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  1. K

    New ZD 1211 zero turns

    Does anyone have experience with these new mowers. Im thinking of buying but don't know much about them. Are they as good as the older models?
  2. K

    2013 MX4700 Won't Hold PTO Idle

    Replace the fuel filter. Unless you ran poor fuel there is no reason for an injector to be bad. I think I would do more investigation before replacing parts.
  3. K

    BX2660 losing power

    You probably only needed to change the fuel filter. Is there some reason you drained the tank?
  4. K

    Bent bucket lip

    If you want it perfect you will need to cut the center of bend. Flatten it out then weld up the cut. Grind it down and paint it and it will be like new. Otherwise use a sledge hammer.:o
  5. K

    Synthetic Oil

    Why do you want to change the oil at 5 hours? I would run till 50 then change to synthetic if you want.
  6. K

    D1105 not getting fuel to injectors

    I'm betting your fuel shut off is stuck from sitting. It should have a manual shut off. Try manually moving the lever back and forth. If that doesn't work you might have to get into the pump to free it up.
  7. K

    Kubota rtv 900 speedo sender

    If memory serves me right it is on the right side of tranny about half way from top to bottom. Will be the only electrical connection on that side.
  8. K

    Mechanical Fuel Pump D1105

    Try the primer pump to see if it helps. You can add an electric ahead of the mechanical but there is no reason to bypass the mechanical pump. Make sure you don't have a small air leak somewhere. If your fuel system is tight you should not have any fuel issues.
  9. K


    Keep track of the antifreeze level just to be sure its not burning antifreeze. Other than that it could be worn injectors. A good dose of a high quality fuel conditioner would be a good idea. Diesels under load usually produce blackish smoke. White smoke is not usually a good sign.
  10. K

    L2900 smoking and knock?

    Sounds like you are burning antifreeze and possibly it is leaking into the crankcase as well. Probably have a cracked head or blown head gasket. But it could be worse than that. Need to pull the head and start there.
  11. K

    zd28 running rough

    I'm betting a blockage in the tank. It is acting like a fuel starvation issue. If filter is good and lines are good then check the tank. I had a similar problem with a diesel mower. Some times it would work for days them others it would die several times. Finally realized that someone had dumped...
  12. K

    L3800 Sitting Dead In the Field - Help...

    Once you force air into the system by running out of fuel it is very difficult to purge all the air. First pull the fuel line on the outlet of the filter to make sure you have good flow, then the line at the inlet of the injection pump. Then one at a time loosen the injector lines at the...
  13. K

    L3200 Engine Will Turn Over but Won't Start

    Its not to difficult to check if fuel is getting to injectors. (likely not). Also easy to check if power is getting to the fuel solenoid. I am betting either it has failed or something up stream. More than likely a safety switch. Dealers don't always solve the problem.
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    V2403-M-T Turbo Replacement

    I would put on a boost gauge for a while just so you can see where things are at. Most turbos for these smaller engines set the boost in the 7 psi range. I doubt it will be much over that. Too high of boost is dangerous for these engines but I think you are safe up to 10-11psi.
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    Knockin' and A-smokin'

    Fuel filter? Bad fuel? No the tires will not give those symptoms.
  16. K

    Increasing fuel at the injector pump

    Send the link to that video. Thanks
  17. K

    RTVX900 HST/Throttle adjustment

    Other than your release valve for the hst needing adjustment it sounds like yours is operating the way it should. It is not a cvt where it adjusts itself to the torque applied. As for breaking, it is driving technique that you need to learn. Once you get on to it you will like it. Think of the...
  18. K

    ZD28 Mower won't engage

    Hmmm. Missing guage wheel and jammed lever. Are you sure the missing wheel is not jamming the mechanism some how? Maybe it got flipped up and is in the wrong place or right place depending on how you look at it to jam the lever.
  19. K

    Rvt or silicon in hydro fluid?

    That is very sloppy assembly. Will it cause damage, not likely because it will never make it through the suction screen. It is still a bad idea to have that in there. If by some chance it did get to the pressure side it would destroy both the pump and the hydrostat. I am surprised that Kubota is...
  20. K

    RTV 900 Diesel Question

    Sounds like the fuel rack is sticking. How many hours on the machine? Going to high revs after starting indicates the fuel rack is not returning to idle after starting. The fuel rack is at max for starting and then is suppose to return to idle. Yours is not till it warms up. Has the oil been...