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  1. M

    Just a thank you!

    That looks like it is brand new. Great work.
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    So, which dealer is offer that config? What did the other one quote for the same setup?
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    I understand that. Are they including filled tires and delivery?
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    questions about standard L series

    When I bought my L3200, now L3301, along with a couple of implements and the payment was still under $400.
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    Control panel lights?

    Welcome to OTT Bob. Have you Googled or went on eBay to find a manual?
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    You must be on the East side if dealing with Beshears Tractor in Oxford. That is whom my brother-in-law deals with from Lineville.
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    Price Check on 4701 Gear Driven

    The difference is because one is geared and the other is HST. Also, is the 4701 a 2WD model as the L4600 is 4WD.
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    Welcome to OTT Speedy. What part of Bama are you from? Which dealer are you dealing with?
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    L3800 vs. L3901

    JK, Spec wise, they are basically the same; weight, lift, HP, etc. So you sould check to see if they are both; Hydro or gear, same setup, etc. Then go with the best deal or stay with the L3800 if you do not want the Tier 4.
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    Welcome our new Moderators: North Idaho Wolfman + coachgeo!

    :) I already thought of the Wolfman as an "almost" Mod anyway. Congrats to both! :D
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    I bought both!! Cant decide

    Welcome to OTT Reid. Is that Deer Park, IL? Must be nice to be able to get both tractors.
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    L3200 HST Rear PTO Issue

    Welcome to OTT L3200 from Alabama. If your bush hog calls for a gr2 then using a gr5 could not only cause more problems but it will void the warranty.
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    Round Bales & L4600 ?

    Great pictures. It looks like you were having fun.
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    Kubota L3750DT

    Welcome to OTT Kasey from Alabama. Since you have a gear driven tractor, you could probably get by with Super Tech or regular UDT. Yes, as Karl said, most people use Rotella. Best thing to do is get an Operators Manual and Workshop Manual. You could try:
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    BX2350 and new owner

    Welcome to OTT Thebigmidget. What pa.rt of TN are you from?
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    Kubota Bulltra B1-14

    Do you mean like the ones outside Windsor Castle, etc.?
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    Tiller size for L3901?

    I have a LP RTA1258 and it works very well. For your size tractor you could even go up to 72 inches with no problems.
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    Kubota Bulltra B1-14

    Welcome to OTT Johnny from the USA. Like Carl said, I use to download a couple of books.
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    OPC Defeat ?

    On my tractor, all I have to do is put the "Range Shifter" in to neutral and I can stand up or get down off the tractor and the PTO will continue to run.
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    How to turn with a Roto tiller?

    Here is what my Tiller Manual states: "15. Do not make turns or attempt to back up while tiller is in the ground. See important note below." "IMPORTANT: Turning or backing up with rotary tines in the ground will damage the tiller." So I ALWAYS pick up the tiller before turning.