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  1. A

    Oil Overfill

    Unfortunately this kind of stuff in not limited to dealerships. I have taken to servicing anything and everything I can myself to prevent the hassle of following up on screw ups. I made an exception with the new BX primarily to keep dealer happy in case of warranty issues does the road. And...
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    Oil Overfill

    Thanks D2. Good advice and I am relieved to hear you think the engine should be OK. I learn from all the very knowledgeable folks on this site.
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    Oil Overfill

    So on my brand new BX 25D I decided to have the dealer do the 50hr service, primarily to make sure nothing was missed. The tech did the service (which I watched) and assumed (yes I know) all was well. After the first use (about 6 hours of box bladeing) I checked the oil to find it was overfilled...
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    Draft Control

    Thanks jryser, I don't see a draft control lever anywhere so I gather I don't have it. Sounds from the video no great loss on most things.
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    Draft Control

    I have been reading up on box blade use and came across the topic of "draft control". Sounds like some tractors have it and some don't - is it on a BX25D-1? Any other info on the topic appreciated. Cheers Andy
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    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Probably not a usual tractor task - BH drove her lawn tractor into our iron gate, creating a rather large "bow". A few blocks and a strap on the back hoe and it's almost good as new (and didn't even have to demount it). Never thought I would use the Kubota for something like that!
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    Orange site question

    Yup - happens to me but not all the time. Weird.
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    Backhoe Dolly

    Thanks all. I am having second thoughts about the bed frame idea - I could beef it up but by the time you do that I wonder if its worth it. Could certainly do wood one -already have the wheels and woodworking is a hobby (for about 40 years now). My welding is not so good but this seems like the...
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    Backhoe Dolly

    I was thinking of making up a backhoe dolly (BT 602 @ 617 lbs) using an old bed frame (1 1/2 angle x 1/8 thick). Heavy enough or go buy some square tube? Thanks
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    Average age of OTT users?

    Bought my first tractor for my 62nd birthday last fall. Only regret is not buying it 10 years sooner!
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    Welding Question

    Well I have good news and bad news. The good is I used the water test to confirm no gas was getting to the tip. The bad news is I found out why - I had installed a spool gun to do some aluminum work which involves installing a diverter valve. It has to be set to the correct gun (and wasn't)...
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    Welding Question

    WOW - lots of great reply's, thanks. I will take some time today to look at each and see if I can narrow down my problem. It certainly could be any of them - my weld spool is OLD as I don't use the welder a lot, my technique is questionable (see prior point) and so on. I will post back once I...
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    Welding Question

    Ok, good to know. I will dial it back once I know for sure it's getting there at all.
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    Welding Question

    Great thought. I wondered about the water idea but somehow I had this nag in the back of my head about sticking a electrified tip into water - I guess the answer is leave the power off - duh. Never thought of that. Thanks
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    Welding Question

    My mig welding is the pits - literally - lots of porosity. I am using a Miller 185 with 25/75 shielding gas set to @ 25 psi. Tank has lots of pressure, but I am beginning to doubt the gas is getting to the tip. Is there an easy way to check? I don't know, - soap bubbles or something? Thanks
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    Backhoe Ripper

    Got to pity the poor stump looking at that thing. Nice job!
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    Bx25 hst fluid and filter fluid level question.

    Yes, I too would like to see the video but the link given does not work for me? Never mind - got it.
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    Let's see pictures of your beautiful machines

    Brutus - got to love the names. I called my BX "the kid" once (it's a little tractor after all) and now everyone asks how's "the kid...."
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    My take on a Back Hoe Trailer Hitch

    My first test of the hitch - seems to do what it's supposed to! I did learn I have to watch going over uneven ground (dragged the BH at one point). Live and learn.
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    Trailer hitch on backhoe (revisited)

    Looks like you could handle some pretty good loads with this hitch!