You say Trump might have been right ? ;-)Here is an interesting set of preliminary data for a double blind study for another drug treatment for covid. It looks encouraging. An inhaled medication.
You say Trump might have been right ? ;-)Here is an interesting set of preliminary data for a double blind study for another drug treatment for covid. It looks encouraging. An inhaled medication.
How can one know ? Contact tracing?She should be able to claim workmans comp. I know my wife can if she contracts it thru work.
They relaxed the restrictions for claiming under workmans comp for medical workers working with covid patientsHow can one know ? Contact tracing?
Amazing how many CAN read but have NO COMPREHENSION.
Hey Sparky, I see what you did there. I was wondering if anyone would recognize those lyrics. Thanks for the laugh, desperately needed these days." How could such a stupid thing destroy humanity? "
Oh, So a social political explanation, not a medical scientific determination.They relaxed the restrictions for claiming under workmans comp for medical workers working with covid patientsAt least here in Arkansas. My wife's boss would just file the claim under workmans comp and push it through. Now if they didn't have any covid patients, then you would have to use your vacation time.
In tornado's wife's case, she would have been an automatic approval for workmans comp here do to the amount of cases in the facility.
It's not socialism. It's actually filing an insurance claim. Those are to separate entities entirely.Oh, So a social political explanation, not a medical scientific determination.
Socialism wins over self determination in these time.
It's not socialism. It's actually filing an insurance claim. Those are to separate entities entirely.
They are being taken care of by there employer for treating covid patients. It's no different then recieving the treatments and precautionary meds after coming in contact with blood from an HIV patient. Or collecting workmans comp because a patient spit in your face and they had some funky bug that you caught. That's the employers responsibility to take care of the employee and treatment since they caught it while doing their job.
Doctors and nurses come in contact with weird crap all the time. If it's a direct outcome and consequence from the job they are doing, then workmans comp and the employer should cover it.
It's a pretty safe bet that if a doctor or nurse is treating covid patients all day, and then oh hey wait!!!!! They themselves got covid. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where they caught it from.
Contact tracing: Well let's see now. Patients 1 thru 10 on the covid ward which I treat have covid.
If a doctor or nurse contract covid in the course of treating patients with covid, then that falls under a workmans comp claim. Which as I stated is an insurance claim.
The employer can't prove that the medical professional didn't catch it in the facility either. Especially since they have had multiple close contacts with covid in the facility.An Insurance claim IS socialism. Tried and true. The individual suffers at the will of the many....
All for one, one for all.
They relaxed the restrictions for claiming under workmans comp for medical workers working with covid patientsAt least here in Arkansas. My wife's boss would just file the claim under workmans comp and push it through. Now if they didn't have any covid patients, then you would have to use your vacation time.
In tornado's wife's case, she would have been an automatic approval for workmans comp here do to the amount of cases in the facility.
Going off topic a tad here but thats kind of how I have always felt with insurance. Recently when I re-roofed my house, I had many people tell me to call my insurance company that they will likely pay a good chunk of the cost. I said why would they do that, the shingles are just wore out from age. They said well you can just claim weather damage. Some even told me that if you would go up there and rip a few shingles off, that they have seen insurance companies buy folks an entirely new roof. I thought it sounded ludicrous and incredibly dishonest. Then more and more people told me the same. My mom then told me she knew of several people who had gotten partial or full roof paid for. She said I should always start with the insurance company she said youre going to be surprised they will pay something for it. When it was all said and done I never did call the insurance company. Im paying the full price for the roof. I couldnt bring myself to call them. It felt wrong to me, and I'm such a strong individualist I couldn't bring myself to go begging for a handout. The other day on the phone my mom said her best friend at work was getting a new roof and asked who I had used again, as she couldnt remember. She then tells me "yea and she is getting the full thing paid for because she contacted insurance....You should have called your insurance company.. Maybe I should have, but It never felt right to me, so Ill pay for my own roof on my house.But like an unwanted pregnancy You don't really know.
An Insurance claim IS socialism. Tried and true. The individual suffers at the will of the many....
All for one, one for all.