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    B7800 pricing?

    If you decide its what you want and its a cash deal,offer him 1k or so less and see what is reaction is. dave
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    Plug repair R4 tire

    The way i see it is if people are aware of the alternatives the they can make the choice that suits them and their pocket. One other thing to consider on the ,ballast with tyre sealant, is it should last the life of the tyre and if the tractor is being used commercially especially in high...
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    Plug repair R4 tire

    I have not had a flat tyre since I started using OkO tyre sealant many years ago. It goes in anything off road from wheel barrows to tractors and is so good when the tyre eventually wears out and comes off the rim for replacement the inside of it looks like a porcupine with all the bits that...
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    converting to a hydraulic tipping trailer, help required if possible.

    Rob,perhaps the way to start would be to work out the maximun load you need the ram to lift with a bit to spare. Maths and the like is not one of my strong points so I can only help with a few idea's. I have looked at a our tipping machinery and it seems as if they have the ram mounted at around...
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    Workshop Manual Kubota B7001DT

    I would get rid of that adobe bloatware cr@p and install foxit reader. Dave
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    Hydraulics question?

    Re: 3pt hitch question? This thread has some help for you,the B7100 has the same system as your B6100 Dave
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    Workshop Manual Kubota B7001DT

    May have got corrupted,Just DL again its working fine two minutes ago! Dave
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    hydraulic flow on a b7100

    That must be some wicked stuff you drink in your neck of the woods!!:D Post #2 in this thread you started. Dave
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    Moving rear tires - B7100

    If you want to get the maximum width posible,you can turn the wheel around on the hubs so the clamp and tube vavle is towards the tractor .you will also have to change the wheels from one side of the tractor to the other so the chevrons face the correct way.I have mine set this was or I would...
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    "OMG" My Poor Little B7100

    You missed or misinterpreted the same info for the same model as yours in post #8. I think I saw the part weights 38lb or 40 something pound depending on serial number so no recommended to drop it on ones toe:D Dave
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    "OMG" My Poor Little B7100

    For what that part is going to cost i would be warming up my welder:D dave
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    "OMG" My Poor Little B7100

    I may have missed the plot here but I just took a look at my B7100 and it looks as if the front of the tractor was slung at the bell housing, the rad was removed or maybe just the hoses,then remove the 8 bolts on either side plate which screw into the engine the front of the tractor complete...
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    Sickle Bar Mower for B7100

    I WANT ONE!!:D I'll have a towel rather than a handkercheif at the ready though! dave
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    Be Careful

    Reading that report of the accident,it seems as if the unfortunate guy may have been mowing hay so the cutter could have been an offset drum mower which was reported as a "brush hog type" device .With an offset mower it would be quite easy to be run over by it if not belted in. It was brought up...
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    Sickle Bar Mower for B7100

    Well this one looks promising,just need to find the price! Dave
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    Siezed hand throttle B1600

    As mentioned in stubbyie's post,those roll pins should drive out with the right size drift. A mistake often made is to use a tapered or too small a punch which tries to go down the centre of the roll pin which spreads it tighter. When you get the correct size try and get a helper to hold a very...
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    Sickle Bar Mower for B7100

    Well I thought that I would not like anything more than 4 to 5 feet sticking outside the line as it may make my 7100 a little unstable especially if it was on the downside of a slope. The annoying thing is,I had two quite light ones for my Ferguson T20's years ago but they are now long gone:( I...
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    Sickle Bar Mower for B7100

    I've been searching for the same thing but have not found one yet!I haven't found anything suitable to cut down to size either. Dave
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    Corroded terminal - help!

    Slowly pour a kettle full of boiling water over the terminal the corrosion will disappear and loosen it,if you have managed to undo the clamp bolt. Dave
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    Where to buy replacement Bolts???

    Here is one size,they are 8.8's which should ok for the short ones the next grade up is 10.9 the second link is for the higher grade but is in the UK. search for 8.8 and 10.9, which are grades of bolts when trying to find bolts...