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  1. 2

    Tractor Wheel Database Somewhere?

    Thank you very much for posting the info. Is it possible to repost the Grand L one above. It doesn't seem to want to open. In what document is this information published?
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    Tractor Wheel Database Somewhere?

    eserv, That's a very useful document you posted and the first time I've seen anything like it posted before. Is it possible to post the info for the Grand L30, L40 and L60 tractors?
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    Power Service Diesel Conditioner Mix Ratio

    Mix recommendations from their website: Diesel Fuel Supplement + Cetane Boost 16-OUNCE (PART NO. 1016) At temperatures above 0°F., add entire contents (16 ounces) to 40 gallons of diesel fuel. When temperatures drop below 0°F. or when using biodiesel blends, add entire contents (16 ounces) to...
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    Power Service Diesel Conditioner Mix Ratio

    After reading your post and title, I'm confused which Power Service product you are seeking information on. Power Service doesn't list a "Conditioner" in their product list, so I'm confused how everyone is commenting on the proper mix ratio. Power Service web page: Power Service Diesel Kleen...
  5. 2

    Engine locked up

    WRT purchasing a head to make operational... Is the OP 100% positive #2 cylinder is not damaged? It looks like from the photos the piston took a few good hits and there is no telling the condition of the piston, ring lands or rod without removing from the bore and inspecting. (Maybe I missed...
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    Oil Pan

    Use two studs to help line up the pan. Of course this means buying studs or making from the appropriate bolt prior to the install.
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    Part help

    Maybe this... 140 NUT- NUT,LOCK T0270-81830 $7.65 Messick's Please verify before ordering.
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    lx2963 vs lx2980 snowblowers

    Thank you for supplying the photos. Looks like a very interesting setup and far cry from the old "duckbill" mounting method used previously.
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    Super Deluxe! Glad you found one.
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    B3030 PTO kit

    Was hoping for better pictures that could be expanded to see the detail of what you have and to help give some guidance. The PTO kit is usually just the driveshaft(s). Your subframe is disassembled in the photos, likely to fit on the pallet better. The part that goes into the blower, which I...
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    B3030 PTO kit

    What are parts are you calling PTO kit?... Just trying to better understand what help is needed. Are you certain the subframe (black assembly in second pictures is the one for your tractor? Normally this hangs off the front of the tractor and the back of it is lifted and held in place by a pin...
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    Hydraulic fittings on loader won’t go back on

    Can always loosen the fitting a bit to allow some fluid to escape.
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    D1462-D1 engine head questions

    Torque is a poor indicator of clamp load, but easy to measure. To ensure proper clamp load make certain the threads are clean; The underhead of bolt/washer (if used) and head surface are smooth; Use the correct lubricant at these points if called for. Probably best to source the gasket directly...
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    lx2963 vs lx2980 snowblowers

    Can you take pictures of the front of the subframe? I'd like to better understand how the blower connects. Congrats on the new purchase and thanks for sharing.
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    RTVx-1100 starter will not crank when temp below 50°

    I'd do a voltage drop test on the starting circuit to confirm/verify it is capable of carrying the high amperage draw. Voltage drop test is done dynamically (load applied) so it can uncover issues a static test won't.
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    L4740 engine oil

    I seem to remember my L4740-3 taking slightly less than what was listed in the manual, but can't remember specific amount. For what it is worth oil was drained when hot from both plugs and allowed to do so for over an hour with filter removed.
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    Weak Starting

    If you want to check the starting electrical circuit I would suggest doing a "voltage drop test" involving both + and - cables. Static voltage readings can mask a problem while this dynamic test will uncover problems. Use your favorite search engine to find articles or videos on how to...
  18. 2

    Cold Weather Diesel Fuel

    While your worrying about the winter/summer blend, try finding the minimum cetane rating your manual specifies. For years Kubota specifies a minimum cetane rating of 45, while most pumps only guarantee 40. 🤔 Winter diesel also has less energy content, so you're paying more for less. If you live...
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    Tractor won't start - Now fixed

    Thanks for reporting the confirmed root cause and glad it was a simple fix.