. 2

    Shopping for R3 Tires & rims for my L2501.

    Added note to post #2 to clarify the price includes valve stem, tire and wheel.
  13. 2

    Wheel hub cracked

    Had one break on the B3030. Original actually looked like it was made from two pieces and welded together. The new part was a single piece in this particular case.
  14. 2

    Shopping for R3 Tires & rims for my L2501.

    Wholegoods document from 12-13-18 has the following listed for L2501 DT, HST TURF ALR8893A F-TIRE 25x8.50-14 HF-1Goodyear SofTrac $207 ALR8804A R-TIRE 13.6-16 R3 Titan Multi Trac TL $428 So for about $1,250 +tax should get you a complete set. When ordering ask if they can ship on a stock...
  15. 2

    RTV1140CPX U-Joints

    You might want to search the forum as I remember a thread where someone was looking for small u-joint for the mid pto shafts that may be the same size. There was some good reference material in the thread. The key is to take careful measurements of the cap diameter, lengths and how it is held...
  16. 2


    Yes. (Assuming pto means shaft from pto to Quick Hitch) Most used units come with all three. Also keep in mind there is a tractor mounted attachment point and two large (2" diameter) pins that should be included in the sale. This plate mounts the the front of the tractor where a brush guard...
  17. 2

    New to me tractor today!

    Congrats and enjoy. Caution rolling a full bucket so far back while fully elevated.... Good way to dent the hood or worse.
  18. 2


    There are a few different front snowblowers that will work. Basically any snowblower that attaches to L2180 or L2180-1 Quick Hitch will work. The quick hitch will work with a number of grand L's and is adjustable to fit the various wheelbases/frame height difference. The only item that changes...
  19. 2

    Metal shavings in oil

    Maybe a picture would help.
  20. 2

    MX5100 Fuel Injector Leak

    I've seen bubbling at the interface between injector and head. There is a copper washer that needs replaced. While this should be repaired, I don't think this is the root cause of your problem. My neighbors well worn B9200 had major leakage/bubbling at the injector/head interface and the tractor...