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  1. m32825

    Digging shallow well with phd

    You just described all my big projects, I may have to get a shirt with that on it! :) Good thread, guys, I learned a lot! -- Carl
  2. m32825

    L3800 FEL adjustment?

    Well, haven't done that, but I've started using the high side for anything that requires extra oomph. I figure as long as it stays high I haven't overdone things, and if I happen to overdo it the FEL will just be more level and I will have learned something new. It's a feature! :) -- Carl
  3. m32825

    new member - Grease Zerks locations

    The receiver and mountings pins that attach the FEL to the frame need grease, too. -- Carl
  4. m32825

    L3800 FEL adjustment?

    I found a flat patch of concrete and compared measurements on each side. The rear tires are the same, the only thing that doesn't match up is points on the FEL. I measured the FEL with it off the ground and found 1/2" difference between sides near the front, that's consistent with my eyeballing...
  5. m32825

    L3800 FEL adjustment?

    Don't know if this makes a difference, but I have the quick attach option on the FEL. I notice the tilt with the bucket and grapple, so its somewhere before that. Hey, maybe I should tilt the brush guard up front to match, then it won't bug me as much! :) -- Carl
  6. m32825

    L3800 FEL adjustment?

    This was a good exercise, I learned how to remove the FEL and found a few more spots to grease. The measurements all came out the same side to side. Everything looks nice and symmetric. Does this mean I've got a twist? How do I check for that? -- Carl
  7. m32825

    L3800 FEL adjustment?

    Thanks for the suggestions. I had no idea where to start. Will let you know what I find. -- Carl
  8. m32825

    L3800 FEL adjustment?

    From early on, one side of my FEL has been about an inch lower than the other, measured at the outside edges of the bucket. I chalked it up to "novice abuse" while I was learning how to use it, but then today I noticed something that has me second guessing. When I lock out the FEL all the way...
  9. m32825

    Anyone here been to "Oak Island" ?

    Is it this Oak Island? Are you going to use your Kubota to retrieve the treasure? -- Carl
  10. m32825

    Wood chipper

    I started out thinking that direction, realizing that I had a lot of bulk to get rid of. One day I had a row of stuff stacked up and decided to try the rotary cutter on it and it did a good enough job for me. Now anything under 2" diameter goes in a pile on my "killing field" that gets rotary...
  11. m32825

    New L3800 HST

    Rick, I talked with Chad while I was in the hunt last Summer, I liked him and the outfit just fine. In the end I went with the local guys in Orlando, as I might see them more often. Shhhh, don't mention the weather we're having! A bunch of the guys on here are thrilled to have piles of "snow"...
  12. m32825

    New L3800 HST

    Welcome, fellow Florida L3800 HST brother! :) -- Carl
  13. m32825

    Pulling grape vines out of trees

    No worries, this problem is in the "things to ponder" pile until I've got a clear idea of what to do. I think I can picture what you're getting at. Kind of like a sheath for each fang, then bridge the space between them to trap the vine against the flat bar? -- Carl
  14. m32825

    Grill Gaurd

    Thanks for the pictures. I have three brothers, but I want to borrow yours! :) -- Carl
  15. m32825

    Grill Gaurd

    Nice, thanks for sharing. What do the black bars headed up and back go to, the canopy? If so, I'd like to see a wider angle shot. -- Carl
  16. m32825

    Pulling grape vines out of trees

    Yep, that works. I am trying for an approach that doesn't require getting off the tractor. -- Carl
  17. m32825

    Pulling grape vines out of trees

    Yeah, that's the direction I was headed initially. I still like it, but looking at my grapple I'm not coming up with a good way to do the "bolt it on" part. The lid has long, thin, curved "fangs" that are great for piercing through dirt and brush, but challenging to attach something to. Look at...
  18. m32825

    Pulling grape vines out of trees

    For the cylindrical suggestion, are you picturing something like a piece of pipe with a notch in the side? Tilt it forward to get a section of vine threaded through it then stand it up and pull the vine into the notch. The bottom part of the pipe would push the free end of the vine down to help...
  19. m32825

    Pulling grape vines out of trees

    You guys are giving me good stuff to think about. I hear you about cutting them and letting them sit a while before pulling, a few days makes a big difference. Letting them deteriorate works, too, but after everything else is cleaned up, having the option to remove them is a nice touch. I...
  20. m32825

    Pulling grape vines out of trees

    One of the repetitive tasks I can see I'll be doing is pulling grape vines down out of trees. If you get them while they're small, no big deal. Let them play with no supervision for a year, bigger deal. Working on free-range vines that have never been touched by a pair a loppers, big deal. I've...