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  1. Magicman

    M4900 injectors

    Snake, I sent you a PM.
  2. Magicman

    Daily Chuckle

    If an owl got a tonsillectomy and a hemorrhoidectomy, he couldn't hoot worth a poot nor poot worth a hoot.
  3. Magicman

    Rip Off

    That happens too. Old joke: Doctor calls Plumber who does the work. Presents the bill and the Dr. exclaims, "I don't make that much and I am a Dr. " Plumber replies, "I didn't either back when I was a Doctor.
  4. Magicman

    Traveling Men

    Nothing beats a good day of fellowship. ;)
  5. Magicman

    Rip Off

    I have had customers to comment to me that my sawmilling rates are a bit higher than other sawyers that they talked to. My answer is that they know what their sawing is worth. Funny thing is that after talking, they hired me.
  6. Magicman

    New guy

    I am finishing my 17th year of portable sawing and have sawn over 2 million board feet of lumber. Yup, that is a lot considering the fact that I am a one man operation. ;)
  7. Magicman

    Those crazy russians .....

    Those were some fast winches and using a very flexible (fabric) line. :eek:
  8. Magicman

    New guy

    I am not familiar with that tractor but if Diesel, is the "lift pump" diaphragm broken/cracked and allowing your crankcase to be filled with fuel causing the overflow? My LT40HDSD sawmill is also Orange. ;)
  9. Magicman

    Traveling Men

    I have sat in the East twice. I conferred all three degrees on my Son with both of the Granddads and the GM present. It was a proud moment.
  10. Magicman

    Meaning Behind "Kubota" Logo?

    Yup, kinda makes sense that it would become the "new bull". Kubota is the best in the land, Comes to you in a big orange can, No tits to pull, No hay to pitch, You just put diesel in the son of a ........
  11. Magicman

    Traveling Men

    I took my first step in 1974, oh my, 45 years ago. Just the thought makes me feel old, but according to my birthday cake, I kinda am. ;)
  12. Magicman

    M4900 injectors

    I took a look today. Wow, that is a tight squeeze to even see them. Does the fuel tank have to come off. Looks like it does, either that or the intake manifold. :eek:
  13. Magicman

    Daily Chuckle

    I forgot how to spell loosing. Maybe this means I'm wining. ;) (Looks like I also misspelled "gynaecologist".)
  14. Magicman

    How many hours on your tractor.

    I bought my "new to me" M4900 in September showing 1055 hours but of course I have no way of determining if that is actual. The tachometer cable broke a few weeks ago and when I replaced it, it was easy to see that the ends had not been disconnected in a number of years, so who knows, that...
  15. Magicman

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    The two hooks got ground off today. I have not tried them yet, but I believe that the bolted on hooks are gonna work fine. At least they will not be in the way for normal work.
  16. Magicman

    What kind of chainsaw you have?

    If he Stihl had Teeth he would be a Husky. :D
  17. Magicman

    Daily Chuckle

    There are two kinds of politicians: 1) Those who know less and less about more and more and will soon know nothing about everything. 2) Those who know more and more about less and less and will soon know everything about nothing.
  18. Magicman

    Daily Chuckle

    Only in America - 1. Do we order a double whopper meal with cheese, biggee size with an apple pie and a diet coke. 2. Have drive up ATM's in Braille.
  19. Magicman

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    That sounded reasonable jk96, but of course everything is more reasonable when someone else is paying.
  20. Magicman

    Daily Chuckle

    They should stock ATMs better. I went to four different ones and they all said; "Insufficient Funds".