Hello valued members and visitors, quick heads up,
You may have noticed lately a lot of spam floating around or threads simply in the wrong place. OrangeTractorTalks is growing (which is great!) but it also means that the community is larger than Vic or I have the ability to manage on our own while maintaining the high standards readers are accustomed to.
We want to make sure that OTT remains the number one destination on the internet to meetup with fellow Kubota enthusiasts, seek advice or lend a helping hand. Part of that means stepped up efforts to keep the forums and threads clean and searchable. To that end, both North Idaho Wolfman and coachgeo have stepped up and agreed to take on moderation duties effective immediately. Both are longtime and active members on the site and I think having them as moderators will go a long way to making sure OTT remains very visitor and reader friendly. A big thank you to them both!
If you have any questions, please reply below or feel free to send me a PM.
You may have noticed lately a lot of spam floating around or threads simply in the wrong place. OrangeTractorTalks is growing (which is great!) but it also means that the community is larger than Vic or I have the ability to manage on our own while maintaining the high standards readers are accustomed to.
We want to make sure that OTT remains the number one destination on the internet to meetup with fellow Kubota enthusiasts, seek advice or lend a helping hand. Part of that means stepped up efforts to keep the forums and threads clean and searchable. To that end, both North Idaho Wolfman and coachgeo have stepped up and agreed to take on moderation duties effective immediately. Both are longtime and active members on the site and I think having them as moderators will go a long way to making sure OTT remains very visitor and reader friendly. A big thank you to them both!
If you have any questions, please reply below or feel free to send me a PM.