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  1. D

    L3130 issue

    Welcome, Ranger. Your tractor is much too new, for me to know much about it, other than generically. Is it possible that there is a wiring harness, for the mid pto, that got yanked, and or shorted/opened? Lots of times, brush yanks stuff loose...
  2. D

    Guess what I went and did today...

    Finished up today... Kubota L-185 worked flawlessly pulling the NH 256 rake. Rake, on the other hand had a bad tube in one of its tires, and after all that was done, found out it had a stripped stud, on the wheel, too... Got it all raked, went to bale, baler had a bad pulley, on the tying arm...
  3. D

    When men do the shopping

    There's one I like, a septic truck gets parked in at a coffee shop, I think its from an aussie movie, wish I could find it, tonight...:D:D
  4. D

    Kubota Vapor Lock?

    Warranty. get the dealer to check it...:D:D
  5. D

    Problem reattaching quick release hoses to 3800 front loader

    Take a shop rag, and a bolt or punch, and relieve the pressure, on one line for each cylinder, by pressing against the center ball, of the fitting. Could just be solar heating of the fluid in the hoses, causing the system to tighten up. Use the shop rag to catch any fluid spray, to be safe...:D:D
  6. D

    Might not be around much for the next couple days...

    Just wanna say Thanks, Vets...
  7. D

    Guess what I went and did today...

    Cut hay... As if it weren't wet enough, out there... Oh well, it was the crappiest field that I have, gave me some tractor time, on the ole Allis D-12...:D:D
  8. D

    Might be worth a look... :D:D
  9. D

    Changed the blades on the Howse

    Bush hog. Man that blade carrier just gets heavier and heavier, the older I get... Anyway decided to treat the bush hog to a greasin. Found a missing zerk, on the front U joint of the PTO. Has one of them modern circle in a triangle shaped drive lines. Don't know for sure what size or spec...
  10. D

    Some light in DC,,, maybe

    News won't be worth a hoot, if shrillery gets to make the next appointment to the supremes...:eek::eek:
  11. D

    Got her started! L245DT

    Its not that starting fluid isn't good for a diesel, its asian diesels, have thinner piston tops. If you keep using ether in an asian diesel, you might find your piston tops sitting in the bottom of the oil pan...:eek::eek:
  12. D

    More HP

    The answer is it can be done, if you have the $$$$ and mechanical, and parts knowledge...:D
  13. D

    FEL Controller Leaking

    You need to know the flow rate(GPM), and pressure(PSI), of your system. I have not got any experience with the tech service, at Northern, but the guys over at have always been #1 with me. Sometimes they are cheaper, too. :D:D
  14. D

    B7100 3pt trouble along with hst collasped filter

    Only thing I'd add is change to proper fluid, check strainer, and check relief valve. Also check that pesky speed control valve, under the seat...:D:D
  15. D

    Don't Follow the Crowd

    at least we'll never have to worry about our glorious leader having a heart attack, what with his work ethic... There, sarcasm meter pegged, my job is done, for today, now to the golf course...:D:D
  16. D

    Snapping/cracking sound when useing bucket

    Often times, gravel/material can get into the areas around the pivot pins, and hang up there. When you curl the bucket up or down, it crunches between the pivot pin, and the "box" around it. Check there first, and be sure pins are greased, too...:D:D
  17. D

    I got bit by a Piranha...

    Put some pants on, and it won't bite as bad...:D:D
  18. D

    Rototiller slip clutch help

    Paint a line across all exterior surfaces of the clutch, on the outside diameter. If the lines don't line up, then its slipping...:D:D
  19. D

    b7500 Glow Plugs removal and testing

    Another way to test them is with an IR thermometer. Glow the plugs, and check the temp of each. If you have to take them out, it would be a good time to check compression, through the GP holes...:D:D Oh, and welcome to the forum...
  20. D

    Size of implements?

    The chisel plow, you can always pull off 1 shank, from each side, till the kubota can pull it...:D