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  1. K

    PTO moves at high rpm when disengaged

    It shouldn't turn with the drag of the mower attached. That is more than just oil drag. I believe your pto lever runs a valve which opens and closes the flow of oil to the pto clutch. I think you maybe have a leak in that valve which is letting oil to the clutch giving partial engagement. You...
  2. K

    PTO Troubles

    Does the cutter have a slip clutch on it? Does tractor rpm slow down too? Your tractor should have pto speed readout on the dash, what is it telling you?
  3. K

    F3680 Tie bar

    The threaded "bolt" is actually a ball inside a socket. The tapered shaft needs to pressed into the steering arm. A gentle tap with a rubber mallet is usually all that is required to spin the nut on and tighten on the nut without the shaft turning.
  4. K

    ZD331 engine will not turn

    I'm betting you have hydraulic lock. Likely full of antifreeze.
  5. K

    ZD331 engine will not turn

    Need more details. How long after it started did it start blowing out the exhaust? When you try to start does the starter click, and sounds? Why do you say it is fuel coming out the exhaust?
  6. K

    M4900 Slow Throttle Response/Low Power

    I am betting the bolt was replaced with one that was too long and contacted the fuel rack. I doubt the fuel adjustment has been tampered with.
  7. K

    M4900 Slow Throttle Response/Low Power

    Let me understand you. Did you adjust the bolt under the cap? Or just loosen bolt beside it? The tin cap will turn free. It is not solid to the bolt. It has to be pried off. Once it's off you will see the actual adjusting bolt. If all you did was loosen the bolt beside it and it started running...
  8. K

    M4900 Slow Throttle Response/Low Power

    Maybe I misunderstood you. Which bolt do you adjust? I thought you meant the one under the tin tamper proof cap.
  9. K

    M4900 Slow Throttle Response/Low Power

    That looks to me to be the max fuel adjustment. Don't know why anyone would turn it down to limit power. That adjustment is meant to be specific to that engine. Which is why it has the tamper proof cap on it. Getting the proper adjustment really requires it to be on a test bench but you can do...
  10. K

    Questions about the fuel filter on a B2150

    Did you remove the old small O-ring from the housing number 110? The o-ring fits in a groove and the filter should slip over with ease.
  11. K


    Had one for 8 years and 0 problems. Great machine with lots of power for the size. Only complaint I have is it has the 4 cylinder vibration that can be annoying at pto rpm. Other than that minor complaint its an excellent machine and I wouldn't hesitate to buy another if so needed.
  12. K

    Temp gauge position

    Seems odd anyone would unplug the temp gauge.!!??:confused:
  13. K

    Injection Pump Leak

    The brass washer at the bottom is the critical one to change. It is where the leak occurs. The o-ring is to keep dirt and moisture out.
  14. K

    Kubota gas engine.

    I believe it was built as a gas engine. I think its all aluminum but could be mistaken on that. Just did some reading and found they are patterned after the super mini series diesels. So they might share some common components such as the block. I doubt there would be much crossover for...
  15. K

    EGR or not?

    Think of it like this. How good for your health would it be to eat your own poop? Exhaust ingestion for an engine was always considered harmful until environmentalism went crazy.
  16. K

    Zd 1211 rdk60p

    rentthis is correct, there is no timing to the blades. They are staggered so the cut is overlapped but nothing to time. I"m not sure how you have blades colliding.
  17. K

    Coolant issues

    I have a new ZD1211, same machine as yours only new model. I have the same issue, a small amount of coolant disappears after each use. No evidence what so ever of any leaks. No evidence of it being burnt. A mystery. Keep us informed if you find the cause.
  18. K

    Cranks with smoke

    Has it started fine in the past? If this is a sudden occurrence then it will be the glow plugs.
  19. K

    New ZD 1211 zero turns

    Sounds like they should be better. I wondered about the low pro tires. I am going from a GF1800 to a ZD. What are your comments on that move? I like front mounts but not a fan of the little GF bacause of the lack of power steering.
  20. K

    New ZD 1211 zero turns

    So just comparing them sitting side by side which one would you pick?