I am late 30's. Wife is mid 30's.
We kinda were expecting to get the virus eventually though. My wife as i said is ADON (assistant director of nursing) at a big nursing facility. The virus has ran all through the patients and staff there, and my wife was the primary point person on testing and coordination, so she was around coronovirus patients or testing staff all day long. Despite being in full PPE and mask and face shield all day, she still ended up with it, and then I got it from her. We werent ever worried about it however as it has spread all over here and we know tons of people who have it or have had it, and not a single case has been anything more than a mild illness. She has had now over 50 cases at her building. Over half of them have had zero symptoms (even elderly patients - a couple over 90 years old even) and the few who do have symptoms they have been really mild symtpoms or low grade fevers. Only about 2 cases have had high fevers or what wold be considered a moderate illness. None have been severe however. If you looked up online however you would see her facility has 2 covid deaths reported. Both of those deaths were already imminent before covid diagnosis. One of the deaths the gentleman was already in hospis care when they got his positive result back and he died the next day - my wife tells me he had massive health problems and covid had no hand in his death. He was counted as a covid death however because he had tested positive the day before he died. My wife says in all her experience thus far (over 60 hands on cases) that the number one symptom of those testing positive and who have a symptom is actually a headache.
While this gets a little off topic, I just feel it should be added that the saddest part of all this, from my wifes perspective is the elderly folks in this facility who have been cut off from their family entirely. My wife says that some of the patients under her care have become so depressed that she leaves their rooms with tears in her eyes everyday. On gentleman the other day, who had just tested positive for coronovirus, my wife went in to let him know of his result, and upon hearing the result, the man said to her that he hopes it kills him because he doesnt care to live anymore. He said this because he hasnt seen his family now in over 3 months and is essentially stuck inside his room, cant leave, cant do anything, cant see anyone. My wife has become pretty passionate about this issue, and has been trying to stress to folks that she feels the response to this virus in many cases is causing more harm than the virus itself. If you focus just on her one building, the response has caused drastically more damage to patient health than the actual virus. Its really sad. I really do wonder if when this is all over, if it ever ends, if the cost will have been worth it. We are paying for the response in so many different currencies - mental health, jobs, economy...