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  1. L

    Getting More Orange in My Life

    Two holes on the outer tube and three holes in the inner bar. Does your thumb go as high as possible when pinned in the highest position? Mine is welded together wrong and the pin is half a hole off forcing me to use the next hole and the thumb is straight out.
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    Kubota Electric Tractor Survey

    I will gladly plug in to the Sahara if you supply the extension cord.
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    Getting More Orange in My Life

    Welcome! Make sure that the backhoe is working correctly before accepting delivery, I have a number of issues with mine. The tractor and loader have been trouble free, but I am into this backhoe fiasco for nearly 8 months with no end in sight. Check that it doesn't leak down with the engine...
  4. L

    WiFi gate opener for $12

    My Genie garage door opener is 46 years old and has cycled well over 100,000 times. Yes, a gate opener may have higher peak loads.
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    long time looker, first time poster

    Since we were talking about tax on fuel, I need to buy taxed gasoline and the nearest off-road diesel is more than 20 miles away. My accountant has no fuel pumps. :)
  6. L

    Leaky backhoe, normal?

    My new B2601 with a BH70 hoe would drop the boom cylinder in a matter of minutes with the engine running or off. The dealer took it in and "said" he replaced the boom cylinder, but the second time I used it the boom again dropped. Took it to another dealer and they rebuilt the cylinder, now it...
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    long time looker, first time poster

    I have oil furnaces in both my house and shop, when this red dye thing started I had both furnace pumps go bad right after the first fill up. The shop furnace was almost new. When I replaced the pumps that red dye had already stained everything it touched. Can't say for sure that the dye...
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    long time looker, first time poster

    The way I read the form 4136 instructions, the credit is only for business use. If you are using considerable fuel for personal use, they get to keep the highway taxes. Years ago, I claimed every cent for non-highway use, can't do it now. Since electric cars have no tax on their "fuel" we...
  9. L

    Woodmizer project. Picture heavy

    I use this stuff on my motorcycle chain. I'm sure you want a product that won't drip on the wood and this is the best I've used in keeping the motorcycle clean. You probably won't need all three products after the initial application.
  10. L

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Keeping the ROPS down gives a better view. 🏞
  11. L


    I believe that is a rather small fuse box. Could you post a photo so we can see the blockage?
  12. L

    b2301 purchase advice. wooded rocky ground long driveway

    [The used market is insane like the auto market. I actually saw a tv commercial where a wagonner is selling for $108,000.00 not an BMW or even a Caddy a Jeep. whats happening? Massive inflation, buy before it really kicks in.
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    Possible DEF shortages

    There is at least one that needs to be bypassed.
  14. L

    Leak Down Rate

    I didn't state the problem clearly, it is the boom cylinder that is the problem. Locking the boom every time I want to move the tractor a bit is unacceptable to me. I hope that someone can direct me to Kubota's standard as to what the maximum leak down rate might be.
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    Leak Down Rate

    I am not happy with the rate of leak down of the backhoe bucket, that is why I started this thread hoping to gather thoughts of others. I bought the unit new and had several issues with the backhoe. The selling dealer picked up the unit and held it hostage for six weeks, then said they...
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    Leaking FEL cylinders - clean or replace seals?

    My opinion is that the odds are about zero. If the underwear needs changed, don't just flip them over.
  17. L


    Actually the tires are as close to original as you can get with the new-fangled metric sizes. About 157,000 miles. 350 bored .030" over making it a 355. Many upgraded parts in the engine. It came from the factory without one oil ring, a split rocker arm and a metal chip gouging a rod...
  18. L

    Leak Down Rate

    What is an acceptable rate of drop for loader buckets, backhoe buckets and outriggers? My new B2601 with a BH70 backhoe leaked down to where the backhoe bucket was dragging on the ground after driving just 200 yards. Messick's rebuilt the cylinder and I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but...
  19. L


    I'm not going to get into all of the particulars, as you can see there is nothing I can say that will be accepted. The leakage appeared to be coming out around the posts. Suffice it know that the correct batteries were chosen and my vehicles are treated with great care. The van is now 42...
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    You only have a few years on me. Yes, you don't like what I said so you dismiss me as one with no knowledge about the matter at hand. People can't grasp the concept of Walmart buyers beating every last nickle out of their suppliers. I did not lie to you and I don't care what you do with the...