I am new to tractors and diesel engines. My new to me B6000 seems to give off a little white smoke when the tractor is under load, like putting it in high gear and driving around the yard. Not a lot of smoke but just enough to barely see it. Is this normal? I don't see any when at idle or really even operating my bucket just driving.
My gas lawn tractor doesn't give off any smoke. Is this just a diesel thing?
Diesels in general "smoke" - but it does depend on color and frequency!
How many hours on the engine? More hours typically relates to more smoke....then again some "new" ones will smoke a bit when cold. I too see "smoke" when I am climbing a steep hill on my 23 year old diesel - and when I increase the throttle, the smoke is easier to see too and when light is shining through the smoke it is easier to see. White can be unburned diesel, low compression will cause fuel not to ignite completely too. Water will also cause the smoke - as others said, keep out eye on coolant level.
Dirty injectors and misfired injector timing can cause this too - depending on the AMOUNT of smoke, this will determine what the next step will be.
If it smokes at startup - this is somewhat "normal" for an older engine - the pistons will expand and rings close the end play gaps and the smoke will subside. If it smokes like you are killing mosquitoes......then you have a problem!
Based on what you see - I would say your machine is very much normal!!!