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  1. Geezer3d

    Sabre Samurai Cutter SSQA Mount

    I have also been looking at the Samurai Sabre. I have some hedges and other assorted brush that needs to be kept back from my 600 foot driveway and I am tired or doing it with a handheld hedge trimmer and brush cutter. I like your SSQA style mount a lot more than attaching the Sabre to the side...
  2. Geezer3d

    Stump removers, What have you used

    I have been digging stumps out with the BH77 backhoe on my LX2610. It takes some time and effort, and the bigger the stump the bigger the hole has to be to get to all of the roots. Stumps which have been dead for a number of years come out much easier than fresh ones. Fortunately I have a place...
  3. Geezer3d

    Is this a water well?

    What is the diameter? Any water well I have seen has a six inch casing.
  4. Geezer3d

    Daily Chuckle

    Must be in Australia.
  5. Geezer3d

    Lx2610 opinion

    I agree with jkrubi12 regarding a separate mower. A nice finish mower will be a lot easier to use than a tractor with a MMM or tow behind mower for the relatively small lawn you are going to mow. I mow about two acres and have been doing it with a Cub Cadet lawn tractor for many years. The only...
  6. Geezer3d

    What a bummer, or it sucks to get old

    I have been riding all my life. I started with a mini-bike at age 12 and graduated to street machines as soon as I was legal. I have not had any physical limitations, but my reactions have slowed and traffic has gotten more dangerous. I sold all but one motorcyle a few years ago and the one i...
  7. Geezer3d

    Daily Chuckle

    And their preferred food is carpenter ants. Since I live in a log cabin, I am very happy to see the bird plucking carpenter ants out of the dead pines around my place.
  8. Geezer3d

    Daily Chuckle

    I got it right away, but no boy ever looked like that regardless of what changes were made. ;)
  9. Geezer3d

    Pretty scary, but good outcome

    That looks like a white ash based on the sections with bark that I could see. It appears to have been dead long enough for the stump to come free from the roots. I don't understand why the ROPS was removed on that tractor. It may have saved the tractor from the little damage it suffered and...
  10. Geezer3d

    Backhoe Owners - Not Just Kubota

    My BH77 has the levers bent over at about 90 degrees towards the operator so it is push down for down, pull up for up. If the levers were straight up rather than bent over it would translate to pull towards the operator for down and push away for up.
  11. Geezer3d

    This should be interesting

    If there is a demand for something, no matter how crazy the demand seems to most of us, or how dangerous it is, there will be someone who will supply it to make a profit. If it is illegal then it simply creates a black market, and black market goods are a lot more dangerous to the user than...
  12. Geezer3d

    This should be interesting

    I believe that people are going to use their drug of choice regardless of the law. Based on that, I'd rather see the stuff sold legally by responsible regulated manufacturers and retailers than 'who knows what you're really getting' from someone on the street. Also, I'd rather see legitimate...
  13. Geezer3d

    sawmillers, blade lube

    My son-in-law uses straight water for his Wood Miser in the warm weather. He's been cutting hemlock and pine for the most part with no problems other than an accumulation of wet saw dust inside the saw casing.
  14. Geezer3d


    I grew up in Jersey where 'circles' are (or were) common. There is a big difference between a traffic circle and the current 'roundabout' in that the roundabout is a much tighter circumference. The ones that are being built where I live, including one that replaced a well functioning traffic...
  15. Geezer3d

    Guns...Times have changed...

    It is a complete deception to claim that 'guns are the number one cause of child death'. Guns do not cause death. Guns may make it easier for the person using one to cause death, but it is the person using the gun that is the problem. The cultural and mental health issues that are the real cause...
  16. Geezer3d

    Storing grapple hoses

    Last fall when I switched from my grapple to my snow plow I connected the grapple hoses to each other. My thought was to keep the ends clean. It was on a cold day. This spring when I switched back from snow plow to grapple I had a hard time reconnecting the grapple to the tractor. It was a warm...
  17. Geezer3d

    PSB-2021-101 Anyone know what this is about?

    A technician came out to my place to verify that my seat safety switch was working correctly. It passed the test and he did not have to change anything. The issue was related to the PTO, which I have never used because I have the backhoe. I use the backhoe occasionally while standing next to it...
  18. Geezer3d

    Where do you keep your small money?

    My small money is stored in my basement 'beer' refrigerator in 12 oz. servings. ;) On a more serious note, I was not aware of I bonds and will look closely at them. When I was a child I used to receive a US savings bond as a birthday gift every year rom one of my uncles. I liked that and would...
  19. Geezer3d

    Dents on Brand New Loader?

    Although a small indentation on the loader arm is not likely to cause functional issues, it is a worrisome indication of a decline in quality from the factory.
  20. Geezer3d

    "I don't read and I'm proud of it"

    I enjoy reading and have reread some of my favorite books several times each and get something new out of them every time I read one. For people who can't read or don't think they have the time there are audio books that you can listen to while driving. I suppose the only justification for...