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    Stalling Mystery

    Ok, to follow up. I pulled off the under armor I bought and noticed the fuel pump wires were wrapped outside the fuel lines - rerouted them in behind just in case Russell Kings idea of a wire chaffing might be a problem. -Went to work (uneventfully) for over an hour. Just about the time I was...
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    Stalling Mystery

    I will spend some time on Wednesday trying some fixes - am out of pocket tomorrow. And for sure as soon as I get it under control all will know.
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    Stalling Mystery

    D2 Will do Dave_eng You got my attention with that idea - seems to fit the facts. When it starts to act up the first thing I do is try to back down and get to the road on the flat (in case I can't get it started I want to get it to a point a truck can get at it). Usually it still sputters for...
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    Stalling Mystery

    Roadworthy Can do on the flow but if it runs pretty regularly for an hour prior you have to wonder why it would suddenly (and fairly predictably) start stuttering, given its not that old (for rusting type issues). But the flow test is on my list. Bruce P No Idea but I will see what I can find...
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    Stalling Mystery

    I am having a issue with stalling. I start and run the tractor for an hour or so and all is good. Then it suddenly chokes up like its not getting fuel and stops. I have been able to restart it (so far) but once it starts to happen it's go home time. Other Factors: Working on a road that is...
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    Murder not worthy of coverage in the USA

    I have to wonder if the media would be so circumspect if the races were reversed.
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    There's bigger problem then a virus

    Seems like Daily Chuckle #2942 would fit right here in this discussion.
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    Handy Tool: Spray Can Mixer

    Great idea! Having just gooped on some paint this is a good get.
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    The garden is done

    We have used the motion sprinklers for years and they do work. Problem is I always forget they are on and get nailed.
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    Had a Visitor Today

    Who knew they could read! Or maybe he was waiting for lunch to stick it's head out the hole...
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    I get this from time to time, anyone have a cure?

    Used CCleaner for years but have read some reasons not to anymore.
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    Jeffrey Epstein, Filthy Rich on Netflix

    I wonder how all of this is going to get any public attention if the MSM remains so intent to ignore it.
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    Watching The End Of The World

    Interesting video.
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    I get this from time to time, anyone have a cure?

    Many browsers have extensions that allow you to block java script which stops a Lot of the snooping. Some stuff will not work unless you allow it. Most of the time I just move on unless there is something I really want to see.
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    Had a Visitor Today

    They are quite the bird. "Who Cooks for You" is a call we hear a lot this time of year. It has been a real surprise how many different birds use the fountain to drink or bathe. Hummers love it too.
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    Had a Visitor Today

    Barred Owl.
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    Rad Flush

    BruceP Thanks for the tips. Had bought the water and will try the blower idea.
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    Rad Flush

    Well that's good news - will save me some undue hassle. Thanks!
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    Rad Flush

    Time to do a rad flush but getting to the drain plug seems darn near impossible. Any problem with undoing the lower rad hose instead? Or is there a trick to getting at that plug someone would like to share?
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    Front Axle Fluid Level

    Great - good thing I left a little room. Thanks.