What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


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Aug 7, 2018
Holy Moly, the leaves on those strawberries are HUGE. Waddayado to keep the berries from rotting? Our plants are on their second year now, and seem to be a little more likely to give us some berries. Up to now, every one we plant seems to bloom well, make berries, but just about the time they 'pink' up and start to ripen, they rot and mold. We 've tried mulch under 'em, landscape cloth, you name it. Nothing seems to work. But somewhere, one of us read that the berries rotting on the first year's crop is not uncommon. You have any issue first year? Our soil leaves some to be desired (hard clay) but we put in some raised beds with pine compost in it, and while the plants tried to take over the entire back yard, I don't think we got 5 edible berries last year. We've fertilized them with Miracle Grow this year, so now you can't even see the planter under the foliage. We left the landscape cloth in just to limit the growth a little, because they seem determined to take over the planet, let alone the planter. Good work teaching the kids young about a little hard manual labor, and the rewards of doing some things by hand.
We got the same soil over here (and I’m still trying to figure it out 😂). These are first year berries and the first year I have tried them in the ground, have tried in containers before and have never had any luck. Right or wrong, this is what I did before planting…soil ph was really high (cheapo tester from Home Depot or lowes) , after I tilled it I sprayed it with some soil acidifier and let it sit a couple weeks, then just put some 13-13-13 down, tilled it again and used the bedder to make the rows. For mulch we are just using pine needles and leaves, that’s what kids are laying down. We just go to the timber and rake it up. Haven’t had any rotting yet, kids have already gotten a dozen or so berries off them so far.

edit to add: also been using neem oil to keep the bugs from eating them
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B7100HST, 1630, 4' Tiller, 4' Brush Hog; Mahindra 5005/Loader, Woods Cadet 84,
Apr 15, 2019
Not today, but the last few (weeks), I installed a hydraulic top link on the M4050. The one that came with the tractor didn't extend enough for the rear discs to be level, and the convenience is nice also. The 4050 has been getting a workout, 2 acres of new food plots were brush hogged followed by dragging a Dearborn cultivator thru them. Found the cultivator 'stored'/buried on the farm and revived it. It's come in pretty handy so far. Amazing that a piece of equipment that is 50+ years old and has been sitting idle sinking into the earth could still be used and rehabbed. Some penetrating oil and a breaker bar and the nuts & bolts are still workable. A couple weekends ago I cut an acre of 5'-7' briars to reclaim for pumpkins and sunflowers. Got that disced this past weekend. Also dug out some buried rocks in the new food plots with the B7100 and hauled a few loads of those rocks to a sink hole that developed over winter. Been a busy late winter early spring.
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2022 LX2610HST, 3rd Function, Rear Remotes, BH77
Mar 21, 2022
Running to my dealer to grab a new loader frame mount this afternoon. Luckily they have a few crated LA535s sitting outside so I don't have to wait weeks for a replacement part. Service advisor said this is the first time he's ever seen this upside down mounting bracket issue. I am going to see if I can call the Kubota regional rep to see if they can reimburse me for my time or gas at the very least (probably a long shot) but I am not happy buying a 25k machine and having to waste a bunch of time fixing Kubota's issues.
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Jun 17, 2020
PEI Canada
Running to my dealer to grab a new loader frame mount this afternoon. Luckily they have a few crated LA535s sitting outside so I don't have to wait weeks for a replacement part.
That's good news. Hopefully they'll kick in something for your troubles.
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ken erickson

Well-known member

B7100 hst, 2650 front mount snowblower, L2501 hst qa loader
Nov 21, 2010
Waupaca Wisconsin
Running to my dealer to grab a new loader frame mount this afternoon. Luckily they have a few crated LA535s sitting outside so I don't have to wait weeks for a replacement part. Service advisor said this is the first time he's ever seen this upside down mounting bracket issue. I am going to see if I can call the Kubota regional rep to see if they can reimburse me for my time or gas at the very least (probably a long shot) but I am not happy buying a 25k machine and having to waste a bunch of time fixing Kubota's issues.
I know it is futile figuring out how it could have happened but it would be interesting to see if that bracket could be put in upside down in the weld fixture. It is almost like it was done on purpose , for what ever reason, upset employee, April fools joke, to see if the quality control people were doing their job etc. How it got past the inspectors, cleaners, paint shop is crazy.

I am glad it's being resolved for you.


Well-known member

2022 LX2610HST, 3rd Function, Rear Remotes, BH77
Mar 21, 2022
That's good news. Hopefully they'll kick in something for your troubles.
So far no luck, I know Kubota won't pay the dealer shit for the repairs so I'll do it solo since I have a good relationship with my dealer and don't feel like waiting weeks for repair. I did ask for the MI Regional Rep's info to complain about this and the hose issue I had when I first started so we'll see.

