COVID-19 Stuff

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L 3301DT
Dec 5, 2018
I should hope not! :). I spent 40 years being an honest scientist and I have no intention of changing now. My skillset does not include rebuilding engines, and I admire those who can, but it does include evaluating the literature, doing experiments, and publishing the results. If what I have to say is useful to someone out there good. If you don't like it that is your privilege.
"Honest Scientist"??? Contradiction in terms on your part. If you're a Scientist you shouldn't have to use the word HONEST. However, today the two words are mutually exclusive.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Your thinking is fairly good SCF, however your comprehension and judgement are suspect. Masks, especially the "homemade kind" are cesspools. Offer ZERO protection and minimally stop your spit. Have it your way. I just found the thread you should be posting in, since you spread it all over.

Not really, I fertilize my hayfields, nothing to do with the Wuhan Flu and everyone is entitled to their opinions (last time I checked it was still ok). My opinion differs from yours obviously but what I do and how I do it pertaining to the Wuhan Flu is my business and not yours. Still the captain of my own ship until someone tells me otherwise.

I only wear a mask one time and it gets washed in hot water and soap.

So far, so good, I'm virus free (I think) and plan on staying that way.

No Covid parties foe this one. :rolleyes:


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L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
I should hope not! :). I spent 40 years being an honest scientist and I have no intention of changing now. My skillset does not include rebuilding engines, and I admire those who can, but it does include evaluating the literature, doing experiments, and publishing the results. If what I have to say is useful to someone out there good. If you don't like it that is your privilege.
Very useful and I thank you very much. I've been very busy lately and I just don't have time let alone the skill set to do what you're doing my friends, thanks again.

P.S. You have the patience of a saint!!!!


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L4240HSTC with FEL, Ford 1210
Jan 19, 2013
Near Lancaster, PA, USA
I agree with everything you said in that post. What creates the real conflict and divide it think is where you chose to err on the side of caution which im sure you have your reasons. I and many others chose to err on the OTHER side of caution where freedoms, jobs, livelyhoods and future health are the priority. Not neccesarily individual safeties.
This is and always has been the American way.

Ive got no problems with people who chose to err on the side of caution they chose.
Ive got a BIG problem with people forcing me to err on THEIR side of caution.
Perhaps I didn't explain fully. I went back to work a couple months ago, disagree with mandatory masks and believe the governor should be removed from office for his unnecessary interference with commerce.

Erring on the side of caution for me means wearing a mask in the supermarket and sanitizing my hands when I come out. I wouldn't pretend to know enough about Covid to make recommendations to others. If they want to crowd into bars - have at it.
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L 3301DT
Dec 5, 2018
Not really, I fertilize my hayfields, nothing to do with the Wuhan Flu and everyone is entitled to their opinions (last time I checked it was still ok). My opinion differs from yours obviously but what I do and how I do it pertaining to the Wuhan Flu is my business and not yours. Still the captain of my own ship until someone tells me otherwise.

I only wear a mask one time and it gets washed in hot water and soap.

So far, so good, I'm virus free (I think) and plan on staying that way.

No Covid parties foe this one. :rolleyes:
The two highlighted sentences above show me you are ignorant of the facts. MASKS DO NOT PROTECT THE WEARER.
I don't know your age, but I wish you well in your continued health.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
The two highlighted sentences above show me you are ignorant of the facts. MASKS DO NOT PROTECT THE WEARER.
I don't know your age, but I wish you well in your continued health.

I didn't say that did I?

When I'm applying herbicide or pesticide, my mask DOES offer protection from the airborne solutions even though I'm inside a cab tractor with climate control, I wear my 3M disposable cartridge mask. Some of the chemicals I apply will not only kill weeds, they will kill you.

They protect others from you spewing droplets of virus laden spittle. I sure as hell don't need to be giving my wife Covid if I do have it, or anyone else.

Masks are a matter of common decency and respect for others more than anything else. Personal hygiene, washing your hands, not touching your mouth or eyes with soiled hands and social distancing keeps you safe from others. Wearing disposable latex gloves when pumping fuel is another and I never handle cash without first baking it at 200 degrees for 30 minutes in the toaster oven. Cash is the second dirtiest thing you can handle, next to that gas pump handle.

You don't want to wear one, all good with me, just don't get in my space, I'm not a nicey nicey person.

At my age, I call it like I see it, in fact was raised that way.

This whole mask deal has become a political football thanks to Trump and his inflated ego. I'm seriously considering NOT voting for Trump in November because of his ego. He really screwed the pooch on the Covid debacle.

I might sit this one out far as voting for POTUS. Cannot do Biden either.

Yes, I vote in EVERY election, always have.

I'm 70 btw and a survivor which gives me the right to be judgmental, I earned the right believe me.


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Where did the term "social distancing" come from? I understand the meaning to be at least 6' from another human being. But, wouldn't that be 'anti-social distancing"? Requesting more distance then normal when socializing....


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Here's an interesting read. Written by the president of Hillsdale College (he has a PHD in government).

Hillsdale College has steadfastly refused to stoop to accepting any form of government hand outs/payola. Amazingly the ONLY USA college to take such a stance.

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L 3301DT
Dec 5, 2018
I didn't say that did I?

When I'm applying herbicide or pesticide, my mask DOES offer protection from the airborne solutions even though I'm inside a cab tractor with climate control, I wear my 3M disposable cartridge mask. Some of the chemicals I apply will not only kill weeds, they will kill you.

They protect others from you spewing droplets of virus laden spittle. I sure as hell don't need to be giving my wife Covid if I do have it, or anyone else.

