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  1. gpreuss

    New L3800

    Looks like you are ready to go! Nice tractor.
  2. gpreuss

    When Are the New Models Released?

    Kubotas do not go by model year. They build a tractor and sell it until they make a major upgrade. They sold the L2800 from 2004 to 2010, then replaced it with the L3200, in 2011. Now they have replaced the L3200 with the L3301, etc.
  3. gpreuss

    7' Back Blade ($275)

    That is a GREAT deal!
  4. gpreuss

    Tire slow leak fix

    I'd put tubes in both rears, and have them filled with either rimguard or cacl. You will want the weight. I had filled rears, then made dualies, and had up to 210 lbs/side wheel weights, on my L185DT. Mostly I was trying for the stability and traction of the 245... Great tractor! Welcome to...
  5. gpreuss

    Looking for replacement rear rims.

    Try They have done well for several of us. They are also an ebay vendor. Buy everything you might want all at once to save significantly on freight.
  6. gpreuss

    Overall weight limit of a B6000

    Unless you are digging sand, I believe your big problem is going to be that the backhoe will toss around your 1100 lb tractor like it was a toy! I have an old Kubota K650 backhoe - about 600 lbs - originally from my L185 that weighed in at 1800 lbs, plus dualies, plus 200 lbs/side wheel...
  7. gpreuss

    Attaching Long 1200 Hoe to L2950

    I'd put a pressure gauge on the pump output or the valve input, to see what I have. Keep in mind that the strength in a backhoe is all in the wrist action at the bucket; the leverage for the digger stick or left arm simply isn't there.
  8. gpreuss

    L3400 DT clutch adjust - loader in the way

    Getting back to the original problem, I wouldn't think that you'd need to worry about those adjustments at 120 hrs, assuming they were correct to begin with. I have found that you do have to come to a complete stop to shift gears. Also that you sometimes need to wait a few seconds with the...
  9. gpreuss

    L3200 Bucket Cylinders

    I agree that something has to be bent. I'd pull the QA pins, and see if the attach assembly will lie flat on concrete. I'd also check the loader frame, and make sure it hasn't been bent out of square. While the QA attachment is removed, tie one of the cylinders closed with rope, and make sure...
  10. gpreuss

    Advise for giving tractor a bath?

    I just use a high pressure washer. It has been doing a fine job for decades.
  11. gpreuss

    Brush Hog-- Slip Clutch or Sheer Pin?

    Over the years I've cleared about 50 acres of wild roses and saplings, plus regular mowing of 10 acres of field, 3 or 4 times a year. In 35 years I've sheared 2 bolts. I wouldn't let the slip clutch / shear bolt be the over-riding factor in making the decision. I'd go for the heavier duty...
  12. gpreuss

    L4600 vs L3901

    Tier 4 emissions require that you "work" the tractor at high rpm and load. OK while you are plowing, tilling, brush hogging, etc. A good part of the time, however, I'm just fooling around, moving things, doing light loader work, all at about 1700 rpm. I wouldn't to have to do it at or near...
  13. gpreuss

    Mower too wide, chain rubbing tires!

    I had to turn the link pins around on the 60" rotary mower so that they were pointing inward for my old L185DT. If you are running R4s on the 3400 you may want to do the same, or put on wheel spacers to widen the gap.
  14. gpreuss

    L3200 Purchase -- Which Implements to Get?

    I recently changed from R4s to R1s, and am impressed with the difference! Worth the hassell to make the change, and the small expense. My R1s (12.4x24) have about 250 lbs each of calcium in them, plus 140 lbs each in wheel weights. Without additional ballast it is really nerve-wracking. I...
  15. gpreuss

    Question about tiller weight

    Whatever is handy. Mostly it depends on how handy you are, figuring out a suitable mount for what you have. Iron is generally available, and easy to work with. Railroad track is good, or old barbell weights. Since it is probably a one-time deal, sand bags might be a good way to go... Best...
  16. gpreuss

    Hard choice

    Check the gear ratios of the 8N. My neighbor bought one, and its low gear was like my Kubota's 5th! Sometimes, you want to go slow. Other than that, my vote would be for the 8N. Lots of parts out there, and easy to troubleshoot/repair.
  17. gpreuss

    Is This A Good Deal For LA211 Loader

    It sounds like a good deal. They don't come on the market very often, so I'd go for it.
  18. gpreuss

    L185 question

    There is also a small plug on the right hand side of the engine block, not too far from the gear case housing, if I remember correctly. The guy that I sold the tractor to had it blow out about a year after I sold it to him. The plug was in plain sight. When it blew out, it shot oil out about...
  19. gpreuss

    new L3800, tach/houmeter quit

    Kubota has a history of malfunctioning tacho/hour meters. Most that I have read about happened around 700 hours. My old 185DT quit at 739 hours. The cable was OK, but the gear inside the motor had broken. I never was upset enough to tear apart the engine to fix it, or pay the dealer's rates...
  20. gpreuss

    Attaching Long 1200 Hoe to L2950

    Using the tractor hydraulics is pretty easy - you need 3 or 4 hoses and two QD hose fitting sets. Remove the return line from the FEL valve block, and route it back towards the rear of the tractor. Run a new hose from the FEL valve block return port, back to where ever the old return line...