I know it is futile figuring out how it could have happened but it would be interesting to see if that bracket could be put in upside down in the weld fixture. It is almost like it was done on purpose , for what ever reason, upset employee, April fools joke, to see if the quality control people were doing their job etc. How it got past the inspectors, cleaners, paint shop is crazy.

I am glad it's being resolved for you.
Maybe I got the "how not to do it" sample at the factory 😂 the sad thing is, had I not purchased a backhoe, this would have gone unnoticed and my warranty would have expired before I ever figured it out. Ironically, the ~$10k backhoe resulted in $2k cost avoidance benefit 😂
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Well-known member

2022 LX2610HST, 3rd Function, Rear Remotes, BH77
Mar 21, 2022
This one looks like it'll work. Heavy SOB too
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L4701, BH92, Frost Bite grapple, Logosol M8 mill, Stihl MS661
Aug 24, 2021
Rensselaer County NY
So far no luck, I know Kubota won't pay the dealer shit for the repairs so I'll do it solo since I have a good relationship with my dealer and don't feel like waiting weeks for repair. I did ask for the MI Regional Rep's info to complain about this and the hose issue I had when I first started so we'll see.

Maybe I got the "how not to do it" sample at the factory 😂 the sad thing is, had I not purchased a backhoe, this would have gone unnoticed and my warranty would have expired before I ever figured it out. Ironically, the ~$10k backhoe resulted in $2k cost avoidance benefit 😂
You’d think they could at least give you like the next service filters and a hat. That wouldn’t cost them much, and it’d be a nice token gesture.
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hoot owl

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L2501 with loader and backhoe
Nov 13, 2022
I dugout the last few stumps holding me up from grading for a small pond in my bee food plot.
Started some grading and then had to go to several meetings. I will be back at it tomorrow after removing 4 bee hives so I can replace the hive stand.
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M 6040
Oct 26, 2010
Cavendish Vermont
Just got a Frostbite grapple to replace the Thumb that is on my forks since it has broken another weld and it doesn’t grab logs like the new one does
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Gary Olson

Active member

L2501 w/FEL and grapple, 3pt auger
Mar 10, 2022
Mark Twain Forest
Unloading a trailer from a trailer cause your trailer had a failure.
Grapple and straps I find more flexible and useful than a bucket with hooks.
Loaded by hand with the hand winch and my grunt power. Ugh...

the failure (ouch)

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Well-known member

2022 LX2610HST, 3rd Function, Rear Remotes, BH77
Mar 21, 2022
You’d think they could at least give you like the next service filters and a hat. That wouldn’t cost them much, and it’d be a nice token gesture.
I would hope so, at least give me all the filters since I just shelled out $150 for a pail of super udt2. I asked for the regional rep's number but my dealer wouldn't give it to me. Said they'd relay my message to have him call me but I doubt that will happen tbh. At least I got my frame mount quickly.

The dealer did ask for me to return my old frame mount, not sure what the rules are there but I thought generally customers could hang onto replacement parts... Not sure what the rules are for replacements under warranty.

@Old_Paint this is a few of what we are getting, of course they don’t even make it to the house 😂

View attachment 101521
Awesome! Bet they taste better than store bought and a much better activity than being glued to the TV!
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Well-known member

2022 LX2610HST, 3rd Function, Rear Remotes, BH77
Mar 21, 2022
Unloading a trailer from a trailer cause your trailer had a failure.
Grapple and straps I find more flexible and useful than a bucket with hooks.
Loaded by hand with the hand winch and my grunt power. Ugh...

the failure (ouch)

Overtorqued the lugs eh? 😂


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Jun 27, 2019
Canton, Georgia
Unloading a trailer from a trailer cause your trailer had a failure.
Grapple and straps I find more flexible and useful than a bucket with hooks.
Loaded by hand with the hand winch and my grunt power. Ugh...

the failure (ouch)

Holy cow. Bet that was exciting for a bit.
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Dec 7, 2009
central ct
Well we are just settling into new digs and the tractor has been great for moving boxes from the regular garage to the one in the basement on the other side of the house. Because we have to traverse part of the lawn to get there, the weather has limited the number of moving days.

One issue that looks like serious tractor time is in the rear yard.
backyard pratt st 20230502_115654.jpg

Just past where the grass stops and the woods starts is a swale of sorts. The PO told me it gets wet there when there is a lot of rain. We have had plenty of rain this past week. You can see where I ventured into it yesterday to start clearing. Now its a mud wrestling pit.

There isn't real running water there - it just kind of walking water :) slowly moving from left to right for several hundred feet. I'm thinking of piping and covering at least 50-100 feet so the dogs can have a fenced in area going deep into the woods. It would also allow me to take the tractor back there.

I'm not sure what an economical pipe solution looks like. There would be ~18" of material covering in where the tractor traveled. For the unpiped area would 4" rock fill work to keep it from getting muddy? Is that 'rubber' piping strong enough?
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