Search results

  1. gssixgun

    Rear Scrape Blade Mod question

    That was exactly what I am trying to avoid, you know exactly what I am dealing with... No prob with the morning after our first snow, had the blower on and moved it all with one pass :) Then we got that next 4 inches, and the rain started, so I dropped the blower hooked up the blade and scraped...
  2. gssixgun

    Rear Scrape Blade Mod question

    Ok need some ideas I own this blade Can anyone think of a way to modifiy it to offset, even just to the right.. I know, I know, I screwed up when I bought it and should have thought of that issue ahead of time, and just bought the 6...
  3. gssixgun

    Tool Box ideas.

    Mine went on top of the Right side fender, used Rubber washers inside and outside to stop the rattle.. I only had to drill 1 hole as there was already one in the Fender, then I mounted a cup holder to the tool box :)
  4. gssixgun

    what weight brand engine oil do you run

    I tried to do the same, I really really wanted to try the SUDT 2, I searched within 100 miles of the house, that hit 3 Kubota Dealerships... They all used the NH brand.. I could only find 5 gallons of the SUDT 2 within the 100 miles.. Even though my Tractor doesn't require it I had heard stories...
  5. gssixgun

    what weight brand engine oil do you run

    Yep that is what I use,, Lubricants seem to be a huge "Hot Button" issue on all Tractor forums :p basically some swear by a brand and other swear at them.. Been a Valvoline and Castrol fan for way too long to change now, I would have felt comfortable with running either in my L3600, when I...
  6. gssixgun

    Block heaters...

    Funny story I was at the Co-Op last night browsing hehehe and there to my surprise is an remote made by Thomas & Betts 150' range rated good down to -20° Unfortunately it was only single plug so I had to add a triple plug extension cord rather than the single one I was using so I could still...
  7. gssixgun

    Diesel Additive Suggestions

    I finally ended up sticking with this one So far so good...
  8. gssixgun

    Block heaters...

    Too expensive and wasteful for continuous use :) Thermocube Seemed like a good solution, but I soon realized that here in North Idaho like many other places the colder days are the days that the sky is clear :p So if I used a simple freeze cube like the pump house on at 30° off at 45° it...
  9. gssixgun

    KUBOTA False Advertisement

    WWF The Wonderful World of Finance Read the ads carefully I am willing to bet there is an either/or attached to $1000 or 0% financing Many Rebates are written that way If you arrange your own Financing or pay real cash that rebate applies but if you opt for the 0% often times that rebate...
  10. gssixgun

    Pulling up hickory trees Thoughts ??? Anyone used it ???
  11. gssixgun

    Help Needed for Snow Blower Use

    I have the same Tractor,,, and have a 60" blower for the back Pics of your Blower ??? Size ??? PTO shaft is there ???? The L3600 makes short work of the Snow I get up here, if you do some searching on my user name here you will find some pics of the mine all hooked up...
  12. gssixgun

    Quick Attach 3 point Advice

    Are all your 3PT Implements QA rated ???? This was a problem for me, I have 4 Implements right now, two are QA ready two are not.. So I had to make a decision of which direction I was going to go...
  13. gssixgun

    Pulling up hickory trees

    Was yanking trees before Winter set in up here... Not sure of the Root strength of Hickory -vs- Ash but the only trick I was using besides topping them at 4-5ft, was the addition of an actual Choke Chain.. I made my own, with an oversized Hook on one end of a 6' 3/8 #43 chain.. I use that...
  14. gssixgun

    changing attachments

    I found the Vid from Mike at Big Rock to be very informative and a good watch for anyone at anytime, there are a few hints in there that are good to get a refresher on... I now own the Pat's system and it is much easier, honestly it is BUT That is a big but hehehe, if you are not familiar...
  15. gssixgun

    Pat's Premium 3pt Quick Attach Adapters

    Well thanks to Dan, the QA's got here last night and I got them installed today.. Quick and easy, but I had watched the vids so I knew what to expect.. I tried out the Backblade and that was even easier to hook up, the I tried the Boxblade which was always difficult because it actually is set up...
  16. gssixgun

    Rotary cutter restore

    That is really looking good :D
  17. gssixgun

    Pat's Premium 3pt Quick Attach Adapters

    If you go to their website they actually address the bushings which of course you can use, but they also make re-sized hooks. I really like the idea of the stabilizer bar they offer, and they have washered pins that look interesting but I think I can make much easier then ordering :) Right...
  18. gssixgun

    Pat's Premium 3pt Quick Attach Adapters

    I was set to buy these after this video Then I found these two The second vid shows some issues with them, However this might be a case of expecting too much...
  19. gssixgun

    Working the FEL and the Box Blade

    Yes the Drive and Barn is done in 1-1/2 washed,. we wanted a clean no mud or dust area by the house,, It was done in 3/4 minus the whole way for the last 11 years and has always been a pain.. This past two years we have switched to 1-1/4 minus on the road, and we just went to the 1-1/2 washed...
  20. gssixgun

    Used anti-freeze source?

    Not sure about where yer at, but up here the Dump/Land Fill we have a separate section for automotive waste products.. There are Gallons of used antifreeze just sitting there.. Keep in mind that you will have to test the mix for where the ratio is at.. I like the idea of the sand, way less...