Search results

  1. B

    New reverse gear

    Try They have it at a little over $200. Leave out that last dash in the part number and search for 34200-23134.
  2. B

    L3000DT won't start

    How do you know that "battery is good"? Voltage at rest should be 13.2 volts or there abouts and it should hold 12.0 volts or better with key in the start position. Is that what you have?
  3. B

    L1501 DT won't start!

    What's the battery voltage? What does it drop to when you turn the key to start position? Voltage should be above 13 with nothing on and should hold at 12 or better with key in start position. If not, suspect your battery.
  4. B

    b7100 3 point lift will not work what is wrong

    There should be a round knob located under your seat and sticking out toward the front of the tractor. That knob regulates how fast the 3PH drops. You can rotate that knob left and right to adjust how fast the lift drops. If that knob (valve) is all the way closed, the hitch won't move. Check it.
  5. B

    Please Help. L245DT 3 PT Hitch Stopped Working

    My hydraulic pressure at pump outlet is right at 1,700 psi ---------
  6. B

    l2550 battery

    As it should be ----------
  7. B

    OK to use a stop leak?

    Me ---- I would take it to a radiator shop.
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    L4400 won't turn over

    I'll bet you need a new battery. Full charge should be 13.2-13.6 volts. Leave your meter on the battery and turn the key to start it --- I'll bet that the voltage drops a lot. It should stay higher than 12 volts.
  9. B

    New to the forum repairing/refurbishing a B8200HST

    Or keep an eye on E-Bay --- they'll show up there. Still probably pretty expensive but you can find original manuals in very good condition. Originals are a lot better than the copies ---
  10. B

    L175 Loader drops tractor

    Does your valve have a "float" position? Sounds like your moving past the "lower the loader" position and into a float position.
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    Kubota L285 Normal Operating Temp?

    I have a B20 that runs a steady 180 deg ---
  12. B

    Help with tiller

    You mean the PTO shaft?? You do know that the length adjusts? Grab the end and slide it back and forth to make it longer/shorter within reason.
  13. B

    Paint question

    I don't know if this will help or not, but, for the what it's worth column, Kubota began using Bright Orange II in 1992.
  14. B

    Why does this happen on a long weekend?

    What's teh battery voltage? Should be about 13.2-13.6 fully charged -- 12.0 won't start the tractor. Watch your meter as you turn the key ---- voltage should drop to no less than 12.0. You may just need a new battery. If that's not it, check your battery terminals and your ground --- they all...
  15. B

    L260 head removal by new owner--HELP

    Sounds like you missed something --- shouldn't be that hard to pull. Are you working from a manual that tells you where all the nuts and bolts are??
  16. B

    Parts manual for L245DT.... will do it for you ---------
  17. B

    Kubota blue paint

    I like Ace Hardware's Premium Enamel #17016
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    L225 and Landscape rake question. HELP!

    Your only option is to add some weight to the rake ----------
  19. B

    B7100 Dipstick calibration !

    Interesting --- my D950 uses part #15381-36410 as an oil gauge. That's what the parts manual calls for and that is what's in it.
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    B7100 Dipstick calibration !

    Sorry I can't do what you ask ---- I apologize for responding without answering your question. I am, however, familiar with your problem. I've never been able to get the prescibed amount of oil into or out of my D950 engine. You can buy a new dipstick for a paultry sum. I suggest you do so...