Masks are a matter of common decency and respect for others more than anything else. Personal hygiene, washing your hands, not touching your mouth or eyes with soiled hands and social distancing keeps you safe from others. Wearing disposable latex gloves when pumping fuel is another and I never handle cash without first baking it at 200 degrees for 30 minutes in the toaster oven. Cash is the second dirtiest thing you can handle, next to that gas pump handle.

You don't want to wear one, all good with me, just don't get in my space, I'm not a nicey nicey person.

At my age, I call it like I see it, in fact was raised that way.

This whole mask deal has become a political football thanks to Trump and his inflated ego. I'm seriously considering NOT voting for Trump in November because of his ego. He really screwed the pooch on the Covid debacle.

I might sit this one out far as voting for POTUS. Cannot do Biden either.

Yes, I vote in EVERY election, always have.

I'm 70 btw and a survivor which gives me the right to be judgmental, I earned the right believe me.
What's that phrase; "there's no fool like an old fool". "set in your ways"; "My way or the highway"?? Any of those apply?
If you'd listen to science (factual science) you'd understand that cloth mask you're so fond of is virtually worthless. You don't have to cough, spit ect. for the Virus (if you had it) to escape around the seams or directly through the cloth. Hell, N95 masks won't capture all the Virus, it's to small. Nor will it stop any Virus you might happen to inhale through a normal breath.
Hx will tell the story on mask wearing, not you nor me. I fully believe the "social distancing", mask wearing, ect. PROLONGS the chance the virus survives,


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L 3301DT
Dec 5, 2018
Where did the term "social distancing" come from? I understand the meaning to be at least 6' from another human being. But, wouldn't that be 'anti-social distancing"? Requesting more distance then normal when socializing....
Another piece of the Pablum we're supposed to ingest without question. Almost 250 researchers (scientists) state the CV19 Virus is AIRBORNE. WHO insists the research isn't complete enough. WHO, the UN of the worlds medical problems and co-opted by CHINA isn't worthy of any news.
Proper distancing would be over 7 yards and then you'd better hope the wind is at your back.
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M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Here's an interesting read. Written by the president of Hillsdale College (he has a PHD in government).

Hillsdale College has steadfastly refused to stoop to accepting any form of government hand outs/payola. Amazingly the ONLY USA college to take such a stance.

My neighbors actually....



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Of course none of this political footballing of masks would be taking place if Trump had just put on one at the outset of all of this.

He didn't. he let his inflated ego steer his decisions and it may well cost him the election.

Been a supporter from the outset but I may sit this one out. I know my wife will not vote for him that is a certainty.

Again and for the LAST TIME, I'll do what I feel is best when it comes to Covid and there is no one on here that will alter my course of action, one iota.

I don't much care if you wear your dirty underwear over your face, you have to smell the stink, not me.


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L 3301DT
Dec 5, 2018
Well you've converted me, I ordered a Mask.
Trump Mask.jpg

Remember this election ISN'T about your personal feelings, it's about what's best for the U.S. of A. and that damn sure isn't the Socialist Democrat Party.
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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
Well you've converted me, I ordered a Mask.
View attachment 46168
Remember this election ISN'T about your personal feelings, it's about what's best for the U.S. of A. and that damn sure isn't the Socialist Democrat Party.
I wouldn't care what your mask said if wearing it exhibited some real concern for your friends, neighbors and the country.

This and several other threads have gone off the rails with regard to no politics on the forum. Please....
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Jul 10, 2017
unmasking the masking

At least material to contemplate....


Active member

Jul 10, 2017
Where did the term "social distancing" come from? I understand the meaning to be at least 6' from another human being. But, wouldn't that be 'anti-social distancing"? Requesting more distance then normal when socializing....
There were efforts to term it "physical distancing" in order to dispell the stigma.

In Briton, 3 feet is enough. the six foot rule is just so much baloney! Like the rest of it....
"You can use a canoe or a sail boat on the lake, but not a power boat or a jet ski".
COVID don'tcha know.
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Dec 19, 2019
Southern, NH
So do you also feel it is important to drive on the right hand side of the road to demonstrate independence from an arbitrary rule? After all some countries have chosen the left hand side.
Ridiculous. We in America HAVE ALWAYS DRIVEN ON THE RIGHT (an actual LAW). In the same way we have NEVER required masks.

What you want now, FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER is for us "non-believers" to do something completely new. Like DRIVE IN THE BREAKDOWN LANE, or drive in the LEFT LANE.

That will cause MORE accidents. Just like the current covid approach will guarantee it stays around longer.

SMH - :rolleyes:
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May 7, 2019
Well my wife and myself both just had the virus. I was out of work for 10 days due to protocol and had to test negative to return. My wife who is ADON of skilled nursing facility is out for 14 days then has to have 2 negatives to return to work given her job. Neither of us had hardly any symptoms at all. I worked outside the whole of last week actually. It was basically a free weeks vacation for me. My only symptom that I can even point to was a light headache/ eye pain that I had the week prior to going out of work. It was very mild though. My wife had a slight headache for a day or so and no other symptoms. Neither of us ever had a fever (we checked every day just to make sure) neither of us ever developed any breathing issues or cough or anything. If not for the coronovirus panic we wouldn't have even stayed home from work a day with what we had.

Whats kind of funny, in a way, is that a few months ago, just before this coronovirus panic started, My wife came down with the flu (and she gets a yearly flu shot being in the medical field) and that flu had her in the bed for 7 straight days, fever, body aches, chills, fever didn't actually fully go away for 10 straight days. She hardly ate anything in those 10 days and lost several pounds. That's what the flu did to her. Coronovirus? She didn't even know she had it. Every person and case is different, but for my wife, the flu was far worse than the corona.

The only downside to all of this is that she doesn't get paid while she is out of work. I still got paid thankfully. Thats my coronovirus story - yall can go back to bickering now.
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