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  1. 2

    hst wire connector

    Someone posted this source for another terminal end used on newer Kubota. Looks like this company offers a good variety, so hopefully they have what you need. 2-Way Kit (
  2. 2

    HST Issue - Jerky Motion - SOLVED

    Thanks, but have the tire/rim position marked and it hasn't moved in years.
  3. 2

    HST Issue - Jerky Motion - SOLVED

    Thank you for reading and considering. The engine RPM's generally remain steady. When the HST acts up the engine speed will change slightly, but this is due to the HST loading and unloading the engine. IE: The HST acting up is causing engine to change slightly, not the other way around. The...
  4. 2

    HST Issue - Jerky Motion - SOLVED

    I am hoping members can help with a situation I’m having with an L4740HSTC-3 tractor. Issue: Ground speed can be very erratic and jerky while HST pedal held in constant position. It can act properly and then start acting up. Background Info: It doesn’t do it all the time, but it can act...
  5. 2

    White Plug in Cab of L5030

    If you don't have rear or side window defoggers, the glass can typically be purchased through wholegoods to gain this feature. Rear and side windows are separate p/n's.
  6. 2

    Broken Shear Pin LX2980 Snowblower

    If the auger was difficult to move with the shear pin removed and not the cause of binding, there might be corrosion inside of the auger shaft. Typically there are grease points (zerk fittings) along the shaft. Grease will help pump out water that accumulates on the inside. The auger should...
  7. 2

    L5740 surging forward and reverse

    Curious if they could be cleaned up (removed rust) or if new were needed. Did you replace both or just one?
  8. 2

    L5740 surging forward and reverse

    Curious if you have resolved your issue and what the solution was.
  9. 2

    L4630 - chains for *front* tires

    Curious... Did the OP have any sucess?
  10. 2

    L4630 - chains for *front* tires

    Maybe give these guys a call. They've been in business a long time and can probably recommend an option. Farm Tractor Tire Chains | Johnstown, PA 15901 814-248-3375 (FAX) 814-495-4526 Post back if you find something.
  11. 2

    Sent private message. Sorry for the delay in responding, but just noticed the inquiry.

    Sent private message. Sorry for the delay in responding, but just noticed the inquiry.
  12. 2

    L4060 HST

    Curious how this ended.
  13. 2

    L5740 surging forward and reverse

    Curious if any progress has been made on the diagnostics or if problem solved. The instrument panel can provide feedback on stored error codes, and view sensor outputs with engine off and running. This can be helpful in understanding if one of the sensors is acting up. Hold both switches down...
  14. 2

    Cold Weather Starting Problems

    Modern glow plugs become almost white hot in 3-4 seconds, so 10 seconds should be plenty. On machines such as my L4740-3 the computer only keeps them on for a maximum 10 seconds. While they turn on very quickly when power is removed, the decay (cool down) period is much longer. Meaning when...
  15. 2

    L3540 HST driving strange - Swash Plate Sensor fix

    According to the WSM there is a difference between the HST Pedal Sensor and the Swashplate Position Sensor. They do look the same, but they have different part numbers. Here's what the WSM states:
  16. 2

    L3540 Lurches with high rpms.

    During research for a problem a friend is having with his tractor, I read this post and want to add clarity about the two sensors: HST Pedal and Swashplate Position sensor. Mr. Wolfman posted the correct part numbers (at least during the time of this post) and they DO use the same bench test...
  17. 2

    B2400 slow to start on first start.

    2nd the voltage drop test. There are many videos available to demonstrate the technique.
  18. 2

    Brand new owner. Ballast?

    Rear 3-pt weight similar to the load being lifted.
  19. 2

    Turf Tires on R4 Rims

    Maybe this will help. Price list was a bit old, but should give some idea.
  20. 2

    HST fluid change with filters

    Duplicate post.