one for valentines day...
*With a very seductive voice the woman asked her husband, "Have you ever
seen Twenty Dollars all crumpled up?""No," said her husband.She gave him a
sexy little smile, unbuttoned the top 3 buttons of her blouse, and slowly
reached down into the cleavage created by a...
And look what's on the back cover:
What tractor will it fit? :D:D
If the stock valve is giving you trouble, first, is it still under warranty?
Second, assuming answer is no, you might find that replacing it with an aftermarket joystick valve will solve the problem. can virtually build one to your specs...:D:D
If it were me, planting deer plots, I'd spray an area out with an electric sprayer and some roundup, then disk, drag and seed. Only crop that really needs deep plowing would be corn, and the deer don't know the difference between plowed corn, and no till, anyway...:D:D
I think the reason there are no "kits", is because there are a lot of parts in a starter, and not all wear alike. One starter might need brushes and bushings, to rebuild it, where another might need a nose housing, solenoid, or a armature. I take mine to a reputable local rebuilder, and ask...
It won't toast the seals, if you keep the heat to under 400ºF , at the outboard end. May not even need to go that high, just high enough so the wax melts and wicks up the splines...:D:D
For 2 stroke stuff, I use Coleman camping fuel or VM&P naptha. Its ethanol free,about 92 octane, and relatively cheap, at yard sales. In the store, about 13-14 bucks a gallon. Cheaper in the long run, than a $50 carb. :D:D
Before over -reacting, I would do this. Paper towels, wipe down everything. Next, do some work with it for 2 hours or so, keeping an eye on coolant level. Park it over a fresh piece of cardboard, and check for any signs of a leak. Do the same thing for a couple days, again keeping an eye on...
Tip it on its side, against a building, or tree, then try this:
Take a propane torch, heat the shaft and surrounding area to about 400 ºF (I assume that you already have the nut off) Then take an IR thermometer, and when the heated area around the splines cools to about 300ºF or so, take a...
Answer is prolly in economics, somewhere... Because it is profitable to do things a certain way... Maybe this explains it, but I'd let them pipe the gas to my tank, for free...