Search results

  1. gssixgun

    Front axle fluid change

    Not sure I had a very few incidents of my front axle freezing on my L185 with the Gear Oil When I bought the L3600 I dumped everything and replaced it with the SUDT rated fluid including the Front Axle I haven't had any issues That is VERY weak evidence of their being a difference LOL If I...
  2. gssixgun

    Kubota L Series Tractor Winter Maintenance and Performance Suggestions

    I have a L3600 over in Far North Idaho Only cold related things I noted on my old L185 which I addressed on the 3600 before my first winter #1 The front axle, I had a few freezing incidents with the Gear Oil I had in the 185,,, I used UDT in the 3600 without issues #2 The 185 did NOT have a...
  3. gssixgun

    Pat’s Quick Hitch

    I have a 2000 L3600 Put the Pats on some years back, fortunately I did not have to change anything However when I did need a new PTO shaft, I remeasured for the Snowblower and did end up longer.. My old one after being repaired, thanks to NthIdahWolfman still works as a backup, but the...
  4. gssixgun

    Cold temp engine heater?

    Mine has an engine heater but this vid might give you some ideas...
  5. gssixgun

    Pump for 5 gallon hydraulic fluid cans. Anyone recommend one.

    Harbor Freight has Long Funnels for $3.99 I bought one and used my Heat Gun to custom fit it using a wood dowel so I didn't mush the tube Works perfect for the front Axel and the Transmission, I do use a 2 Qt plastic pitcher from the Dollar Store to pour so that I am not manhandling the 5...
  6. gssixgun

    Hydraulic Pipe Pulled out

    Follow Up: Boating Season is over up here so it was time to get back to work around our place Here is the follow up I ordered everything from Messick's the parts were correct I used a few tricks to do this easier than I would have in the past. A younger Glen would have tried to muscle it all...
  7. gssixgun

    Hydraulic Pipe Pulled out

    That might work,,, but I have a set of Easy-Outs just in case
  8. gssixgun

    Hydraulic Pipe Pulled out

    I get out there and pull it off and get the numbers this week.. Figures I was just about done when it happened too
  9. gssixgun

    Hydraulic Pipe Pulled out

    Non HST Thanks will search it out
  10. gssixgun

    Hydraulic Pipe Pulled out

    Doing a little Brush Pile work caught a branch and ripped out my Hydaulics 2000 L3600 The pipe feeds to the Filter housing Here are the pics, it looks like I just need to get A new pipe, What is this part actually called ?? The rubber seals A new locking piece and bolts Trying to figure out I...
  11. gssixgun

    PTO Driven log splitter vs. stand alone L3902HST

    I went through this same decision process 4 years ago The wife was buying me a Log Splitter for my 60th damn younger wife says I was getting too old to do it by hand hehehe Anyways, I finally went with the stand alone, It just works out better using the tractor to drag the logs, the bucket...
  12. gssixgun

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    View from the Seat Put the BoxBlade on adjusted with the Scarifiers cranked down, smoothing out the Winter potholes
  13. gssixgun

    Do you have a vanity plate?

    Yes Right now we have two, keeping in mind my wife worked for DMV until she recently transferred out LOL she could "Stalk" any plate we wanted Her Jeep = "Frosty" My RED F-150 = "Scar" aka Scarlet I did have Sixgun when we first moved here but gave it up :(
  14. gssixgun

    Pros and cons of snow removal options

    I have 1 mile to the highway so I have to have a blower Rear facing blower and the FEL Bucket do it all for me The only thing I could add to your detailed summery is that a when the blower tosses the snow well away from the road it REALLY help for Springtime on the Gravel Road .. There are no...
  15. gssixgun

    Blowing snow - volume question

    Mostly all answered, The best answer I read, and you read, was try and move it when it is LOWER than the Blower height Moisture content really changes the dynamic, we had a 45° temperature swing after Christmas which made moving the White SLUDGE very hard on the machines Spray; Honestly my...
  16. gssixgun

    Snow removal

    The one HUGE advantage to a SnowBlower vs any Blades I didn't see posted yet.. I do 1 mile of Road to the highway, we get serious snow here, average about 9 feet per year We have used a Roadgrader, D7 D9 D4, F250 with plow, and a Skidster The overall issue was always the same, over the winter...
  17. gssixgun

    'Fess Up'......mistakes you've made or close calls.......

    Oh man I can relate, I found one of those a few years back, clearing and plowing a little over 1/2 acre In one of the back corners, I had a front wheel drop into a mud sucking hole, I lucked out and only dropped one wheel so with a little help from the FEL and standing on the Rear-Wheel lock I...
  18. gssixgun

    Glow Plug question

    Makes a bit more sense now, thanks for clarifying it for me I kinda figured that, but wasn't sure
  19. gssixgun

    'Fess Up'......mistakes you've made or close calls.......

    I learned on a Ford 9N then progressed to a Kubota L185DT Most of my tractor time is spent moving snow, and learning on those two taught me to move slowly and thoughtfully So far after a decade of owning the L3600 I haven't stuck it bad enough to not get myself out, came close last week.. The...
  20. gssixgun

    Glow Plug question

    This might be a stupid question since I have zero issues starting my tractor but it has been bugging me since I keep reading it on here.. In many of the "Cold Weather Starting" threads I have read posts that say "Mine started, but it took 5-20 seconds of Glow Plugs before it did" Question...