Thanks. However I can’t take all the credit…I am mainly responsible for material handling and use of equipment and tools and general site prep and sort of site foreman and HGLIT (head general laborer of tasks)…generally I am not to be trusted with appearance / color selection.
. I was permitted to paint some the single color areas, mainly the blue super and also the brown roof….everything else spousal unit did the great painting work and consideration. It will be interesting if we need to add a second box on the bottom. Any of my suggestions were not considered helpful or even appropriate for the exterior.
. I did get it assembled…and boy did it use a lot more screws than I expected. I am a little worried about wind…I put a ratchet strap over just before it started raining…but I think maybe if we have some clear weather today I am going to add some ground anchors and a more secure strap over the top…until the bees get it waxed together I am not confident some heavy winds would not topple it.